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package wat
import (
type WatGame struct {
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
bot *WatBot
db *WatDb
me Player
commands map[string](func(*Player, []string) string)
aliases map[string](func(*Player, []string) string)
lifeCommands map[string](func(*Player, []string) string)
simpleCommands []string
roid map[string]int
var currency = "watcoin"
var currencys = "watcoins"
var unconscious = "wat, your hands fumble and fail you. try resting, weakling."
func NewWatGame(bot *WatBot, db *WatDb) *WatGame {
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
g := WatGame{bot, db, Player{}, nil, nil, nil, nil, map[string]int{}}
g.me = g.db.User(bot.Nick, "", true)
g.commands = map[string](func(*Player, []string) string){
//"wat": g.megaWat,
"steroid": g.Steroid,
"watch": g.Watch,
"coins": g.Balance,
"send": g.Send,
"rest": g.Rest,
"leech": g.Leech,
"roll": g.Roll,
"dice": g.Dice,
"mine": g.Mine,
"bankrupt": g.Bankrupt,
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
"heal": g.Heal,
g.aliases = map[string](func(*Player, []string) string){
"sleep": g.Rest,
"flip": g.Roll,
g.lifeCommands = map[string](func(*Player, []string) string){
"riot": g.Riot,
"bench": g.Bench,
"steal": g.Steal,
"frame": g.Frame,
"punch": g.Punch,
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
g.simpleCommands = []string{
2019-07-10 16:29:44 +01:00
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
return &g
func (g *WatGame) Msg(m *irc.Message, player *Player, fields []string) {
command := strings.ToLower(fields[0])
reply := ""
if g.commands[command] != nil {
reply = g.commands[command](player, fields)
} else if g.aliases[command] != nil {
reply = g.aliases[command](player, fields)
} else {
// one liners
switch strings.ToLower(command) {
case "ping":
reply = ",beef"
case "help":
reply = g.help()
case "strongest":
reply = fmt.Sprintf("stronk: %s", g.Strongest())
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
case "healthiest":
reply = fmt.Sprintf("healthy: %s", g.Healthiest())
case "losers":
reply = fmt.Sprintf("%s losers: %s", currency, g.TopLost())
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
case "richest":
reply = fmt.Sprintf("%s holders: %s", currency, g.TopTen())
2019-07-10 16:29:44 +01:00
case "bankruptest":
2019-09-22 10:48:24 +01:00
reply = fmt.Sprintf("times bankrupt: %s", g.Bankrupest())
case "source":
reply = "https://git.circuitco.de/self/watbot"
if g.lifeCommands[command] != nil {
if !player.Conscious() {
reply = unconscious
} else {
reply = g.lifeCommands[command](player, fields)
g.bot.reply(m, reply)
func (g *WatGame) help() string {
ret := ""
for cmd, _ := range g.commands {
if len(ret) > 0 {
ret += ", "
ret += cmd
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
ret += strings.Join(g.simpleCommands, ", ")
for cmd, _ := range g.lifeCommands {
if len(ret) > 0 {
ret += ", "
ret += cmd
return ret
func (g *WatGame) RandInt(maxx int64) (uint64, error) {
bi := big.NewInt(maxx)
// prevent panic of rand.Int on big numbers
if bi.BitLen() < 2 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("overflow, got %d", bi)
i, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, bi)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return i.Uint64(), nil
func (g *WatGame) Heal(player *Player, fields []string) string {
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
multiplier := int64(30)
if len(fields) < 3 {
return "#heal <player> <coins> - sacrifice your money to me, peasant! i might heal someone!"
target, e := g.GetTarget("", fields[1])
if e != "" {
return e
a, err := g.Int(fields[2])
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
if a > player.Coins {
return "u poor lol"
amount := int64(a)
if amount < multiplier {
return fmt.Sprintf("too cheap lol at least %d", multiplier)
target.Health += amount / multiplier
player.Coins -= a
if target.Nick == player.Nick {
target.Coins -= a
} else {
g.db.Update(target, player)
fmtStr := "%s throws %d on the dirt. %s picks it up and waves their hand across %s, healing them. %s now has %d health."
