Section Mumble (basic)
Wim edited this page 2020-10-20 21:55:13 +02:00
# Host and port of your Mumble server
Server = "mumble.yourdomain.me:64738"
Nick = "matterbridge"
# Some servers require a password
# OPTIONAL (default empty)
Password = "serverpasswordhere"
# Self-signed TLS client certificate + private key used to connect to
# Mumble.  This is required if you want to register the matterbridge
# user on your Mumble server, so its nick becomes reserved.
# You can generate a keypair using e.g.
#     openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -days 10000 \
#             -keyout mumble.key -out mumble.crt
# To actually register the matterbridege user, connect to Mumble as an
# admin, right click on the user and click "Register".
# OPTIONAL (default empty)

# TLS CA certificate used to validate the Mumble server.
# OPTIONAL (defaults to Go system CA)

# Enable to not verify the certificate on your Mumble server.
# e.g. when using selfsigned certificates
# OPTIONAL (default false)