Mikaela Suomalainen 343dd6adeb Add quotes to meta excerpts
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2015-05-03 11:14:24 +03:00

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layout: page
permalink: /about.html
excerpt: "A little about me on transness, Asperger's syndrome/autism, feminism & using Linux."
On this page I am trying to explain myself more or those things that you
might wonder in my self-description. Some things that I explain here may
overlap with different features.
## GirlsLikeUs — I am trans woman
It simply means that I was incorrectly defined as boy at birth which I
never was. I didn't always know it, but around 14-15 Dysphoria really hit
I was always different from boys and I have been always bullied and I
became suicidal and depressed. I was diagnosed with AS which didn't so
much, but finally I came to realization on who I am and started the
progress to be recognized as myself.
As the progress is too slow in Finland I ended up starting HRT by myself
(like many (if not most) of us here do) and was on it for year before
getting diagnosed and getting HRT officially.
Many people have said that I am nowadays happier and smile more and other
things like that and I know this is who I am.
It's also not very nice when you separate sex and gender by saying "your
gender can be female, but you are always biologically male" and it has
been noted multiple times that gender is biological.
* 2015-02-13: [Review article provides evidence on the biological nature
of gender identity](http://medicalxpress.com/news/2015-02-article-evidence-biological-nature-gender.html)
* 2015-02-18: [Sex redefined](http://www.nature.com/news/sex-redefined-1.16943?WT.mc_id=FBK_NatureNews)
* *"So if the law requires that a person is male or female, should
that sex be assigned by anatomy, hormones, cells or chromosomes, and
what should be done if they clash? “My feeling is that since there
is not one biological parameter that takes over every other
parameter, at the end of the day, gender identity seems to be the
most reasonable parameter,” says Vilain. In other words, if you want
to know whether someone is male or female, it may be best just to
* 2015-03-03: [Gender Identity is Biological, Study Says](https://gma.yahoo.com/gender-identity-biological-study-says-090824140--abc-news-health.html)
* https://archive.today/tbCsx
* https://archive.today/UBxOV
* https://archive.today/qb7d5
Oh, and even if I talk about my transness (and other things) openly here,
I prefer that *you don't talk about me being trans/autist to anyone* and
*let me tell by myself* if I see reason to do it. People interested enough
can put my name to any search engine and find here sooner or later.
## AS - Asperger's Syndrome
I am AS-person and you might see it from the way I write and speak. I have
some over-sensitive senses like sense of hearing and it becomes difficult
for me to speak if I try to look into your eyes at the same time, so I am
not trying to be impolite or anything, it's just easier to not look at you
while I speak. Same applies to understanding your speaking.
## Feminist
I support equal rights for everyone and the right of self-definition (or
not requiring anyone to define themselves). Everyone should also be the one
to choose what they do with their body (abortion, gender transition etc.)
freely without complicated researchs and other people or society judging
## Linux user
I have been used Linux since 2008, I started with [Ubuntu] \(8.04) which I am
still using. My preferred distribution is [Ubuntu MATE] or
[Ubuntu Server], but I am also familiar with other distributions, mainly
I have experience with [Fedora] and other distributions from that side too
and I am not entirely lost while using them, but somehow I have always
preferred Debian side. Maybe it's just that I have learned to use it.
[Ubuntu MATE]:https://ubuntu-mate.org/
[Ubuntu Server]:http://www.ubuntu.com/server
* * * * *
*Please keep in mind that everything in this page is just my opinion and
not all trans or AS or \<any group\> people are the exact same.*