return fmt.Sprintf(fmtStr, player.Nick, amount, g.bot.Nick, target.Nick, target.Nick, target.Health)
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
func (g *WatGame) Dice(player *Player, fields []string) string {
roll := uint64(6)
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
if len(fields) > 1 {
i, e := g.Int(fields[1])
if e == nil {
roll = i
answer, err := g.RandInt(int64(roll))
if e := handleError(err); e != "" {
return e
return fmt.Sprintf("1d%d - %d", roll + 1, answer)
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
type PositiveError struct{}
type ParseIntError struct {
original string
func (e PositiveError) Error() string { return "i don't do negative numbers lol" }
func (e ParseIntError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("wat kinda number is %s", e.original) }
func (g *WatGame) Int(str string) (uint64, error) {
i, e := strconv.ParseUint(str, 10, 64)
if i < 0 {
return 0, PositiveError{}
if e != nil {
e = ParseIntError{str}
return i, e
func (g *WatGame) Roll(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) < 2 {
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
return fmt.Sprintf("roll <%s> pls - u must score < 50 if u want 2 win. u can also pick the dice size", currency)
amount, e := g.Int(fields[1])
if e != nil {
return e.Error()
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
dieSize := int64(100)
if len(fields) >= 3 {
userDieSize, e := g.Int(fields[2])
if e == nil && userDieSize >= 2 {
dieSize = int64(userDieSize)
2019-09-22 10:56:10 +01:00
lotteryNum := int64(-1)
if dieSize > 100 {
lotteryNumRand, randErr := g.RandInt(dieSize)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
lotteryNum = int64(lotteryNumRand) + 1
2019-09-22 10:56:10 +01:00
if amount > player.Coins {
return "wat? brokeass"
nRand, randErr := g.RandInt(dieSize)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
n := int64(nRand) + 1
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s rolls the %d sided die... %d! ", player.Nick, dieSize, n)
2019-09-22 10:56:10 +01:00
if n == lotteryNum {
player.Coins += player.Coins
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You won the wattery! Your bet was ignored, but your bank balance was doubled!")
} else if n < dieSize/2 {
player.Coins += amount
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You win! ◕ ◡ ◕ total: %d %s", player.Coins, currency)
} else {
g.me.Coins += amount
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You lose! ≧ヮ≦ %d %s left...", player.Coins, currency)
return ret
func (g *WatGame) Bankrupt(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if player.Coins > 10 {
return fmt.Sprintf("hmm, with %d %s, you're too rich. go get poor.", player.Coins, currency)
2019-06-28 18:55:46 +01:00
minTime := int64(7200)
if !g.CanAct(player, Action_Bankrupt, minTime) {
2019-06-28 18:55:46 +01:00
return "pity is only valid once every 2 hours"
player.Coins += 50
player.Bankrupcy += 1
g.db.Act(player, Action_Bankrupt)
return fmt.Sprintf("here's some pity money. you've been bankrupt %d times.", player.Bankrupcy)
func (g *WatGame) Punch(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) < 2 {
return "punch <target> pls"
target, err := g.GetTarget(player.Nick, fields[1])
if err != "" {
return err
if !target.Conscious() {
return "wat? you're punching someone who is already unconscious. u crazy?"
chance, randErr := g.RandInt(6)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
dmg, randErr := g.RandInt(6)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
dmg = dmg + 1
ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s rolls a d6... %s ", player.Nick, player.Nick)
dmg += uint64(player.Level(player.Anarchy))
if chance + 1 > 3 {
2018-10-27 14:05:12 +01:00
ret += fmt.Sprintf("hits %s for %d points of damage! ", target.Nick, dmg)
target.Health -= int64(dmg)
if target.Health <= 0 {
ret += target.Nick + " has fallen unconscious."
} else {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s has %dHP left", target.Nick, target.Health)
} else {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("fumbles, and punches themselves in confusion! %d self-damage. ", dmg)
player.Health -= int64(dmg * 2)
player.Anarchy -= 1
if player.Health <= 0 {
ret += player.Nick + " has fallen unconscious."
