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DNSCrypt-proxy encrypts DNS queries that would otherwise go in plaintext ensuring that they wont be seen or modified by anyone in the middle. It works as a localhost DNS server sending queries to configured DNS resolvers.

I guess I should also say why you would want dnscrypt v1 vs v2. v1 which is in most of repos uses broken resolver by default and only supports one resolver while v2 can use multiple ones and compares them for which is the best one.

This post is on getting v2 to Debian Stable and Ubuntu pre 18.10 which contain v1 and I dont know a better way to do this.


This is very hastily written and may will contain errors and will hopefully be fixed soonish

  1. sudo apt-get install curl

As at the time of writing Debian Stable and Ubuntu include old dnscrypt-proxy v1 which doesnt work by default download a new version from Debian unstable (which you arent supposed to do, but it has worked for me on multiple systems):

Check the version number at https://packages.debian.org/sid/amd64/dnscrypt-proxy/download and fix it below:

curl -LO https://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy_2.0.16-2_amd64.deb

sudo dpkg -i dnscrypt-proxy<TAB>

Hopefully dnscrypt-proxy is now running, check journalctl -u dnscrypt-proxy, there should be a line like Oct 21 14:08:15 sedric dnscrypt-proxy[1120]: [2018-10-21 14:08:15] [NOTICE] Wiring systemd TCP socket #0, dnscrypt-proxy.socket,

Edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf, it should say say dns=none e.g.:


if it doesnt say dns=none, fix it and restart systemctl restart NetworkManager

Edit your /etc/resolv.conf, for example:

sudo su -
rm /etc/resolv.conf
nano /etc/resolv.conf && chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf

chattr +i will prevent modifying the file unless chattr -i is done first.

Example resolv.conf:

options edns0 single-request-reopen
#search mikaela.info

Nameserver is the host where dnscrypt-proxy says to listen on, options are from dnscrypt-proxy documentation and search is domains that are automatically searched for if you dont use FQDN, e.g. ssh machine in my (uncommented) config would turn into ssh machine.mikaela.info.

I hope I remember everything, but this is a bit hasty writing and the GPG signature or anything isnt verified and I hope I will fix this later…

for the curious my dnscrypt-proxy config https://github.com/Mikaela/shell-things/tree/master/etc/dnscrypt-proxy