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Georg Pfuetzenreuter f7f465f50d
Disable user management
We use the user shipped with the memcached package, prevent the formula
from overwriting its passwd configuration.

Signed-off-by: Georg Pfuetzenreuter <mail@georg-pfuetzenreuter.net>
2023-04-29 23:23:34 +02:00
memcached Disable user management 2023-04-29 23:23:34 +02:00
FORMULA feat(suse): add SUSE support 2023-02-19 15:55:39 +01:00
LICENSE Removed Licence Headers, and added info the Licence file. 2014-01-21 00:11:23 +00:00
README.rst feat(freebsd): add freebsd support 2020-03-28 01:28:54 +00:00
pillar.example - Correct typo deamonize -> daemonize 2017-06-22 10:44:14 +02:00



Install and start the memcached service on GNU/Linux and FreeBSD

Available states


Installs and starts memcached service


Memcached configuration file


Installs python-memcached package for RedHat/CentOS and python-memcache package for Debian

memcached.libmemcached --------------------

Installs libmemcached development files to install pylibmc as python driver

memcached.uninstall -------------

Stops the memcached service and uninstalls the package.


  1. Add this repository as a GitFS backend in your Salt master config.

  2. Determine which minions will run memcached and include the memcached state.

    One possible example is to run memcached on each server that is also running your web application. The following contrived example uses a Django web app deployed from an internal Git repository:

      - memcached
      - memcached.python_memcached
        - installed
        - target: /var/www/mydjangoapp
        - require:
          - pkg: python-django
          - pkg: python-memcached
  3. (Optional) Use Salt Mine to maintain a live list of currently running memcached instances in your web application config.

    The following example assumes all web application servers have a hostname that starts with "web".

    1. Configure your Pillar top file (/srv/pillar/top.sls):

          - application_server
    2. Configure Salt Mine in /srv/pillar/application_server.sls:

        network.interfaces: [eth0]
    3. Add the IP addresses to your web application config.

      Building on the Django example above, add the following states:

          - managed
          - source: salt://mydjangoapp/config.py
          - template: jinja
          - require:
            - git: https://internal-repos/mydjangoapp.git

      Edit the /srv/salt/mydjangoapp/config.py template to add the memcached server addresses (only relevant portions of config.py are shown):

      CACHES = {
          'default': {
              'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',
              'LOCATION': [
                  {% for server,ip in salt['mine.get']('web*', 'network.interfaces', ['eth0']).items() %}
                  '{{ ip }}:11211`,
                  {% endfor %}