alex 289684b0f1 sorry for rehosting ur stuff (。◕ ‿ ◕。)
Added original source
Fixed readme typo (I fat fingered your username again whoops)
Fiddling with golang config
2018-10-20 00:45:25 +01:00

441 lines
16 KiB

import time
import random
import math
from watbot_player import WatbotPlayer
class WatbotGame:
"""Class containing the game logic"""
def __init__(self, config, db):
self.config = config
self.db = db
self.bot_nick = config["bot_nick"]
self.bot_player = WatbotPlayer(self.db, self.bot_nick)
self.quiet = False
self.help_text = (
"balance [<nickname>], "
"watch [<nickname>], "
"inventory [<nickname>], "
"topten, "
"items, "
"mine, "
"transfer <nickname> <amount>, "
"roll <amount>, "
"steal <nickname> <amount>, "
"frame <nickname> <amount>, "
"punch <nickname>, "
"give <nickname> <count> <itemname>, "
"invent <itemname> <price>, "
"create <itemname> <count>, "
self.rules_text = ("A new account is created with 5 hours time credit. "
"Mining exchanges time credit for coins: "
"1h - 10h: 1 coin/h; >10h: 10 coin; >1 day: 50 coin; >1 month: 1000 coin.")
def do_command(self, nick, command, args):
player = WatbotPlayer(self.db, nick)
self.now = time.time()
if command == "wat":
out = self.mega_wat(player)
elif command == "speak" and (player.nick == "Burrito" or player.nick == "wuselfuzz"):
self.quiet = False
out = "wat!"
elif command == "shutup" and (player.nick == "Burrito" or player.nick == "wuselfuzz"):
self.quiet = True
out = "wat."
elif self.quiet:
out = None
elif command == "help":
out = self.help_text
elif command == "rules":
out = self.rules_text
elif command == "topten":
out = self.db.topten()
elif command == "items":
out = "temporarily disabled, because bug!"
#out = self.db.items()
elif command == "inventory":
if len(args) > 0:
out = self.db.inventory(args[0])
out = self.db.inventory(player.nick)
elif command == "watch":
if len(args) > 0:
out = self.watch(self.get_target_player(player, args[0]))
out = self.watch(player)
elif command == "balance":
if len(args) > 0:
out = self.balance(self.get_target_player(player, args[0]))
out = self.balance(player)
elif command == "mine":
out = self.mine(player)
elif command == "transfer":
if len(args) < 2:
out = "transfer <target> <amount>"
out = self.transfer(player, self.get_target_player(player, args[0]), int(args[1]))
elif player.health <= 0:
out = "You cannot do that while unconscious!"
# ----- commands that require consciousness below -----
elif command == "steal":
if len(args) < 2:
out = "steal <target> <amount> - rolls a d6. If <3, you steal <target> <amount> coins. Otherwise, you pay a <amount> * 2 fine to "+ self.bot_nick + "."
out = self.steal(player, self.get_target_player(player, args[0]), int(args[1]))
elif command == "frame":
if len(args) < 2:
out = "frame <target> <amount> - rolls a d6. If <3, you make <target> pay a fine of <amount> coins to " + self.bot_nick + ". Otherwise, you pay a ceil(<amount>/2) to <target and floor(<amount>/2) to " + self.bot_nick + " as fines."
out = self.frame(player, self.get_target_player(player, args[0]), int(args[1]))
elif command == "punch":
if len(args) < 1:
out = "punch <target>"
out = self.punch(player, self.get_target_player(player, args[0]))
elif command == "roll":
if len(args) < 1:
out = "roll <amount> - rolls a d100 against watcoinbot. result<50 wins <amount>, result >=50 loses <amount>"
out = self.roll(player, int(args[0]))
elif command == "invent":
if len(args) < 2:
out = "invent <itemname> <price> - invent an item called <itemname> which can be bought for <price>. An invention costs 100 coins."
out = self.invent(player, args[0], int(args[1]))
elif command == "create":
if len(args) < 2:
out = "create <itemname> <count> - create <count> <itemname>s. You have to pay the price and must be the inventor of the item!"
out = self.create(player, args[0], int(args[1]))
elif command == "give":
if len(args) < 3:
out = "give <target> <count> <itemname>"
out = self.give(player, args[0], int(args[1]), args[2])
out = None
return out
return "wat?"
