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There are three ways to install [Limnoria] depending on your operating system. If you are on Debian-based Linux distribution e.g. [Debian], [*Ubuntu], [Linux Mint] you can install the Debian package. Or then you can install from source which should work on all other OSes too (at least Mac OS X, I don’t have successful experience with Windows) and you can also install for current user only.
With the Debian package
This method requires root access.
First become root by running
sudo su
Then download the Debian package. Here you have to choice do you install the stable version or testing version.
Replace “VERSIONHERE” with “master” to get stable version or “testing” to get testing version.
wget http://compiler.progval.net/limnoria-VERSIONHERE-HEAD.deb
dpkg -i limnoria-VERSIONHERE-HEAD.deb
apt-get install -f
The “apt-get install -f” tries to fix broken packages by downloading and installing missing depedencies if there are them.
To upgrade just run the steps above. Remember that the Debian packages are daily builds, so they are changed every day. You can see the latest change on [compiler.progval.net]. The “-HEAD” packages are always the most recent version.
From source
I recommend that you have [git] installed, because it will make upgrading easier and you don’t have to find the [download links] from [GitHub].
If you are going to do a global installation you might want to become root now, otherwise skip the next command
sudo su
Now download (or “clone”) the git repository.
git clone git://github.com/ProgVal/Limnoria.git
move into the cloned repository
cd Limnoria
and decide do you want install stable or testing version.
In case you want the testing version, change into the testing branch. If you want the stable version skip this.
git checkout -b testing origin/testing
Now if you are root and what global installation, you run
python setup.py install
or local installation
python setup.py install --user
Limnoria is now installed and you can move to configuring it.
[Arch Linux] users (and users of other distributions which use python3 by default instead of python”): REPLACE “python” WITH “python2” in all commands!
Return to the git repository or if you have removed it, follow the installation steps again.
Update the cloned repository by running
git pull
and then reinstall
python setup.py install
or only for current user
python setup.py install --user
Configuring the bot
If you installed [Limnoria] as root, you can skip the next section and move to “running Supybot-wizard”.
Preparing locally installed Limnoria for use
Limnoria’s binaries were installed to ~/.local/bin which isn’t in default $PATH. This means that you must either type the whole path always when you want to run Limnoria or add ~/.local/bin to your PATH. We do the previously mentioned.
You can add it to the PATH by running the following commands:
echo "PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.zshrc
If you type only one “>” instead of “>>” in those commands, you will replace the content of those files with “PATH=HOME/.local/bin:PATH” instead of appending it into them.
then run
source .bashrc
or with zsh
source .zshrc
and you should be able to run the commands without needing to type the whole PATH, so you can now move into configuring.
NOTE: You don’t need to do this again after upgrading.