0 Section RocketChat (basic)
Emmanuel Jeandel edited this page 2020-08-25 10:32:28 +02:00
#The rocketchat hostname. (prefix it with http or https)
#REQUIRED (when not using webhooks)

#login information for your bot 
#REQUIRED (when not using webhooks)
#You can use either Login/Password (login needs to be the login with email address! user@domain.com)
#or Login/Token. In this case, Login is actually your ID
#Use a dedicated user for this and not your own!

#Whether to prefix messages from other bridges to rocketchat with the sender's nick.
#Useful if username overrides for incoming webhooks isn't enabled on the
#rocketchat server. If you set PrefixMessagesWithNick to true, each message
#from bridge to rocketchat will by default be prefixed by the RemoteNickFormat setting. i
#if you're using login/pass you can better enable because of this bug:
#OPTIONAL (default false)

#Your bot must have the role "bot". If it doesn't you will get the bug described in:
RemoteNickFormat="[{PROTOCOL}] <{NICK}> "