Starting with this commit, there should be no "original" text in READMEs. Instead, the entire text should be in docstrings, and READMEs should be automatically generated from these docstrings. Motivation: * The same help is available both via IRC and in the README (although the README can be more detailed, as only the first paragraph will be shown on IRC) * This will allow auto-generating plugin help on docs.limnoria.net using the same content as the README, as it's sourced from the docstrings Additionally, this converts all READMEs from Markdown to ReST, because the documentation already uses ReST, and other docstrings in the codebase are in ReST for this reason.
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Documentation for the Web plugin for Supybot
This plugin allows you to view website information, like the title of a page. Also provides a Snarfer for URLs.
Add the help for 'help Web' here.
- doctype <url>
Returns the DOCTYPE string of <url>. Only HTTP urls are valid, of course.
- fetch <url>
Returns the contents of <url>, or as much as is configured in supybot.plugins.Web.fetch.maximum. If that configuration variable is set to 0, this command will be effectively disabled.
- headers <url>
Returns the HTTP headers of <url>. Only HTTP urls are valid, of course.
- location <url>
If the <url> is redirected to another page, returns the URL of that page. This works even if there are multiple redirects. Only HTTP urls are valid. Useful to "un-tinify" URLs.
- size <url>
Returns the Content-Length header of <url>. Only HTTP urls are valid, of course.
- title [--no-filter] <url>
Returns the HTML <title>...</title> of a URL. If --no-filter is given, the bot won't strip special chars (action, DCC, ...).
- urlquote <text>
Returns the URL quoted form of the text.
- urlunquote <text>
Returns the text un-URL quoted.
- supybot.plugins.Web.checkIgnored
This config variable defaults to "True", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines whether the title snarfer checks if the author of a message is ignored.
- supybot.plugins.Web.nonSnarfingRegexp
This config variable defaults to "", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines what URLs matching the given regexp will not be snarfed. Give the empty string if you have no URLs that you'd like to exclude from being snarfed.
- supybot.plugins.Web.public
This config variable defaults to "True", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific.
Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.
- supybot.plugins.Web.snarfMultipleUrls
This config variable defaults to "False", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines whether the title snarfer will query all URLs in a message, or only the first one.
- supybot.plugins.Web.snarferPrefix
This config variable defaults to "Title:", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines the string used at before a web page's title.
- supybot.plugins.Web.snarferReportIOExceptions
This config variable defaults to "False", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines whether the bot will notfiy the user about network exceptions like hostnotfound, timeout ....
- supybot.plugins.Web.snarferShowDomain
This config variable defaults to "True", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines whether domain names should be displayed by the title snarfer.
- supybot.plugins.Web.snarferShowTargetDomain
This config variable defaults to "False", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines whether the domain name displayed by the snarfer will be the original one (posted on IRC) or the target one (got after following redirects, if any).
- supybot.plugins.Web.timeout
This config variable defaults to "5", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific.
Determines the maximum number of seconds the bot will wait for the site to respond, when using a command in this plugin other than 'fetch'. If 0, will use socket.defaulttimeout
- supybot.plugins.Web.titleSnarfer
This config variable defaults to "False", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines whether the bot will output the HTML title of URLs it sees in the channel.
- supybot.plugins.Web.urlWhitelist
This config variable defaults to " ", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific.
If set, bot will only fetch data from urls in the whitelist, i.e. starting with http://domain/optionalpath/. This will apply to all commands that retrieve data from user-supplied URLs, including fetch, headers, title, doctype.