mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 17:14:32 +01:00
This is expected to take three commits to complete. This first initial commit does the following: - Begin initial rough-draft of doc/VirtualMachine.md - Begin initial refactoring of scripts The next commit will polish up the initial rough-draft and refactoring. The final commit will quality-check everything and fix anything overlooked.
227 lines
6.1 KiB
Executable File
227 lines
6.1 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
use warnings;
use strict;
use English;
use Encode;
use File::Basename;
use JSON::XS;
my $USERNAME = 'vm'; # variable for easier string interpolation
use constant MOD_DIR => '/usr/local/share/pbot-vm/Languages';
use constant SERIAL => '/dev/ttyS1';
use constant HEARTBEAT => '/dev/ttyS2';
use constant STDIN => '/dev/stdin';
use constant STDOUT => '/dev/stdout';
use lib MOD_DIR;
my %languages;
sub load_modules {
my @files = glob MOD_DIR . "/*.pm";
foreach my $mod (@files){
print "Loading module $mod\n";
my $filename = basename($mod);
require $filename;
$filename =~ s/\.pm$//;
$languages{$filename} = 1;
sub run_server {
my ($input, $output, $heartbeat);
if(not defined $USE_LOCAL or $USE_LOCAL == 0) {
# set serial to 115200 baud instead of 9600
system('stty -F ' . SERIAL . ' 115200');
open($input, '<', SERIAL) or die $!;
open($output, '>', SERIAL) or die $!;
open($heartbeat, '>', HEARTBEAT) or die $!;
} else {
open($input, '<', STDIN) or die $!;
open($output, '>', STDOUT) or die $!;
my $date;
my $lang;
my $sourcefile;
my $execfile;
my $code;
my $cmdline;
my $user_input;
my $pid = fork;
die "Fork failed: $!" if not defined $pid;
if($pid == 0) {
my $buffer = "";
my $length = 4096;
my $line;
my $total_read = 0;
while (1) {
print "Waiting for input...\n";
my $ret = sysread($input, my $buf, $length);
if (not defined $ret) {
print "Error reading: $!\n";
$total_read += $ret;
if ($ret == 0) {
print "input ded?\n";
print "got buffer [$buffer]\n";
chomp $buf;
print "read $ret bytes [$total_read so far] [$buf]\n";
$buffer.= $buf;
if ($buffer =~ s/\s*:end:\s*$//m) {
$line = $buffer;
$buffer = "";
$total_read = 0;
} else {
chomp $line;
print "-" x 40, "\n";
print "Got [$line]\n";
$line = encode('UTF-8', $line);
my $compile_in = decode_json($line);
$compile_in->{arguments} //= '';
$compile_in->{input} //= '';
print "Attempting compile [$compile_in->{lang}] ...\n";
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper $compile_in;
my $pid = fork;
if (not defined $pid) {
print "fork failed: $!\n";
if ($pid == 0) {
my ($uid, $gid, $home) = (getpwnam $USERNAME)[2, 3, 7];
if (not $uid and not $gid) {
print "Could not find user $USERNAME: $!\n";
if ($compile_in->{'persist-key'}) {
system ("rm -rf \"/home/$USERNAME/$compile_in->{'persist-key'}\"");
system("mount /dev/vdb1 /root/factdata");
system("mkdir -p \"/root/factdata/$compile_in->{'persist-key'}\"");
system("cp -R -p \"/root/factdata/$compile_in->{'persist-key'}\" \"/home/$USERNAME/$compile_in->{'persist-key'}\"");
system("chmod -R 755 /home/$USERNAME");
system("chown -R $USERNAME /home/$USERNAME");
system("chgrp -R $USERNAME /home/$USERNAME");
system("rm -rf /home/$USERNAME/prog*");
system("pkill -u $USERNAME");
$ENV{HOME} = $home;
$GID = $gid;
$EGID = "$gid $gid";
$EUID = $UID = $uid;
my $result = interpret(%$compile_in);
my $compile_out = { result => $result };
my $json = encode_json($compile_out);
print "Done compiling; result: [$result] [$json]\n";
print $output "result:$json\n";
print $output "result:end\n";
$( = 0;
$< = 0;
if ($compile_in->{'persist-key'}) {
system("cp -R -p \"/home/$USERNAME/$compile_in->{'persist-key'}\" \"/root/factdata/$compile_in->{'persist-key'}\"");
system("umount /root/factdata");
system ("rm -rf \"/home/$USERNAME/$compile_in->{'persist-key'}\"");
} else {
waitpid $pid, 0;
if(not defined $USE_LOCAL or $USE_LOCAL == 0) {
print "=" x 40, "\n";
} else {
} else {
while (1) {
print $heartbeat "\n";
sleep 5;
close $input;
close $output;
close $heartbeat;
sub interpret {
my %h = @_;
$h{lang} = '_default' if not exists $languages{$h{lang}};
my $mod = $h{lang}->new(%h);
print "after preprocess: ", Dumper $mod, "\n";
$mod->postprocess if not $mod->{error} and not $mod->{done};
print "after postprocess: ", Dumper $mod, "\n";
if (exists $mod->{no_output} or not length $mod->{output}) {
if ($h{factoid}) {
$mod->{output} = "";
} else {
$mod->{output} .= "\n" if length $mod->{output};
$mod->{output} .= "Success (no output).\n" if not $mod->{error};
$mod->{output} .= "Success (exit code $mod->{error}).\n" if $mod->{error};
return $mod->{output};