52 lines
962 B
52 lines
962 B
'use strict'
var repeat = require('repeat-string')
module.exports = heading
var lineFeed = '\n'
var space = ' '
var numberSign = '#'
var dash = '-'
var equalsTo = '='
// Stringify a heading.
// In `setext: true` mode and when `depth` is smaller than three, creates a
// setext header:
// ```markdown
// Foo
// ===
// ```
// Otherwise, an ATX header is generated:
// ```markdown
// ### Foo
// ```
// In `closeAtx: true` mode, the header is closed with hashes:
// ```markdown
// ### Foo ###
// ```
function heading(node) {
var self = this
var depth = node.depth
var setext = self.options.setext
var closeAtx = self.options.closeAtx
var content = self.all(node).join('')
var prefix
if (setext && depth < 3) {
return (
content + lineFeed + repeat(depth === 1 ? equalsTo : dash, content.length)
prefix = repeat(numberSign, node.depth)
return prefix + space + content + (closeAtx ? space + prefix : '')