32 lines
634 B
32 lines
634 B
'use strict'
var repeat = require('repeat-string')
module.exports = thematic
var space = ' '
// Stringify a `thematic-break`.
// The character used is configurable through `rule`: (`'_'`):
// ```markdown
// ___
// ```
// The number of repititions is defined through `ruleRepetition` (`6`):
// ```markdown
// ******
// ```
// Whether spaces delimit each character, is configured through `ruleSpaces`
// (`true`):
// ```markdown
// * * *
// ```
function thematic() {
var options = this.options
var rule = repeat(options.rule, options.ruleRepetition)
return options.ruleSpaces ? rule.split('').join(space) : rule