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ts6_common.py: Common base protocol class with functions shared by the UnrealIRCd, InspIRCd, and TS6 protocol modules.
import string
import time
from pylinkirc import utils, structures
from pylinkirc.classes import *
from pylinkirc.log import log
from pylinkirc.protocols.ircs2s_common import *
class TS6SIDGenerator():
TS6 SID Generator. <query> is a 3 character string with any combination of
uppercase letters, digits, and #'s. it must contain at least one #,
which are used by the generator as a wildcard. On every next_sid() call,
the first available wildcard character (from the right) will be
incremented to generate the next SID.
When there are no more available SIDs left (SIDs are not reused, only
incremented), RuntimeError is raised.
Example queries:
"1#A" would give: 10A, 11A, 12A ... 19A, 1AA, 1BA ... 1ZA (36 total results)
"#BQ" would give: 0BQ, 1BQ, 2BQ ... 9BQ (10 total results)
"6##" would give: 600, 601, 602, ... 60Y, 60Z, 610, 611, ... 6ZZ (1296 total results)
def __init__(self, irc):
self.irc = irc
self.query = query = list(irc.serverdata["sidrange"])
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError('(%s) "sidrange" is missing from your server configuration block!' % irc.name)
self.iters = self.query.copy()
self.output = self.query.copy()
self.allowedchars = {}
qlen = len(query)
assert qlen == 3, 'Incorrect length for a SID (must be 3, got %s)' % qlen
assert '#' in query, "Must be at least one wildcard (#) in query"
for idx, char in enumerate(query):
# Iterate over each character in the query string we got, along
# with its index in the string.
assert char in (string.digits+string.ascii_uppercase+"#"), \
"Invalid character %r found." % char
if char == '#':
if idx == 0: # The first char be only digits
self.allowedchars[idx] = string.digits
self.allowedchars[idx] = string.digits+string.ascii_uppercase
self.iters[idx] = iter(self.allowedchars[idx])
self.output[idx] = self.allowedchars[idx][0]
def increment(self, pos=2):
Increments the SID generator to the next available SID.
if pos < 0:
# Oh no, we've wrapped back to the start!
raise RuntimeError('No more available SIDs!')
it = self.iters[pos]
self.output[pos] = next(it)
except TypeError: # This position is not an iterator, but a string.
except StopIteration:
self.output[pos] = self.allowedchars[pos][0]
self.iters[pos] = iter(self.allowedchars[pos])
def next_sid(self):
Returns the next unused TS6 SID for the server.
while ''.join(self.output) in self.irc.servers:
# Increment until the SID we have doesn't already exist.
sid = ''.join(self.output)
return sid
class TS6UIDGenerator(utils.IncrementalUIDGenerator):
"""Implements an incremental TS6 UID Generator."""
def __init__(self, sid):
# Define the options for IncrementalUIDGenerator, and then
# initialize its functions.
# TS6 UIDs are 6 characters in length (9 including the SID).
# They go from ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ -> 0123456789 -> wrap around:
self.allowedchars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456879'
self.length = 6
class TS6BaseProtocol(IRCS2SProtocol):
def __init__(self, irc):
# Dictionary of UID generators (one for each server).
self.uidgen = structures.KeyedDefaultdict(TS6UIDGenerator)
# SID generator for TS6.
self.sidgen = TS6SIDGenerator(irc)
def _send(self, source, msg):
"""Sends a TS6-style raw command from a source numeric to the self.irc connection given."""
self.irc.send(':%s %s' % (source, msg))
def _expandPUID(self, uid):
Returns the outgoing nick for the given UID. In the base ts6_common implementation,
this does nothing, but other modules subclassing this can override it.
