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layout: page
title: IRC
permalink: /irc/
I am on multiple IRC networks, but finding me should be easy. I am mostly using nicks
Mikaela, Anima or Ciblia and I am on umode `-i`, so you should be able to find me easily with
`/whois nick nick`. `/nickserv info nick` can also be helpful.
To check that it's me, you can use OTR and check [my OTR key.](keys)
## IRC. subdomain
[irc.mikaela.info](ircs://irc.mikaela.info:6697) currently points to [irc.queertech.systems](ircs://irc.queertech.systems:6697).
It should give you some of the fingerprints below, otherwise there is MITM-attack
going on and you should disconnect.
| Server | SSL Fingerprint |
| judith.queertech.systems | `C6:82:79:7B:8E:55:4E:5E:4C:CD:D1:BC:99:41:70:4E`