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<meta name="description" content="Instructions for identifying to services on various IRC networks." />
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**NOTE: This might be heavily freenode-specific, but these things should
work with other networks too, at least SASL and CertFP.**
I will document the four different methods to identify to services which I
use by myself. **I use all of these at the same time.**
There isn't much to say about SASL as it's easy to configure as long as
your IRC client supports it. SASL identifies you before logging in, but it
won't help you in case services are down. The easiest way to check does
the network where you are support SASL is probably to whois or message or
both to the SaslServ.
/whois SaslServ SaslServ
/msg SaslServ help
If the network does support SASL, you should see something like this
which freenode gives:
XX:XX:XX -- [SaslServ] (SaslServ@services.): SASL Authentication Agent
XX:XX:XX -- [SaslServ] services. (Atheme IRC Services)
XX:XX:XX -- [SaslServ] is a Network Service
XX:XX:XX -- [saslserv] End of WHOIS
XX:XX:XX -- SaslServ: This service exists to identify connecting clients to the network. It has no public interface.
There are different mechanisms for use with SASL. I personally use them in
This is what ZNC 1.5-git-3b01efc says about them:
XX:XX:XX < *sasl> +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+
XX:XX:XX < *sasl> | Mechanism | Description |
XX:XX:XX < *sasl> +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+
XX:XX:XX < *sasl> | EXTERNAL | TLS certificate, for use with the *cert module |
XX:XX:XX < *sasl> | DH-BLOWFISH | Secure negotiation using the DH-BLOWFISH mechanism |
XX:XX:XX < *sasl> | DH-AES | More secure negotiation using the DH-AES mechanism |
XX:XX:XX < *sasl> | PLAIN | Plain text negotiation |
XX:XX:XX < *sasl> +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+
Some notes:
* PLAIN is plain text as it says, so if you use it like I do, you should
use SSL.
* EXTERNAL is supposed to be used together with CertFP, but it doesn't
work with most of networks.
* It's not supported even by freenode.
* I don't know any network that supports it.
* This won't help you if services go down.
## CertFP
CertFP identifies you using SSL certificate which you must generate and
add to your NickServ account.
You can use this command at IRC to check if the network supports certfp.
/msg NickServ help cert
I am not sure how this happens on Windows, so you might need to look for
that information elsewhere unless someone decides to help me and tell
how does it happen. I am going to tell about OpenSSL.
### Generating the certificate
Open terminal and run this command and replae YOURNICKNAMEHERE.pem with
your nickname or something else which makes you know what it is
openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout YOURNICKNAMEHERE.pem -x509 -days 24855 -out YOURNICKNAMEHERE.pem -subj "/CN=Your Nickname"
This gives us file `YOURNICKNAMEHERE.pem` which you must give to your IRC
**NOTE: This certificate is valid for 24855 days which is the maximum on
32-bit systems. This might not be very wise, but as we only use this cert
in IRC and we don't want to worry about regenerating it too often so we
have a very long time when it's valid. You should regenerate your
cert as often as you change your password or more even more often…**
Oh, and **don't close your terminal yet** as you will need it for HexChat.
### Telling your client (or bouncer to use the cert).
#### HexChat
Create a folder "certs" to your HexChat config and copy the .pem file
there and copy and rename it as `client.pem`.
mkdir -p ~/.config/hexchat/certs/
cp YOURNICKNAMEHERE.pem ~/.config/hexchat/certs/client.pem
Now open your HexChat and press `CTRL + S` or go to `HexChat --> Network list` and check the settings for the networks that you use.
* Use SSL for all the servers on this network.
* Make sure that the login method **IS NOT** `SASL EXTERNAL (cert)`, as
said previously, it won't work.
* It appears that HexChat started to want to use it when I added the
* If you use something that wants username, uncheck the `Use global user informtion`
or you must specify the username in the Network List and ZNC won't like
#### Limnoria
Insert your .pem file somewhere where the bot can read it and tell your
bot to read use it while connecting with
config networks.<network>.certfile /full/path/to/pem.file
**NOTE: This is server specific**. [ProgVal/Limnoria#612 is feature request for global certfiles.](https://github.com/ProgVal/Limnoria/issues/612)
##### testing branch
Since Limnoria **2014.06.04** global certificate is supported. You can use
the `version` command to check which version you are using.
config protocols.irc.certfile /full/path/to/pem.file
For instructions to [upgrade Limnoria, please see their INSTALL.md file.](https://github.com/ProgVal/Limnoria/blob/testing/INSTALL.md)
#### WeeChat
I recommend you to `/script install iset.pl` for easier configuring when
you aren't following this.
