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Raw Blame History

As some people already know, I am currently re-reading The Farseer Trilogy because I learnt there are more books that are located in the same world.

I didnt remember there was anything gender related there, but there was and its too good to not share.

  • Fitz: warningly Fool
  • Fool: Ah. Perhaps the truth is, I fear to show her my proof, lest ever afterwards she find all other men a disappointment. What does it matter what she thinks? Let her think whatever is easiest for her to believe.
  • Fitz: Meaning?
  • Fool: She needed somone to confide in and, for a time, chose me. Perhaps it was easier for her to do that if she believed I was a woman, also. That is one thing that in all my years among your folk I have never become accustomed to. The great importance you attach to what gender one is.
  • Fitz: Well it is important…
  • Fool: Rubbish. Mere plumbing when all is said and done. Why is it important?
  • Fitz: at a loss of words
  • Fitz: Could you not simply tell her you are a man and let the issue be laid to rest?
  • Fool: That would scarcely lay it to rest Fitz. For then she would need to know why, if I am a man, I do not desire her. It would have to be either in me, or something I perceived as a fault in her. No. I do not think anything needs to be said on that topic. Starling, however, has the ministrels failing. She thinks that everything in the world, no matter how private, should be a topic for discussion. Or better yet, made into a song. Ah, yes!

Fool makes a mocking song imitating Starling.

  • Fitz: Did you ever stop to think you might hurt her feelings?
  • Fool: I gave it as much thought as she gave to whether such an allegation might hurt mine.
  • Fool: Admit it. You asked that question with never a thought as to whether it would hurt my vanity. How would you feel if I demanded proof that you were a man? Ah! Such a thing to waste words on, with all else we must confort. Let it go Fitz, and I will as well. Let her refer to me as “she” as much as she wishes. I will do my best to ignore it.
  • Fitz: It is only that she thinks that you love me.
  • Fool: I do.
  • Fitz: I mean, as a man and a woman love.
  • Fool: And how is that?
  • Fitz: I mean…. For bedding. For…
  • Fool: And is that how a man loves a woman. For bedding?
  • Fitz: Its a part of it.
  • Fool: You are confusing plumbing and love again.
  • Fitz: Its more than plumbing!
  • Fool: I see. Tell me, Fitz, did you love Molly or that which was under her skirts?
  • Fitz: I love Molly and all that is a part of her
  • Fool: There, now you have said it. And I love you, and all that is a part of you. And do you not return that to me?
  • Fitz: You know I love you. After all that has been between us, how can you even ask? But I love you as a man loves another man …
  • Fool: jumps to fallen log crying dramatically He loves me, he says! And I love him!