For example, this can be used to turn PUIDs (used to store legacy, UID-less users)
to actual nicks in outgoing messages, so that a remote IRCd can understand it.
return uid
def numeric(self, source, numeric, target, text):
2015-11-11 19:40:10 -08:00
"""Sends raw numerics from a server to a remote client, used for WHOIS
# Mangle the target for IRCds that require it.
target = self._expandPUID(target)
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self._send(source, '%s %s %s' % (numeric, target, text))
def kick(self, numeric, channel, target, reason=None):
"""Sends kicks from a PyLink client/server."""
if (not self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric)) and \
(not self.irc.isInternalServer(numeric)):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client/server exists.')
2016-04-30 16:57:38 -07:00
channel = self.irc.toLower(channel)
if not reason:
reason = 'No reason given'
# Mangle kick targets for IRCds that require it.
target = self._expandPUID(target)
self._send(numeric, 'KICK %s %s :%s' % (channel, target, reason))
# We can pretend the target left by its own will; all we really care about
# is that the target gets removed from the channel userlist, and calling
# handle_part() does that just fine.
self.handle_part(target, 'KICK', [channel])
def kill(self, numeric, target, reason):
"""Sends a kill from a PyLink client/server."""
if (not self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric)) and \
(not self.irc.isInternalServer(numeric)):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client/server exists.')
# From TS6 docs:
# parameters: target user, path
# The format of the path parameter is some sort of description of the source of
# the kill followed by a space and a parenthesized reason. To avoid overflow,
# it is recommended not to add anything to the path.
assert target in self.irc.users, "Unknown target %r for kill()!" % target
if numeric in self.irc.users:
# Killer was an user. Follow examples of setting the path to be "killer.host!killer.nick".
userobj = self.irc.users[numeric]
killpath = '%s!%s' % (userobj.host, userobj.nick)
elif numeric in self.irc.servers:
# Sender was a server; killpath is just its name.
killpath = self.irc.servers[numeric].name
# Invalid sender?! This shouldn't happen, but make the killpath our server name anyways.
log.warning('(%s) Invalid sender %s for kill(); using our server name instead.',
self.irc.name, numeric)
killpath = self.irc.servers[self.irc.sid].name
self._send(numeric, 'KILL %s :%s (%s)' % (target, killpath, reason))
def nick(self, numeric, newnick):
"""Changes the nick of a PyLink client."""
if not self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric):
2016-01-09 17:44:05 -08:00
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client exists.')
self._send(numeric, 'NICK %s %s' % (newnick, int(time.time())))
self.irc.users[numeric].nick = newnick
# Update the NICK TS.
self.irc.users[numeric].ts = int(time.time())
def part(self, client, channel, reason=None):
"""Sends a part from a PyLink client."""
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channel = self.irc.toLower(channel)
if not self.irc.isInternalClient(client):
2016-01-09 17:44:05 -08:00
log.error('(%s) Error trying to part %r from %r (no such client exists)', self.irc.name, client, channel)
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client exists.')
msg = "PART %s" % channel
if reason:
msg += " :%s" % reason
self._send(client, msg)
self.handle_part(client, 'PART', [channel])
def quit(self, numeric, reason):
"""Quits a PyLink client."""
if self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric):
self._send(numeric, "QUIT :%s" % reason)
2016-01-09 17:44:05 -08:00
raise LookupError("No such PyLink client exists.")
def message(self, numeric, target, text):
"""Sends a PRIVMSG from a PyLink client."""
if not self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric):
2016-01-09 17:44:05 -08:00
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client exists.')
# Mangle message targets for IRCds that require it.
target = self._expandPUID(target)
self._send(numeric, 'PRIVMSG %s :%s' % (target, text))
def notice(self, numeric, target, text):
"""Sends a NOTICE from a PyLink client."""
if not self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric):
2016-01-09 17:44:05 -08:00
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client exists.')
