Starting with this commit, there should be no "original" text in READMEs. Instead, the entire text should be in docstrings, and READMEs should be automatically generated from these docstrings. Motivation: * The same help is available both via IRC and in the README (although the README can be more detailed, as only the first paragraph will be shown on IRC) * This will allow auto-generating plugin help on docs.limnoria.net using the same content as the README, as it's sourced from the docstrings Additionally, this converts all READMEs from Markdown to ReST, because the documentation already uses ReST, and other docstrings in the codebase are in ReST for this reason.
Documentation for the Scheduler plugin for Supybot
Gives the user the ability to schedule commands to run at a
particular time, or repeatedly run at a particular interval. For
scheduler add [time seconds 30m] "utilities echo [status cpu]"
will schedule the command cpu to be sent
to the channel in 30 minutes.
This plugin allows you to schedule commands to execute at a later time.
- add <seconds> <command>
Schedules the command string <command> to run <seconds> seconds in the future. For example, 'scheduler add [seconds 30m] "echo [cpu]"' will schedule the command "cpu" to be sent to the channel the schedule add command was given in (with no prefixed nick, a consequence of using echo). Do pay attention to the quotes in that example.
- list takes no arguments
Lists the currently scheduled events.
- remind <seconds> <text>
Sets a reminder with string <text> to run <seconds> seconds in the future. For example, 'scheduler remind [seconds 30m] "Hello World"' will return '<nick> Reminder: Hello World' 30 minutes after being set.
- remove <id>
Removes the event scheduled with id <id> from the schedule.
- repeat [--delay <delay>] <name> <seconds> <command>
Schedules the command <command> to run every <seconds> seconds, starting now (i.e., the command runs now, and every <seconds> seconds thereafter). <name> is a name by which the command can be unscheduled. If --delay is given, starts in <delay> seconds instead of now.
- supybot.plugins.Scheduler.public
This config variable defaults to "True", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific.
Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.