} else {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s has %dHP left", player.Nick, player.Health)
return ret
func (g *WatGame) Frame(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) < 3 {
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
return fmt.Sprintf("frame <nick> <%s> - d6 roll. Sneaky? You force the target to pay me. Clumsy? You pay a fine to the target and myself.", currency)
amount, e := g.Int(fields[2])
if e != nil {
return e.Error()
if player.Coins < amount {
return "wat? you too poor for that."
target, err := g.GetTarget(player.Nick, fields[1])
if err != "" {
return err
if target.Coins < amount {
return fmt.Sprintf("wat? %s is too poor for this.", target.Nick)
n, randErr := g.RandInt(6)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
n = n + 1
ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s rolls a d6 to frame %s with %d %s: It's a %d! (<3 wins). ", player.Nick, target.Nick, amount, currency, n)
if n < 3 {
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You frame %s for a minor crime. They pay me %d.", target.Nick, amount)
player.Anarchy += 1
target.Coins -= amount
} else {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You were caught and pay them %d. %s gets the rest.", (amount / 2), g.bot.Nick)
target.Coins += amount / 2
g.me.Coins += amount / 2
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
g.db.Update(player, target)
return ret
func (g *WatGame) Steal(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) < 3 {
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
return fmt.Sprintf("steal <nick> <%s> - d6 roll. If you fail, you pay double the %s to %s", currency, currency, g.bot.Nick)
amount, e := g.Int(fields[2])
if e != nil {
return e.Error()
if player.Coins < amount*2 {
return "wat? you need double what ur trying 2 steal or you'll go bankrupt..."
target, err := g.GetTarget(player.Nick, fields[1])
if target == nil {
return err
if target.Coins < amount {
return fmt.Sprintf("wat? %s is poor and doesn't have that much to steal. (%d %s)", target.Nick, target.Coins, currency)
n, randErr := g.RandInt(6)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
n = n + 1
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s is trying to steal %d %s from %s... ", player.Nick, amount, currency, target.Nick)
if n < 3 {
ret += "You did it! Sneaky bastard!"
player.Coins += amount
player.Anarchy += 1
target.Coins -= amount
} else {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("You were caught and I took %d %s from your pocket.", (amount * 2), currency)
player.LoseCoins(amount * 2)
g.me.Coins += amount * 2
return ret
func (g *WatGame) GetTarget(player, target string) (*Player, string) {
t := g.db.User(strings.ToLower(target), "", false)
if t.Nick == "" {
return nil, "Who? wat?"
if t.Nick == player {
return nil, "You can't do that to yourself, silly."
return &t, ""
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
func (g *WatGame) Leech(player *Player, fields []string) string {
divisor := uint64(10)
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
if len(fields) < 3 {
return fmt.Sprintf("leech <nick> <%s> - using your wealth, you steal the life force of another player", currency)
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
amount, er := g.Int(fields[2])
if amount < divisor {
return fmt.Sprintf("wat? its %d %s for 1 hp", divisor, currency)
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
if player.Coins < amount || er != nil {
return "wat great fortune do you think you have? poor wats shouldn't be doing this, wat a waste..."
target, err := g.GetTarget(player.Nick, fields[1])
if err != "" {
return err
r, randErr := g.RandInt(10)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
r = r + 1
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
reply := fmt.Sprintf("You muster your wealth and feed it to %s. ", g.bot.Nick)
hpDown := amount / divisor
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
player.Coins -= amount
if r < 5 {
target.Health -= int64(hpDown)
player.Health += int64(hpDown)
player.Anarchy += 1
reply += fmt.Sprintf("The deal is done, you took %d HP from %s. They now have %d HP, you have %d.", hpDown, target.Nick, target.Health, player.Health)
g.db.Update(target, player)
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
} else {
reply += "The gods do not smile upon you this waturday. Your money vanishes and nothing happens."
return reply
func (g *WatGame) Rest(player *Player, fields []string) string {
minRest := int64(43200)
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
delta := time.Now().Unix() - player.LastRested
ret := ""
if player.LastRested == 0 {
ret = "you've never slept before - you sleep so well, your injuries are cured and your health is restored to 10"
player.Health = 10
player.LastRested = time.Now().Unix()
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
} else if delta < minRest {
ret = fmt.Sprintf("wat were you thinking, sleeping at a time like this (%d until next rest)", minRest-delta)
} else {
value, randErr := g.RandInt(10)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
value = value + 1
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
if player.Health < -5 {
player.Health = 1
ret = fmt.Sprintf("wow ur beat up. i pity u, ur health is now 1.")
