This commit reverts db7ef3f02517f9f2a3c56829a22b9fad3c36e374 (though it keeps the year updates) After discussion with several people, it seems better to mention copyright owners explicitly. eg. https://reuse.software/faq/#vcs-copyright explains the issue of using VCSs to track copyright. As db7ef3f02517f9f2a3c56829a22b9fad3c36e374 only replaced mentions of my name with 'The Limnoria Contributors', this commit only needs to undo that + add one person who contributed to setup.py.
Documentation for the Google plugin for Supybot
Accesses Google for various things.
This is a simple plugin to provide access to the Google services we all know and love from our favorite IRC bot.
Searches for a string and gives you 3 results from Google search
!google something
Return the first result (Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" search)
!lucky something
Does mathematic calculations
!calc 5+4
Translates a string
!translate en ar test
Check: Supported language codes
- cache <url>
Returns a link to the cached version of <url> if it is available.
- calc <expression>
Uses Google's calculator to calculate the value of <expression>.
- fight <search string> <search string> [<search string> ...]
Returns the results of each search, in order, from greatest number of results to least.
- google <search> [--{filter,language} <value>]
Searches google.com for the given string. As many results as can fit are included. --language accepts a language abbreviation; --filter accepts a filtering level ('active', 'moderate', 'off').
- lucky [--snippet] <search>
Does a google search, but only returns the first result. If option --snippet is given, returns also the page text snippet.
- phonebook <phone number>
Looks <phone number> up on Google.
- translate <source language> [to] <target language> <text>
Returns <text> translated from <source language> into <target language>. <source language> and <target language> take language codes (not language names), which are listed here: https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/languages
- supybot.plugins.Google.baseUrl
This config variable defaults to "google.com", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines the base URL used for requests.
- supybot.plugins.Google.bold
This config variable defaults to "True", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines whether results are bolded.
- supybot.plugins.Google.colorfulFilter
This config variable defaults to "False", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines whether the word 'google' in the bot's output will be made colorful (like Google's logo).
- supybot.plugins.Google.defaultLanguage
This config variable defaults to "lang_en", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines what default language is used in searches. If left empty, no specific language will be requested. Valid strings: lang_af, lang_sq, lang_am, lang_ar, lang_hy, lang_az, lang_eu, lang_be, lang_bn, lang_bg, lang_my, lang_ca, lang_zh, lang_zh-CN, lang_zh-TW, lang_hr, lang_cs, lang_da, lang_dv, lang_nl, lang_en, lang_eo, lang_et, lang_tl, lang_fi, lang_fr, lang_gl, lang_ka, lang_de, lang_el, lang_gu, lang_iw, lang_hi, lang_hu, lang_is, lang_id, lang_iu, lang_it, lang_ja, lang_kn, lang_kk, lang_km, lang_ko, lang_ku, lang_ky, lang_lo, lang_lv, lang_lt, lang_mk, lang_ms, lang_ml, lang_mt, lang_mr, lang_mn, lang_ne, lang_no, lang_or, lang_ps, lang_fa, lang_pl, lang_pt-PT, lang_pa, lang_ro, lang_ru, lang_sa, lang_sr, lang_sd, lang_si, lang_sk, lang_sl, lang_es, lang_sv, lang_tg, lang_ta, lang_tl, lang_te, lang_th, lang_bo, lang_tr, lang_uk, lang_ur, lang_uz, lang_ug, lang_vi, and lang_auto.
- supybot.plugins.Google.maximumResults
This config variable defaults to "3", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines the maximum number of results returned from the google command.
- supybot.plugins.Google.oneToOne
This config variable defaults to "False", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines whether results are sent in different lines or all in the same one.
- supybot.plugins.Google.public
This config variable defaults to "True", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific.
Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.
- supybot.plugins.Google.referer
This config variable defaults to "", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific.
Determines the URL that will be sent to Google for the Referer field of the search requests. If this value is empty, a Referer will be generated in the following format: http://$server/$botName
- supybot.plugins.Google.searchFilter
This config variable defaults to "moderate", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines what level of search filtering to use by default. 'active' - most filtering, 'moderate' - default filtering, 'off' - no filtering Valid strings: active, moderate, and off.
- supybot.plugins.Google.searchSnarfer
This config variable defaults to "False", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines whether the search snarfer is enabled. If so, messages (even unaddressed ones) beginning with the word 'google' will result in the first URL Google returns being sent to the channel.