6.1 KiB
There might not be much to see in this page. You can find list of pages in the source.
Around the web
This is list of my profiles etc. in different services.
The list can be incomplete if I am inactive somewhere or forget some place.
Mailing lists
And some other mailing lists. You can see if email is sent by me by looking at PGP signature.
pub 4096R/0x4DB53CFE82A46728 2012-03-27
uid Mika Suomalainen
sub 4096R/0xDA6A2440A4271AC5 2012-03-27
Preferred keyservers:
PGP Global Directory
This keyserver doesn’t allow receiving nor sending outside the web interface. If you sign my key, please send it here and please also send it to pool.sks-keyservers.net.
This keyserver is set as preferred keyserver in my key, so it will be used for my key when you run “gpg –refresh-keys”.
SKS keyservers
pool.sks-keyservers.net allows sending and receiving keys, but please send signed key also to PGP Global Directory.
This site.
My PGP key is also on this site..
NOTICE: Remember to check that the fingerprint matches to the key on all keyservers.
See OTR. It’s detach-signed as explained in it.
Version control / code etc.
Social media
PGP/GPG clearsigned file with links mentioned below as requested publicly on Planet Debian.
Seuraa käyttäjää @MkaysiFriend requests (at Facebook) are accepted from people whom I know personally or from IRC/somewhere similar.
You can find me (Mkaysi) at freenode..
At freenode I can usually be found from at least at #limnoria,#gribble,#supybot,##Mkaysi.
I used to be also on some channels at OFTC and IRCnet, but because of problems with shell hoster I am not on them currently.
Miscellaneous things related to this site.
mkaysi.github.com by
Suomalainen is licensed under a
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Based on a work at