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layout: post
comments: true
title: "WeeChat: ignoring with /filter"
category: [english]
tags: [english, IRC, WeeChat]
- /filter.html
- /weechat-filter.html
- /english/2015/05/31/weechat-filter.html
robots: noai
_Everyone knows the `/ignore` command, but there is also `/filter` which I feel
is superiour._
First, how do they differ?
- Ignore removes all lines from the person you are ignoring permanently and they
aren't logged or anything.
- Filter only hides the messages from the person and is very customizable, but I
am only describing my ignoring here. They are still logged and by toggling
filters they become visible.
And how do you use it?
- `/filter add FILTERNAME * nick_*NICKHERE* *`
- FILTERNAME is the name how you recognize the filter, I usually put the nick
- The first `*` is buffer where the filter is used in and means simply "all
- `nick_*NICKHERE*` means that you want to filter lines from `*NICKHERE*`, the
asterisks are important as it makes sure that the user doesn't change their
nick to `NICKHERE_` who again wouldn't be filtered.
- And the last `*`, what do you want to filter from that nick? Everything.
But doesn't this defeat the whole point of ignoring? That depends on you and do
you think you will ever need the ignored content.
One good example where you might want to have the content is when you are
channel op and someone on your ignore list joins the channel and someone else
alerts ops.
With ignore you see nothing, with filter you just toggle your filters and see
that someone who you had filtered joined on the channel and did something
against the channel rules and you can easily take action.
Further reading, check `/help filter`, you will enjoy at least the smart filter,
`/filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter *` (hides joins/quits/parts/etc.
unless the person has talked in X minutes configured in
`/help irc.look.smart_filter_delay`).