def get_target_player(self, player, target_nick):
if target_nick == player.nick:
return player
elif target_nick == self.bot_nick:
return self.bot_player
return WatbotPlayer(self.db, target_nick)
def watch(self, player):
out = (
"Watting: " + str(player.watting) + "(" + str(player.watting_exp) + ") / " +
"Anarchy: " + str(player.anarchy) + "(" + str(player.anarchy_exp) + ") / " +
"Trickery: " + str(player.trickery) + "(" + str(player.trickery_exp) + ") " +
"Coins: " + str(player.coins) + " " +
"Health: " + str(player.health)
return out
def balance(self, player):
out = player.nick + "'s watcoin balance is " + str(player.coins) + ". Mining time credit: " + self.dhms(int(self.now - player.last_mine)) + " seconds."
return out
def mine(self, player):
delta = self.now - player.last_mine
if delta < 3600:
return "wat? not so soon again!"
if delta < 36000:
mined_coins = int(delta / 3600)
elif delta < 86400:
mined_coins = 10
elif delta < 2592000:
mined_coins = 50
mined_coins = 1000
player.coins += mined_coins
player.last_mine = self.now
out = player.nick + " mined " + str(mined_coins) + " coins for " + self.dhms(int(delta)) + " seconds and now has " + str(player.coins) + " watcoins."
return out
def transfer(self, player, target_player, amount):
if amount < 0:
return "wat? you thief!"
if player.coins < amount:
return "wat? you poor fuck don't have enough!"
player.coins -= amount
target_player.coins += amount
if amount != 1:
out = player.nick + " sent " + target_player.nick + " " +str(amount) + " watcoins."
out = player.nick + " sent " + target_player.nick + " a watcoin."
return out
def mega_wat(self, player):
mega_number = random.randint(1,1000000)
kilo_number = random.randint(1,1000)
print "mega_wat(" + player.nick + ") mega_number == " + str(mega_number) + ", kilo_number == " + str(kilo_number)
out = None
if mega_number == 23:
player.coins += 1000000
out = "OMGWATWATWAT!!!! " + player.nick + " has won the MegaWat lottery and gains 1000000 watcoins!"
if kilo_number == 5:
player.coins += 1000
out = "OMGWAT! " + player.nick + " has won the KiloWat lottery and gains 1000 watcoins!"
player.watting_exp += 1
return out
def roll(self, player, amount):
if amount < 0:
return "wat? nonono!"
if player.coins < amount:
return "wat? you broke, go away!"
if self.bot_player.coins < amount:
bot_mining_delta = self.now - self.bot_player.last_mine
if bot_mining_delta > 86400:
return self.bot_nick + " doesn't have enough coins for this, but " + self.bot_nick + " can mine! " + self.mine(self.bot_player) + self.roll(player, amount)
return "wat? " + self.bot_nick + " only has " + str(bot_player.coins) + " wtc left. Try again later or beg someone to fund the bot. " + self.bot_nick + " will mine in " + str(self.dhms(int(86400 - bot_mining_delta))) + "."
number = random.randint(1, 100)
if number < 50:
player.coins += amount
player.trickery_exp += 1
self.bot_player.coins -= amount
out = player.nick + " rolls a d100 (<50 wins): " + str(number) + ". You win! Your new balance is " + str(player.coins) + "."
player.coins -= amount
self.bot_player.coins += amount
out = player.nick + " rolls a d100 (<50 wins): " + str(number) + ". You lose. Your new balance is " + str(player.coins) + "."
return out
def invent(self, player, itemname, price):
if price <= 0:
return "wat? nonono!"
invent_cost = 100 - player.watting
if player.coins < invent_cost:
return "wat? inventions cost you " + str(invent_cost) + " coins, but you're poor!"
if self.db.invent_item(itemname, player.nick, price):
player.coins -= invent_cost
self.bot_player.coins += invent_cost
out = player.nick + " invented " + itemname + " (" + str(price) + ")."
out = "wat?" + itemname + " already invented!"
return out
def create(self, player, itemname, count):
if count <= 0:
return "wat? nonono!"
