This commit reverts db7ef3f02517f9f2a3c56829a22b9fad3c36e374 (though it keeps the year updates) After discussion with several people, it seems better to mention copyright owners explicitly. eg. https://reuse.software/faq/#vcs-copyright explains the issue of using VCSs to track copyright. As db7ef3f02517f9f2a3c56829a22b9fad3c36e374 only replaced mentions of my name with 'The Limnoria Contributors', this commit only needs to undo that + add one person who contributed to setup.py.
Documentation for the Todo plugin for Supybot
The Todo plugin allows registered users to keep their own personal list of tasks to do, with an optional priority for each.
This plugin allows you to create your own personal to-do list on the bot.
- add [--priority=<num>] <text>
Adds <text> as a task in your own personal todo list. The optional priority argument allows you to set a task as a high or low priority. Any integer is valid.
- change <task id> <regexp>
Modify the task with the given id using the supplied regexp.
- remove <task id> [<task id> ...]
Removes <task id> from your personal todo list.
- search [--{regexp} <value>] [<glob> <glob> ...]
Searches your todos for tasks matching <glob>. If --regexp is given, its associated value is taken as a regexp and matched against the tasks.
- setpriority <id> <priority>
Sets the priority of the todo with the given id to the specified value.
- todo [<username>] [<task id>]
Retrieves a task for the given task id. If no task id is given, it will return a list of task ids that that user has added to their todo list.
- supybot.plugins.Todo.allowThirdpartyReader
This config variable defaults to "False", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific.
Determines whether users can read the todo-list of another user.
- supybot.plugins.Todo.public
This config variable defaults to "True", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific.
Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.