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layout: post
comments: true
title: "Repeating on how to be happy"
category: [english]
tags: [english]
*Insert something descriptie here, this post is in the serie that is going
to stay as _drafts which appears to be a good place for crying.*
I would be happier if I followed my own policies such as
[ignoring PM attemps from people I don't know]()
2015-07-26 10:13:22+0300 -- iwusoxkxbavapqp uid33591@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tsuhecnrtzpouzaw :is messaging you, and you have umode +g.
/whois iwusoxkxbavapqp
2015-07-26 10:19:52+0300 -- iwusoxkxbavapqp: No such server
/whowas iwusoxkxbavapqp
2015-07-26 10:19:58+0300 -- [iwusoxkxbavapqp] (uid33591@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tsuhecnrtzpouzaw) was iwusoxkxbavapqp
2015-07-26 10:19:58+0300 -- [iwusoxkxbavapqp] was logged in as Cheat
2015-07-26 10:19:58+0300 -- [iwusoxkxbavapqp] leguin.freenode.net (Sun Jul 26 07:13:33 2015)
2015-07-26 10:19:58+0300 -- [iwusoxkxbavapqp] End of WHOWAS
/whois cheat
2015-07-26 10:20:06+0300 -- cheat: No such server
/whowas cheat
2015-07-26 10:20:11+0300 -- Cheat: There was no such nickname
2015-07-26 10:20:11+0300 -- [Cheat] End of WHOWAS
/ns info cheat
2015-07-26 10:20:14+0300 -- NickServ: Information on Cheat (account Cheat):
2015-07-26 10:20:14+0300 -- NickServ: Registered : Jul 04 07:08:53 2014 (1y 3w 1d ago)
2015-07-26 10:20:14+0300 -- NickServ: User reg. : Jul 04 07:07:00 2014 (1y 3w 1d ago)
2015-07-26 10:20:15+0300 -- NickServ: Last seen : (about 5 weeks ago)
2015-07-26 10:20:15+0300 -- NickServ: User seen : (about 0 weeks ago)
2015-07-26 10:20:15+0300 -- NickServ: Email : spydar007@gmail.com
2015-07-26 10:20:15+0300 -- NickServ: Metadata : Bot = yes
2015-07-26 10:20:15+0300 -- NickServ: Metadata : Owner = Spydar007
2015-07-26 10:20:15+0300 -- NickServ: Flags : NoMemo, EMailMemos, Private
2015-07-26 10:20:15+0300 -- NickServ: Cheat has enabled nick protection
2015-07-26 10:20:15+0300 -- NickServ: *** End of Info ***
2015-07-26 10:20:15+0300 -- [NickServ] (NickServ@services.): Nickname Services
2015-07-26 10:20:15+0300 -- [NickServ] services. (Atheme IRC Services)
2015-07-26 10:20:15+0300 -- [NickServ] is a Network Service
2015-07-26 10:20:16+0300 -- [NickServ] End of WHOIS
It appears that this PM attempt was attempt to evade ignore by [one harasser](https://github.com/Mikaela/freenode-harassment/blob/master/spydar007/2015-01-12.query.log#L6).
> Would you consider sending me a photo of yourself naked? I ask because I
know some trans people do and I'm kinda just curious to see what it
looks like (a girl with a penis).
Later I have learned that I wasn't even the only person to receive requests
for naked photos from them.
A moment passes and Thunderbird alerts me of a new unread email:
Sender: root@spydar007.com
Subject: Please read
I know what I did was stupid. I understand that now. I'm sorry. I am truly truly sorry for it. I wasn't thinking. It was childish. I'm sorry. Can you forgive me? Can we be friends again?
If you forgive me, reply or send me a memo.
Thanks, and I'm sorry again.
Sent from Mailbox
Maybe some incidents could be forgiven, but that wasn't all of it...
Happened on \#Zohlai, channel of Zohlai IRC Services which again is fork
of Atheme IRC Services and fully offtopic.