# Mangle message targets for IRCds that require it.
target = self._expandPUID(target)
self._send(numeric, 'NOTICE %s :%s' % (target, text))
def topic(self, numeric, target, text):
2015-09-06 22:09:09 -07:00
"""Sends a TOPIC change from a PyLink client."""
if not self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric):
2016-01-09 17:44:05 -08:00
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client exists.')
self._send(numeric, 'TOPIC %s :%s' % (target, text))
self.irc.channels[target].topic = text
self.irc.channels[target].topicset = True
def spawnServer(self, name, sid=None, uplink=None, desc=None, endburst_delay=0):
Spawns a server off a PyLink server. desc (server description)
defaults to the one in the config. uplink defaults to the main PyLink
server, and sid (the server ID) is automatically generated if not
Note: TS6 doesn't use a specific ENDBURST command, so the endburst_delay
option will be ignored if given.
# -> :0AL SID test.server 1 0XY :some silly pseudoserver
uplink = uplink or self.irc.sid
name = name.lower()
desc = desc or self.irc.serverdata.get('serverdesc') or self.irc.botdata['serverdesc']
if sid is None: # No sid given; generate one!
sid = self.sidgen.next_sid()
assert len(sid) == 3, "Incorrect SID length"
if sid in self.irc.servers:
raise ValueError('A server with SID %r already exists!' % sid)
for server in self.irc.servers.values():
if name == server.name:
raise ValueError('A server named %r already exists!' % name)
if not self.irc.isInternalServer(uplink):
2016-01-09 17:44:05 -08:00
raise ValueError('Server %r is not a PyLink server!' % uplink)
if not utils.isServerName(name):
raise ValueError('Invalid server name %r' % name)
self._send(uplink, 'SID %s 1 %s :%s' % (name, sid, desc))
self.irc.servers[sid] = IrcServer(uplink, name, internal=True, desc=desc)
return sid
def squit(self, source, target, text='No reason given'):
"""SQUITs a PyLink server."""
# -> SQUIT 9PZ :blah, blah
log.debug('source=%s, target=%s', source, target)
self._send(source, 'SQUIT %s :%s' % (target, text))
self.handle_squit(source, 'SQUIT', [target, text])
2016-01-16 16:40:36 -08:00
def away(self, source, text):
"""Sends an AWAY message from a PyLink client. <text> can be an empty string
to unset AWAY status."""
if text:
self._send(source, 'AWAY :%s' % text)
self._send(source, 'AWAY')
self.irc.users[source].away = text
def handle_events(self, data):
"""Event handler for TS6 protocols.
This passes most commands to the various handle_ABCD() functions
elsewhere defined protocol modules, coersing various sender prefixes
from nicks and server names to UIDs and SIDs respectively,
whenever possible.
Commands sent without an explicit sender prefix will have them set to
the SID of the uplink server.
data = data.split(" ")
try: # Message starts with a SID/UID prefix.
args = self.parsePrefixedArgs(data)
sender = args[0]
command = args[1]
args = args[2:]
# If the sender isn't in UID format, try to convert it automatically.
# Unreal's protocol, for example, isn't quite consistent with this yet!
sender_server = self._getSid(sender)
if sender_server in self.irc.servers:
# Sender is a server when converted from name to SID.
numeric = sender_server
# Sender is a user.
numeric = self._getUid(sender)
# parsePrefixedArgs() will raise IndexError if the TS6 sender prefix is missing.
except IndexError:
# Raw command without an explicit sender; assume it's being sent by our uplink.
args = self.parseArgs(data)
numeric = self.irc.uplink
command = args[0]
args = args[1:]
if command == 'ENCAP':
# Special case for encapsulated commands (ENCAP), in forms like this:
# <- :00A ENCAP * SU 42XAAAAAC :GLolol
command = args[1]
args = args[2:]
log.debug("(%s) Rewriting incoming ENCAP to command %s (args: %s)", self.irc.name, command, args)
func = getattr(self, 'handle_'+command.lower())
except AttributeError: # unhandled command
parsed_args = func(numeric, command, args)
if parsed_args is not None:
return [numeric, command, parsed_args]
def handle_privmsg(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming PRIVMSG/NOTICE."""
