semantic-release-bot 18850c5f44 chore(release): 1.1.2 [skip ci]
## [1.1.2](https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/apache-formula/compare/v1.1.1...v1.1.2) (2021-04-03)

### Bug Fixes

* **freebsd:** fix `default` suite implementation and tests ([0a0f69e](0a0f69ee2f))
* **freebsd:** fix `modsecurity` suite implementation and tests ([bc9aa78](bc9aa78437))

### Continuous Integration

* enable Vagrant-based testing using GitHub Actions ([6e094e2](6e094e2527))
* **gemfile+lock:** use `ssf` customised `kitchen-docker` repo [skip ci] ([53ac463](53ac4638f3))
* **gitlab-ci:** reset after update hook for `rubocop` [skip ci] ([6d40ab7](6d40ab7634))
* **kitchen+ci:** use latest pre-salted images (after CVE) [skip ci] ([69e9d30](69e9d304fb))
* **kitchen+gitlab-ci:** use latest pre-salted images [skip ci] ([21cb59d](21cb59daa2))
* **pre-commit:** update hook for `rubocop` ([2c090c3](2c090c3a83))

### Documentation

* **readme:** add `Testing with Vagrant` section ([5a6b203](5a6b203bb1))

### Tests

* standardise use of `share` suite & `_mapdata` state [skip ci] ([e7c2d20](e7c2d20f06))
* **nomodsecurity:** use adjusted `modules` suite instead ([838b917](838b917221))
2021-04-03 22:50:52 +00:00

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