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Installing Limnoria on Windows
This is the "easy to follow" guide to installing Limnoria. The installation documentation provided with the supybot distribution is really quite good already, but since people keep coming to IRC, asking a repeating pattern of questions, we thought it would be a good idea to expand it a bit to make it a little more of a "foolproof guide".
This guide is only for Windows. If you don't want to install on
Windows, check out the non-Windows install guide <use-install>
Limnoria is a modified version of Supybot.
Install Python
Download the latest Python 3 installer from https://www.python.org, 3.5.1, as of 2016-01-26) and run it to install Python.
Installing Python is mostly clicking next, but in the next screen
remember the destination directory where you installed Python. These
instructions refer to it as C:\Python35\
which is the
current name on 2016-01-26.
Then you are asked to customize your installation. Click the drive on left side of "Python" text and select "Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive".
Now Python installs itself which may take several minutes.
Python should be now installed and you can check that the "python"
command points to correct python. Open cmd.exe
(press the
Windows button on your keyboard and type "cmd.exe") and run
where python
and the toppernmost entry should be
Install Supybot
Now we are ready to install Limnoria and it's requirements. Open
as Administrator (right click it
in the previous place) and run:
-m pip install -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ProgVal/Limnoria/master/requirements.txt --upgrade
python3 -m pip install limnoria --upgrade python3
We are now ready to configure Supybot. Supybot creates quite a few
auxiliary files/directories to store its runtime data. It is thus
recommended to create an empty directory from which you'll be running
supybot, to keep all the data in a nice dedicated location. For example,
you may create a C:\Users\<username>\runbot
for this
Configure Supybot
Now you open cmd.exe as normal user, and create and cd into your runbot directory:
mkdir runbot
cd runbot
and from within it run supybot-wizard
python3 C:\Python35\Scripts\supybot-wizard
which will walk you through a series of questions to generate the bot config file.
One thing to make sure to do in the wizard, to make your life easier down the line, is to select y for the Would you like to add an owner user for your bot? question, and actually create the owner user. Remember that password, so that you can later ''identify'' with the bot on IRC and administer it.
Once you generate the config file, which will be named
(where yourbotnick
is the
nick you have chosen for your bot in the wizard), it will be placed in
your runbot
directory. (As long as you leave the default
answer to the Where would you like to create these directories?
Now to start the bot, run, still from within the
python3 C:\Python35\Scripts\supybot yourbotnick.conf
And watch the magic!
This guide has been mainly written by nanotube (Daniel Folkinshteyn), and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license and/or the GNU Free Documentation License v 1.3 or later.