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# Configuring SNTP Servers in Windows terminal
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- [Finland without particular ISP and explanations](#finland-without-particular-isp-and-explanations)
- [Variations](#variations)
- [DNA](#dna)
- [Elisa](#elisa)
- [Information about servers](#information-about-servers)
- [Additional reading](#additional-reading)
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## Finland without particular ISP and explanations
w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:"time.cloudflare.com time.mikes.fi time1.mikes.fi time2.mikes.fi time3.mikes.fi 0.pool.ntp.org 1.pool.ntp.org 2.pool.ntp.org 3.pool.ntp.org"
w32tm /resync
w32tm /query /peers
- The list is space separated NTP servers, while I think Windows uses SNTP
instead of NTP.
- `/resync` may sync current time, but is also required for the GUI (Windows +
I, Date & time) and following command to get aware of peers.
- Shows where time is synced from and statistics.
- There is also `net time` to sync, I am unsure of the differences while
that may be blocked while the second keeps working. It may also not show
all the peers, just the primary one, while `w32tm` is more verbose and has
all of them.
- As Windows doesn't support NTS and probably won't in near future, there is
no point in listing distant foreign servers.
## Variations
Variations of the timeserver setting command to be kept at hand
### DNA
_Including Moi_
w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:"time.cloudflare.com ntp.dnainternet.fi time.mikes.fi time1.mikes.fi time2.mikes.fi time3.mikes.fi pool.ntp.org"
- https://www.dna.fi/liikennerajoitukset
- https://asiakaspalvelu.moi.fi/hc/fi/articles/360029789832-Mitk%C3%A4-ovat-Moin-palvelinosoitteet-
### Elisa
w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:"time.cloudflare.com ntp1.kolumbus.fi ntp2.kolumbus.fi ntp.saunalahti.fi time.mikes.fi time1.mikes.fi time2.mikes.fi time3.mikes.fi pool.ntp.org"
- https://elisa.fi/asiakaspalvelu/ohje/tiedonsiirtoportit-porttiohjaukset-palvelimet/
## Information about servers
- https://www.cloudflare.com/time/
- https://www.netnod.se/nts/network-time-security
- https://www.vttresearch.com/fi/palvelut/suomen-aika-ntp-palvelu#julkinen
- https://www.ntppool.org/use.html
- Also mentions the syntax for multiple servers, but considering this Elisa
list has so many servers I am only picking one pool address just in case
the others somehow fail.
## Additional reading
- Above links
- https://jasoncoltrin.com/2018/08/02/how-to-set-clock-time-on-ad-domain-controller-and-sync-windows-clients/
- this file might not exist without this post, while it doesn't mention
multiple servers, uses `time.windows.com` and I am yet to actually touch
NTP on Windows Server environment.