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PBots behavior can be customized via a central registry of key/value pairs segregated by sections.

These are represented as <section>.<key>. For example, irc.port is set to 6667 by default.

Types of values

There are two types of registry values: literals and arrays. Literals can be strings, floats or integers. Arrays are comma-separated lists of literals.

Creating array values

Use the regsetmeta command to change the type metadata key to array, and set the registry value to a comma-separated list of values.

For example, well create a fictional Registry key animals in fictional section foo and then set its type to array.

<pragma-> !regset foo.animals aardvark,badger,cat,dingo
   <PBot> foo.animals set to aardvark,badger,cat,dingo

<pragma-> !regsetmeta foo.animals type array
   <PBot> foo.animals: 'type' set to 'array'

Overriding Registry values per-channel

Some Registry items belonging to a specific section may be overridden on a per-channel basis by setting the item in a channel-specific section.

For example, the bots trigger is defined in general.trigger. You may set a trigger registry item in section #channel to override the value for that channel: #channel.trigger.

Overriding Registry values via command-line

You may override the Registry values via the PBot start-up command-line. These overrides are not temporary; they will be saved.

$ ./pbot data_dir=mybot irc.botnick=coolbot irc.server=irc.libera.chat irc.port=6667

Registry commands


regset sets a new registry item or updates an existing item.

Usage: regset <section>.<item> <value>

To override the trigger for #mychannel to $:

<pragma-> !regset #mychannel.trigger $
   <PBot> #mychannel.trigger set to $

To override the trigger for #mychannel to be any of ,, ! or %, you can use a character class:

<pragma> !regset #mychannel.trigger [,!%]
  <PBot> #mychannel.trigger set to [,!%]


regunset removes a registry item from a specific section/channel.

Usage: regunset <section>.<item>


regchange changes the value of a registry item using a regular substitution expression.

Usage: regchange <section>.<item> s/<pattern>/<replacement>/

<pragma-> regset foo.bar Hello, world!
   <PBot> foo.bar set to Hello, world!

<pragma-> regchange foo.bar s/world/universe/
   <PBot> foo.bar set to Hello, universe!


regshow displays the type and value of a registry item.

Usage: regshow <section>.<item>

<pragma-> !regshow antiflood.chat_flood_punishment
   <PBot> antiflood.chat_flood_punishment: 60,300,3600,86400,604800,2419200 [array]


regfind searches for registry items, and may optionally show the values of all matching items.

Usage: regfind [-showvalues] [-section <section>] <regex>

To limit the search to a specific section, use -section <section>.

To dump the entire registry, use regfind -showvalues .*.


regsetmeta sets the metadata values for a specific registry key. See registry metadata list.

If you omit the <key> argument, it will list all the defined keys and values for the registry item. If you specify <key> but omit <value>, it will show the value for that specific key.

Usage: regsetmeta <section>.<item> [key [value]]

For example, this directly sets the value metadata key of irc.botnick.

 <pragma-> !regsetmeta irc.botnick value candide
         * PBot changed nick to candide
 <candide> irc.botnick: 'value' set to 'candide'

That example is equivalent to regset irc.botnick candide.


regunset deletes a metadata key from a registry item.

Usage: regunset <section>.<item> <key>

Editing Registry file

You may edit the Registry file manually. It is located as $data_dir/registry. Its contents are plain-text JSON.

This is a sample entry:

"irc" : {
  "botnick" : {
     "type" : "text",
     "value" : "PBot"

After editing an entry in the Registry file, you may reload it with the reload command.

<pragma-> !reload registry
   <PBot> Registry reloaded.

Metadata list

This is a list of recognized registry metadata keys.

Name Description
type Sets the type of the registry item; values can be text (literal) or array.
value The value of the registry item.
private Whether the value of the registry item is displayed in the regset, regshow or regfind commands. If set to a true value, the value of the registry key will be shown as <private>.

List of known Registry items

This is a list of recognized registry items at the time of this writing.