==> 2015-05-19.log <==
[21:44:41] *** Joins: Tsutsukakushi (~Tsutsukak@gnu.moe)
[21:44:44] <Tsutsukakushi> Mikaela:
[22:01:33] <grawity> gnu.moe, is that like rms.sexy
[22:02:09] <grawity> oh lol, 'http://rms.moe requires authentication for realm "Broadband Router"'
[22:06:31] <Tsutsukakushi> no
[22:06:39] <Tsutsukakushi> rms sexy is just embedded youtube video
[22:06:41] <Tsutsukakushi> you dummy
[22:07:08] <Tsutsukakushi> Mikaela:
[23:53:27] <Tsutsukakushi> Mikaela:
[23:54:33] <kaniini> Tsutsukakushi: hi do you need something
[23:54:51] <Tsutsukakushi> i just joined the first channel on her whois
[23:54:55] <Tsutsukakushi> because of her +g
[23:54:59] <kaniini> Tsutsukakushi: why
[23:55:12] <Tsutsukakushi> so i could sort a few missconceptions out
[23:55:23] <Tsutsukakushi> i don't like to be labeled as transphobe for no good reason
[23:55:25] <kaniini> sounds to me like being a prat isn't going to help you very much
==> 2015-05-20.log <==
[00:36:54] <Spydar007> Tsutsukakushi: you have no chance in sorting issues out with Mikaela; once she's labelled you a transphobe you're done.
[00:37:04] <Spydar007> I know from personal experience - just move on
[00:37:04] <Tsutsukakushi> :c
[00:37:14] <Tsutsukakushi> at least i tried
[00:37:16] *** Parts: Tsutsukakushi (~Tsutsukak@gnu.moe) ("Bai bai!")
[00:38:14] <Spydar007> Yeah, ikr
[00:38:17] <Spydar007> "Tried"
[01:55:24] <kaniini> Spydar007: from what i have been told you asked her for nudes
[01:55:37] <kaniini> Spydar007: so i think her reasoning for being done with you is likely more related to that
[08:25:22] <kaniini> i find it hilarious that Spydar007 does not dispute that
[08:31:58] <Spydar007> kaniini: well that's an obvious fact, and I wasn't talking about that. I was merely saying that he hasn't got a chance in rectification.
[08:32:34] <kaniini> i'm wondering why that might be
[08:32:54] <kaniini> considering that i am sure 90% of her PM traffic on freenode is some variant of,
[08:32:56] <kaniini> [09:57:51] <Spydar007> Would you consider sending me a photo of yourself naked? I ask because I know some trans people do and I'm kinda just curious to see what it looks like (a girl with a penis).
[08:33:29] <Spydar007> kaniini: your point is still irrelevant
[08:33:32] <kaniini> i can see why she might be a bit preemptive in this regard
[08:34:05] <kaniini> how is my point 'irrelevant'
[08:34:13] <kaniini> my point is that you're a complete, and total, piece of fucking shit
[08:34:27] <Spydar007> I am not disputing or arguing against what she does, because I understand why. I was telling him to make sure he doesn't waste his time bothering.
[08:34:40] <Spydar007> What I actually did is nothing to do with it.
[08:34:47] <Spydar007> And, yes.
[08:34:48] <Spydar007> I am
[08:34:52] <Spydar007> Deal with it
[08:35:52] <kaniini> normally when people are demonstrated behaving in the way that you did, they say something like
[08:35:56] <kaniini> "my bad, i was drunk"
[08:36:24] <Spydar007> I am not even going to bother with this.
[08:36:33] <kaniini> there is also the "i really did not realize that what i was doing may have been offensive"
[08:37:51] <kaniini> further, your "personal experience" is irrelevant. you asked someone for nudes because you were curious in the same way as someone would be curious about a unicorn.
[08:38:02] <kaniini> whatever he did is certainly different than that
[08:40:37] <kaniini> Spydar007: further, my point is that your behaviour is a contributor to an overall problem on freenode where women (and also transwomen) are harrassed by stupid twats like you
[16:03:41] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o mt
[16:04:59] *** mt sets mode: +bq-o *!*@gnu.moe *!*@unaffiliated/spydar007 mt