(itemname, inventor_nick, price) = self.db.get_item(itemname)
if player.nick.lower() != inventor_nick:
return "wat? that's not your invention!"
if count * price > player.coins:
return "wat? you need more money for that!"
player.coins -= count * price
original_count = self.db.get_item_count(player.nick, itemname)
self.db.set_item_count(player.nick, itemname, original_count + count)
out = player.nick + " created " + str(count) + " " + itemname + "."
return out
def give(self, player, target_nick, count, itemname):
player_item_count = self.db.get_item_count(player.nick, itemname)
if player_item_count < count:
return "wat? you don't have that many!"
self.db.set_item_count(player.nick, itemname, player_item_count - count)
target_item_count = self.db.get_item_count(target_nick, itemname)
self.db.set_item_count(target_nick, itemname, target_item_count + count)
return player.nick + " gave " + target_nick + " " + str(count) + " " + itemname
def steal(self, player, target_player, amount):
if amount < 0:
return "wat? nonono!"
if player.coins < amount * 2:
return "wat? you don't have enough to pay the possible fine!"
if target_player.coins < amount:
return "wat? " + target_player.nick + " is a poor fuck and doesn't have " + str(amount) + " coins."
number = random.randint(1,6)
if number <3:
out = player.nick + " rolls a d6 to steal " + str(amount) + " watcoins from " + target_player.nick + ": " + str(number) + " (<3 wins). You win! Sneaky bastard!"
player.coins += amount
player.anarchy_exp += 1
target_player.coins -= amount
out = player.nick + " rolls a d6 to steal " + str(amount) + " watcoins from " + target_player.nick + ": " + str(number) + " (<3 wins). You were caught and pay " + str(2 * amount) + " coins to " + self.bot_nick + "."
player.coins -= 2 * amount
self.bot_player.coins += 2 * amount
return out
def frame(self, player, target_player, amount):
if amount < 0:
return "wat? nonono!"
if player.coins < amount:
return "wat? you don't have enough to pay the possible fine!"
if target_player.coins < amount:
return "wat? " + target_player.nick + " is a poor fuck and doesn't have " + str(amount) + " coins."
number = random.randint(1,6)
if number <3:
out = player.nick + " rolls a d6 to frame " + str(amount) + " watcoins from " + target_player.nick + ": " + str(number) + " (<3 wins). You win! " + target_player.nick + " pays " + str(amount) + " to " + self.bot_nick + "."
player.anarchy_exp += 1
target_player.coins -= amount
self.bot_player.coins += amount
target_amount = int(math.ceil(float(amount)/2))
bot_amount = int(math.floor(float(amount)/2))
out = player.nick + " rolls a d6 to frame " + str(amount) + " watcoins from " + target_player.nick + ": " + str(number) + " (<3 wins). You were caught and pay " + str(target_amount) + " coins to " + target_player.nick + " and " + str(bot_amount) + " coins to " + self.bot_nick + "."
player.coins -= amount
target_player.coins += target_amount
self.bot_player.coins += bot_amount
return out
def punch(self, player, target_player):
number = random.randint(1, 6)
dmg = random.randint(1, 6)
if number <3:
dmg += player.anarchy
out = player.nick + " rolls a d6 to punch " + target_player.nick + ": " + str(number) +". " + player.nick + " hits for " + str(dmg) + " points of damage."
target_player.health -= dmg
if target_player.health <= 0:
out += " " + target_player.nick + " falls unconscious."
dmg += target_player.anarchy
out = player.nick + " rolls a d6 to punch " + target_player.nick + ": " + str(number) +". " + player.nick + " misses. " + target_player.nick + " punches back for " + str(dmg) + " points of damage."
player.health -= dmg
if player.health <= 0:
out += " " + player.nick + " falls unconscious."
return out
def dhms(self, seconds):
days = int(seconds / 86400)
seconds -= days * 86400
hours = int(seconds / 3600)
seconds -= hours * 3600
minutes = int(seconds / 60)
seconds -= minutes * 60
out = ""
show = False
if days > 0:
out += str(days) + "d "
show = True
if hours > 0 or show:
out += str(hours) + "h "
show = True
if minutes > 0 or show:
out += str(minutes) + "m "
show = True
out += str(seconds) + "s"
return out