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The Network plugin
driver [<network>]
Returns the current network driver for <network>. <network> is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the network to which this command is to apply.
connect [--ssl] <network> [<host[:port]>] [<password>]
Connects to another network (which will be represented by the name provided in <network>) at <host:port>. If port is not provided, it defaults to 6667, the default port for IRC. If password is provided, it will be sent to the server in a PASS command. If --ssl is provided, an SSL connection will be attempted.
reconnect [<network>] [<quit message>]
Disconnects and then reconnects to <network>. If no network is given, disconnects and then reconnects to the network the command was given on. If no quit message is given, uses the configured one (supybot.plugins.Owner.quitMsg) or the nick of the person giving the command.
Returns the networks to which the bot is currently connected.
latency [<network>]
Returns the current latency to <network>. <network> is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the network to which this command is to apply.
disconnect [<network>] [<quit message>]
Disconnects from the network represented by the network <network>. If <quit message> is given, quits the network with the given quit message. <network> is only necessary if the network is different from the network the command is sent on.
whois [<network>] <nick>
Returns the WHOIS response <network> gives for <nick>. <network> is only necessary if the network is different than the network the command is sent on.
command <network> <command> [<arg> ...]
Gives the bot <command> (with its associated <arg>s) on <network>.