} else {
player.Health += int64(value)
ret = fmt.Sprintf("wat a nap - have back a random amount of hitpoints (this time it's %d, you've got %d hp)", value, player.Health)
player.LastRested = time.Now().Unix()
2018-10-23 02:36:02 +01:00
return ret
2018-11-16 01:01:29 +00:00
func (g *WatGame) CanAct(player *Player, action ActionType, minTime int64) bool {
delta := g.db.LastActed(player, action)
if minTime != 0 && delta != 0 && time.Now().Unix()-delta < minTime {
return false
return true
func (g *WatGame) Bench(player *Player, fields []string) string {
minTime := int64(115200)
2018-11-16 01:01:29 +00:00
if !g.CanAct(player, Action_Lift, minTime) {
return "you're tired. no more lifting for now."
weight, randErr := g.RandInt(370)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
weight = weight + 50
reps, randErr := g.RandInt(10)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
value := int64(0)
reply := fmt.Sprintf("%s benches %dwatts for %d reps, ", player.Nick, weight, reps)
if weight < 150 {
reply += "do u even lift bro?"
return reply
} else if weight < 250 {
value = 1
} else if weight < 420 {
value = 2
} else if weight == 420 {
value = 10
reply += "four twenty blaze it bro! "
if g.roid[player.Nick] != 0 {
delete(g.roid, player.Nick)
success, randErr := g.RandInt(2)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
if success != 0 {
player.Health = 0
player.Anarchy -= 10
g.db.Act(player, Action_Lift)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s tried to lift %d but halfway through their %d reps, their heart literally exploded from steroid use. They are now unconscious.", player.Nick, weight, reps)
} else {
reply += fmt.Sprintf("roid rage increased the effectiveness! ")
value *= 2
g.db.Act(player, Action_Lift)
player.Anarchy += value
reply += fmt.Sprintf("ur %d stronger lol", value)
return reply
func (g *WatGame) Riot(player *Player, fields []string) string {
2018-11-16 01:01:29 +00:00
if !g.CanAct(player, Action_Riot, int64((48 * time.Hour).Seconds())) {
return "Planning a riot takes time and the right circumstances. Be prepared. (nothing happens)"
r, randErr := g.RandInt(100)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e
reply := ""
if r > 40 {
player.Anarchy += 3
reply = fmt.Sprintf("%s has successfully smashed the state! The brogeoise have been toppled. You feel stronger...", player.Nick)
} else {
player.Health -= 3
reply = fmt.Sprintf("The proletariat have been hunted down by the secret police and had their faces smashed in! Your rebellion fails and you lose 3HP.")
2018-11-16 01:01:29 +00:00
g.db.Act(player, Action_Riot)
return reply
func (g *WatGame) Send(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) < 3 {
return fmt.Sprintf("You forgot somethin'. send <nick> <%s>", currency)
amount, err := g.Int(fields[2])
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
if amount > player.Coins {
return "wat? you're too poor!"
