2015-07-04 09:27:21 +03:00

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You must (usually) be registered to freenode IRC network for joining the channel (in order to reduce spam). * If you are registered, please write your registered nickname as Nickname and check the I have a password box and write your password to the Password box. * If you arent registered, dont check the box or type password, but instead type /query nickserv and type register YOURPASSWORD you@example.org. Check your email and copy-paste VERIFY secretcode from there and type /join ##Mikaela and you are on the channel and can use the above instructions next time.

Important: channel rules and a little about the bot.

  • Advanced information:
    • network name: freenode
    • address: chat.freenode.net
    • SSL port: 6697 SSL is required for joining the channel
    • channel: ##Mikaela
  • IRC link