# <- :70MAAAAAA PRIVMSG #dev :afasfsa
target = args[0]
# Coerse =#channel from Charybdis op moderated +z to @#channel.
if target.startswith('='):
target = '@' + target[1:]
# We use lowercase channels internally, but uppercase UIDs.
# Strip the target of leading prefix modes (for targets like @#channel)
# before checking whether it's actually a channel.
stripped_target = target.lstrip(''.join(self.irc.prefixmodes.values()))
if utils.isChannel(stripped_target):
2016-04-30 16:57:38 -07:00
target = self.irc.toLower(target)
return {'target': target, 'text': args[1]}
handle_notice = handle_privmsg
def handle_kick(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming KICKs."""
# :70MAAAAAA KICK #test 70MAAAAAA :some reason
2016-04-30 16:57:38 -07:00
channel = self.irc.toLower(args[0])
kicked = self._getUid(args[1])
self.handle_part(kicked, 'KICK', [channel, args[2]])
return {'channel': channel, 'target': kicked, 'text': args[2]}
def handle_nick(self, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming NICK changes."""
# <- :70MAAAAAA NICK GL-devel 1434744242
oldnick = self.irc.users[numeric].nick
newnick = self.irc.users[numeric].nick = args[0]
# Update the nick TS.
self.irc.users[numeric].ts = ts = int(args[1])
return {'newnick': newnick, 'oldnick': oldnick, 'ts': ts}
def handle_save(self, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming SAVE messages, used to handle nick collisions."""
# In this below example, the client Derp_ already exists,
# and trying to change someone's nick to it will cause a nick
# collision. On TS6 IRCds, this will simply set the collided user's
# nick to its UID.
# <- :70MAAAAAA PRIVMSG 0AL000001 :nickclient PyLink Derp_
# -> :0AL000001 NICK Derp_ 1433728673
# <- :70M SAVE 0AL000001 1433728673
user = args[0]
oldnick = self.irc.users[user].nick
self.irc.users[user].nick = user
# TS6 SAVE sets nick TS to 100. This is hardcoded in InspIRCd and
# charybdis.
self.irc.users[user].ts = 100
return {'target': user, 'ts': 100, 'oldnick': oldnick}
def handle_topic(self, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming TOPIC changes from clients. For topic bursts,
2015-09-06 23:18:27 -07:00
TB (TS6/charybdis) and FTOPIC (InspIRCd) are used instead."""
# <- :70MAAAAAA TOPIC #test :test
2016-04-30 16:57:38 -07:00
channel = self.irc.toLower(args[0])
topic = args[1]
oldtopic = self.irc.channels[channel].topic
self.irc.channels[channel].topic = topic
self.irc.channels[channel].topicset = True
return {'channel': channel, 'setter': numeric, 'text': topic,
'oldtopic': oldtopic}
def handle_part(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming PART commands."""
2016-04-30 16:57:38 -07:00
channels = self.irc.toLower(args[0]).split(',')
for channel in channels:
# We should only get PART commands for channels that exist, right??
except KeyError:
log.debug("(%s) handle_part: KeyError trying to remove %r from %r's channel list?", self.irc.name, channel, source)
reason = args[1]
except IndexError:
reason = ''
# Clear empty non-permanent channels.
if not (self.irc.channels[channel].users or ((self.irc.cmodes.get('permanent'), None) in self.irc.channels[channel].modes)):
del self.irc.channels[channel]
return {'channels': channels, 'text': reason}
def handle_svsnick(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles SVSNICK (forced nickname change attempts)."""
# InspIRCd:
# <- :00A ENCAP 902 SVSNICK 902AAAAAB Guest53593 :1468299404
# This is rewritten to SVSNICK with args ['902AAAAAB', 'Guest53593', '1468299404']
# UnrealIRCd:
# <- :services.midnight.vpn SVSNICK GL Guest87795 1468303726
return {'target': self._getUid(args[0]), 'newnick': args[1]}