target, str := g.GetTarget(player.Nick, fields[1])
if target == nil {
return str
player.Coins -= amount
target.Coins += amount
g.db.Update(player, target)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s sent %s %d %s. %s has %d %s, %s has %d %s", player.Nick, target.Nick, amount, currency, player.Nick, player.Coins, currency, target.Nick, target.Coins, currency)
func (g *WatGame) Mine(player *Player, _ []string) string {
delta := uint64(time.Now().Unix() - player.LastMined)
minDelta := uint64(600)
if delta < minDelta {
return fmt.Sprintf("wat? 2 soon. u earn more when u wait long (%d)", delta)
value := uint64(0)
if delta < 36000 {
value = delta / minDelta
} else if delta < 86400 {
value = 25
} else if delta < 2592000 {
value = 50
} else {
value = 1000
msg := ""
if player.LastMined == 0 {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("u forgot ur pickaxe but it's okay i'll give you one in %d", minDelta)
value = 0
} else {
player.Coins += value
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s mined %d %s for %d and has %d %s", player.Nick, value, currency, delta, player.Coins, currency)
player.LastMined = time.Now().Unix()
return msg
func (g *WatGame) Steroid(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if g.roid[player.Nick] != 0 {
return "Taking more than the recommended amount of steroids is, well, not recommended."
g.roid[player.Nick] = 1
return fmt.Sprintf("%s has eaten anabolic steroids. While they're good for building strength, it's dangerous to lift heavy weights. I hope you know what you're doing...", player.Nick)
func (g *WatGame) Watch(player *Player, fields []string) string {
if len(fields) > 1 {
maybePlayer, err := g.GetTarget("", fields[1])
if err != "" {
return err
player = maybePlayer
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
return fmt.Sprintf("%s's Strength: %d (%d) / Coins: %d / Health: %d", player.Nick, player.Level(player.Anarchy), player.Anarchy, player.Coins, player.Health)
func (g *WatGame) Balance(player *Player, fields []string) string {
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
balStr := "%s's %s balance: %d. Mining time credit: %d. Total lost: %d. Bankrupt %d times."
balPlayer := player
if len(fields) > 1 {
var err string
balPlayer, err = g.GetTarget("", fields[1])
if err != "" {
return err
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
return fmt.Sprintf(balStr, balPlayer.Nick, currency, balPlayer.Coins, time.Now().Unix()-balPlayer.LastMined, balPlayer.CoinsLost, balPlayer.Bankrupcy)
func (g *WatGame) Strongest() string {
players := g.db.Strongest()
ret := ""
for _, p := range players {
ret += PrintTwo(p.Nick, uint64(p.Anarchy))
return ret
2019-06-28 18:54:32 +01:00
func (g *WatGame) Healthiest() string {
players := g.db.Healthiest()
ret := ""
for _, p := range players {
ret += PrintTwo(p.Nick, uint64(p.Health))
return ret
func (g *WatGame) TopLost() string {
players := g.db.TopLost()
ret := ""
for _, p := range players {
ret += PrintTwo(p.Nick, p.CoinsLost)
return ret
2019-07-10 16:29:44 +01:00
func (g *WatGame) Bankrupest() string {
players := g.db.Bankruptest()
ret := ""
for _, p := range players {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d) ", CleanNick(p.Nick), p.Bankrupcy)
return ret
func (g *WatGame) TopTen() string {
players := g.db.TopTen()
ret := ""
for _, p := range players {
ret += PrintTwo(p.Nick, p.Coins)
return ret
func PrintTwo(nick string, value uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d) ", CleanNick(nick), value)
func (g *WatGame) megaWat(player *Player, _ []string) string {
mega, randErr := g.RandInt(1000000)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e + " mega fail"
mega = mega + 1
kilo, randErr := g.RandInt(1000)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e + " kilo fail"
kilo = kilo + 1
ten, randErr := g.RandInt(100)
if e := handleError(randErr); e != "" {
return e + " ten fail"
ten = ten + 1
reply := ""
if mega == 23 {
player.Coins += 1000000
reply = fmt.Sprintf("OMGWATWATWAT!!!! %s has won the MegaWat lottery and gains 1000000 %s!", player.Nick, currency)
if kilo == 5 {
player.Coins += 1000
reply = fmt.Sprintf("OMGWAT! %s has won the KiloWat lottery and gains 1000 %s!", player.Nick, currency)
if ten == 10 {
player.Coins += 10
reply = fmt.Sprintf("%s won the regular wattery. This one only pays 10 %s.", player.Nick, currency)
player.Watting += 1
return reply