Name Description Default value
antiaway.bad_actions If a message matches against this regex, it is considered an Away action. ^/me (is (away\|gone)\|.*auto.?away)
antiaway.bad_nicks If someone changes their nick and the new nick matches this regex, it is considered an Away nick. (^z+[[:punct:]]\|
antiaway.kick_msg The message to use when kicking Away offenders. http://sackheads.org/~bnaylor/spew/away_msgs.html
antiflood.chat_flood_punishment The amount of time, in seconds, offenders will be muted/banned. 60,300,3600,86400,604800,2419200
antiflood.chat_flood_threshold The number of messages before this is considered a flood. 4
antiflood.chat_flood_time_threshold chat_flood_threshold number of messages within this amount of seconds will be considered a flood. 5
antiflood.debug_checkban Print verbose debugging information about the checkban function. 0
antiflood.dont_enforce_admins Do not enforce anti-flood detection against logged-in admins. 1
antiflood.enforce If set to a true value, anti-flood will be enforced. 1
antiflood.enter_abuse_max_offenses 3
antiflood.enter_abuse_punishment 60,300,3600,86400,604800,2419200
antiflood.enter_abuse_threshold 4
antiflood.enter_abuse_time_threshold 15
antiflood.join_flood_punishment 115200,3600,10800,604800
antiflood.join_flood_threshold 4
antiflood.join_flood_time_threshold 1800
antiflood.nick_flood_punishment 1800,3600,86400,604800
antiflood.nick_flood_threshold 3
antiflood.nick_flood_time_threshold 1800
antikickautorejoin.punishment 300,900,1800,3600,28800
antikickautorejoin.threshold 4
autorejoin.rejoin_delay Delay before rejoining a channel after being kicked or requested to leave. 900,1800,3600
bantracker.chanserv_ban_timeout 604800
bantracker.debug Log verbose debugging information about the Ban Tracker. 0
bantracker.mute_timeout 604800
battleship.channel Sets the channel for the Battleship game plugin. ##battleship
connect4.channel Sets the channel for the Connect4 game plugin. ##connect4
factoids.default_rate_limit The default rate-limit to set when creating new factoids. 10
factoids.max_channel_length The maximum length the channel field can be. 20
factoids.max_content_length The maximum length the content field can be. 8192
factoids.max_name_length The maximum length the name field can be. 100
factoids.max_undos Maximum undo history entries. 20
general.data_dir Path to PBot data/ directory.
general.daemon Run PBot in daemon mode. Closes stdin and stdout, writes only to logfile. 0
general.deop_timeout Time-out, in seconds, before PBot deops itself after being opped. 300
general.default_ban_timeout Default timeout for bans. 24 hours
general.default_mute_timeout Default timeout for mutes. 24 hours
general.module_dir Path to PBot modules/ directory.
general.module_repo URL to source code of PBot modules; used in factinfo https://github.com/pragma-/pbot/tree/master/modules
general.no_dehighlight_nicks If set to at true value then when outputting text PBot will not convert nicks to text that avoids triggering IRC client nick-highlighting not defined
general.paste_ratelimit How often, in seconds, between pastes to web paste-sites.
general.send_who_on_join When joining a channel, send the WHO command to get detailed information about who is present, and to check for ban-evasions. 1
general.show_url_titles_channels A regular-expression or comma-separated list of channels that should display titles for URLs. .*
general.show_url_titles If set to a true value, PBot will show titles for URLs. 1
general.show_url_titles_ignore_channels A regular-expression or comma-separated list of channels that will not display titles for URLs.
general.strictnamespace When enabled, factoids belonging to other channels will not show up in current channels unless specifically invoked. 0
general.trigger The trigger character(s) or text that will invoke PBot commands. [!]
interpreter.max_recursion The maximum number of recursions allowed before the command interpreter will abort. 100
irc.botnick The IRC nickname of this PBot instance.
irc.debug Log verbose debugging information about the IRC engine. 0
irc.identify_password The password to identify to NickServ or other service bots.
irc.server The IRC server network address to connect to. irc.libera.chat
irc.log_default_handler If set to a true value, any IRC events that are not explicitly handled by PBot will be dumped to the log. 1
irc.max_msg_len The maximum length messages can be on this IRC server. 425
irc.port The IRC server network port to connect to. 6667
irc.realname https://github.com/pragma-/pbot
irc.show_motd If set to a true value, the IRC server MOTD will be shown when connecting. 1
irc.tls_ca_file Path to a specific TLS certificate authority file.
irc.tls_ca_path Path to the TLS certificate authority directory containing certificate files.
irc.tls If set to a true value, TLS encryption will be enabled when connecting to the IRC server. 0
irc.username PBot
interpreter.max_recursion Maximum recursion depth for bot command aliasing. 10
lagchecker.lag_history_interval How often, in seconds, to send a PING to the IRC server. 10
lagchecker.lag_history_max How many of the most recent PINGs to average. 3
lagchecker.lag_threshold Duration, in milliseconds, of average lag before PBot thinks it is lagging too much to sensibly enforce anti-flood, etc. 2000
messagehistory.debug_aka Log verbose debugging information about the aka command. 0
messagehistory.debug_link Log verbose debugging information about account linking. 0
messagehistory.sqlite_commit_interval How often to commit SQLite transactions to the database.
messagehistory.sqlite_debug Log verbose debugging information about SQLite statements. 0
nicklist.debug Log verbose debugging information about the NickList. 0
processmanager.default_timeout The default timeout for background processes, in seconds. 30
spinach.channel Sets the channel for the Spinach game plugin. ##spinach
typosub.ignore_commands Do not apply s// substitution to bot commands.

Channel-specific Registry items

All of above section-specific registry items can be overriden on a per-channel basis if it makes sense for it to be able to do so.

However, some items exist only as a channel-specific item. You must regset these for your channels. They are listed here.

Name Description
[channel].default_ban_timeout Overrides general.default_ban_timeout for this channel.
[channel].default_mute_timeout Overrides general.default_mute_timeout for this channel.
[channel].dont_enforce_antiflood Disables anti-flood enforcement for this channel.
[channel].max_newlines The maximum number of lines to be sent before truncating to a paste site, if preserve_newlines is enabled.
[channel].no_url_titles Disables display of URL titles for this channel.
[channel].notyposubs Disables use of s// substitution to edit messages.
[channel].preserve_newlines If set to a true value, newlines will not be replaced with spaces in this channel. Each line of output will be sent as a distinct message.
[channel].ratelimit_override Duration, in seconds, of the rate-limit for factoids in this channel. To disable factoid rate-limiting for a channel, you can set this to 0.
[channel].rejoin_delay Overrides autorejoin.rejoin_delay for this channel.
[channel].strictnamespace When enabled, factoids belonging to other channels will not show up in this channel unless specifically invoked.
[channel].trigger Overrides the bot trigger for this channel.
[channel].typosub_ignore_commands Do not apply s// substitution to bot commands.
[channel].interpolate_factoids If this key exists and is set to 0 then factoids containing $variables will not have the variables expanded and interpolated.