Put the .pem file somewhere where your WeeChat can access it, preferably
`~/.weechat` or whenever your "WeeChat home" is and run the following
commands in WeeChat:
/set irc.server_default.ssl_cert %h/YOURNICKNAMEHERE.pem"
/set irc.server_default.ssl on
/set irc.server_default.ssl_dhkey_size 1024
/set irc.server_default.ssl_verify on
1. Specifies where is the .pem file for all networks that don't have it
invidually specified.
2. Enables SSL for all networks by default unless otherwise configured.
3. Sets `dhkey_size` to `1024` (required by some networks like freenode).
4. Disables verifying the certificates (required for self-signed
certificates and I think that applies to our certificate too).
#### ZNC
Please read the both parts as you must add the certificate in webadmin or
read ZNC documentation on how to add it manually.
##### Webadmin
First login to your webadmin and if you are admin, go to the global
settings. Check the checkbox `certauth`, scroll down and press "Save".
Then go to your settings and check the checkbox `cert`. You might also
want to check the checkbox for `sasl` and `perform`. Scroll down and
click "Save and return".
Now you should see `certauth` in global modules where you can specify the
fingerprint of the pem file and your IRC client should be able to login to
ZNC with it.
You should also see `Certificate` in user modules. On top of the page it
will tell you if you have certificate specified. Open the
`YOURNICKHERE.pem` and copy-paste everything in it to the large box and
click `Update`.
##### IRC
/znc loadmod --type=global certauth
/znc loadmod --type=user cert
/znc loadmod --type=user perform
/znc loadmod --type=network sasl
This is everything that was done above except adding the certificate which
you should do in the webadmin (see the two last paragraphs under webadmin
on this page).
### Telling NickServ about your key
NickServ wants to know the fingerprint which you can get with the following
openssl x509 -sha1 -noout -fingerprint -in YOURNICKNAMEHERE.pem | sed -e 's/^.*=//;s/://g;y/ABCDEF/abcdef/'
which returns your fingerprint (**WHICH YOU MUST NOT SHARE WITH ANYONE**)
Now you can tell to NickServ about it.
/msg NickServ CERT ADD 05dd01fedc1b821b796d0d785160f03e32f53fa8
(replace that with your own fingerprint!) And nickerv replies to you
14:13:39 -- NickServ: Added fingerprint 05dd01fedc1b821b796d0d785160f03e32f53fa8 to your fingerprint list.
### Testing
Now when you connect to freenode and have configured your IRC client to
use your new certificate, you should get identified automatically and
you should see your certificate by whoising yourself and running cert list
with NickServ.
XX:XX:XX -- [YOURNICK] has client certificate fingerprint 05dd01fedc1b821b796d0d785160f03e32f53fa8
XX:XX:XX -- NickServ: Fingerprint list for YOURNICK:
XX:XX:XX -- NickServ: - 05dd01fedc1b821b796d0d785160f03e32f53fa8$$
XX:XX:XX -- NickServ: End of YOURNICK fingerprint list.
### Notes
* You must recreate your certificate as specified by the `-days` part in
the openssl command.
* This will identify you with immediately so you are still visible to
* This will identify you after services return unlike other methods if you
happen to be on splitted server without services.
* Supported networks which I am on:
* freenode
* oftc
* piratenet
## Server password
This might not work with some networks, but this works with freenode.
All IRC clients should support settng password which to use while
connecting to server. Set it as `username:password` for freenode and you
are automatically identified when you connect.
Some notes:
* This is only known to work with freenode.
* You aren't identified immediately so as shown in the embedded gist,
your real host is visible for people who have you on `/monitor`.
* This won't help you if services go down.
## Automatic command
This works with probably every client. They support setting commands that
are automatically run as you connect and you can set the command
/msg NickServ identify username password
or whatever syntax the services on your network use.
Some notes:
* Your real host is still visible for /monitor ing people.
* Your client might send that command too late to prevent you from getting
to redirect channels for unidentified users and show your real host to
* You might annoy people by joining twice and quitting once with "Changing
For corrections above this line, please contact [me at IRC](../irc.html) or fix them by
yourself [here](https://github.com/Mkaysi/mkaysi.github.io/blob/master/pages/external/identifying.html.md). What is below that line is embedded GitHub
gist which reads where to contact with issues with it.
<script src="https://gist.github.com/maxanton/1e2cf7ada079c271bd3c.js"></script>
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