Deploy: Digitalocean
Panagiotis Georgiadis edited this page 2020-09-16 14:59:24 +02:00

Running on digitalocean


Droplet install

After you have setup your droplet using eg ubuntu.

Create a matterbridge user

$ sudo adduser --system --no-create-home --group matterbridge
Adding system user `matterbridge' (UID 111) ...
Adding new group `matterbridge' (GID 115) ...
Adding new user `matterbridge' (UID 111) with group `matterbridge' ...
Not creating home directory `/home/matterbridge'.

Matterbridge install

You can install the matterbridge binary in /usr/bin/matterbridge. You find the link for the binary release at: https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/releases/latest

# Replace the link with one from the latest release
$ sudo wget https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/releases/download/v1.18.3/matterbridge-1.18.3-linux-64bit -O /usr/bin/matterbridge
$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/matterbridge

Matterbridge configuration

Now follow these steps to create your configuration.

Save that file to /etc/matterbridge/matterbridge.toml

$ sudo mkdir /etc/matterbridge
$ sudo cp matterbridge.toml /etc/matterbridge/matterbridge.toml

Before going to the next step, check if your config is correct by running manually

$ /usr/bin/matterbridge -conf /etc/matterbridge/matterbridge.toml

If everything looks fine you can set it up as a systemd service

Matterbridge running as systemd service

Next up is creating a matterbridge.service


ExecStart=/usr/bin/matterbridge -conf /etc/matterbridge/matterbridge.toml


Save the above config as /etc/systemd/system/matterbridge.service

Now enable and run it

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable matterbridge
sudo systemctl start matterbridge

You should now have the service running.