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Logging in and out

You cannot use any of the admin commands unless you login. Note that login requires that your hostmask matches PBots records.

However, if your admin account have the loggedin and stayloggedin metadata set to a true value then you will not need to login. ### login Logs into PBot.

Usage: login [channel] <password>


Logs out of PBot.

Usage: logout

Admin management commands


Adds a new admin to PBot.

Usage: adminadd <name> <channel> <hostmask> <level> <password>

Parameter Description
<name> A unique name to identify this account (usually the nick of the admin, but can be any identifier).
<channel> Which channel the admin can administrate; use global for all channels. This field cannot be changed without removing and re-adding the admin.
<hostmask> What hostmask the admin is recognized/allowed to login from (e.g., somenick!*@*somedomain.com or *@unaffiliated/someuser). This field cannot be changed without removing and re-adding the admin.
<level> An integer representing their level of privileges. See admin-levels.
<password> The password the admin will use to login (from /msg!). A password is not required if the stayloggedin and loggedin metadata are set for the admin; however, a dummy password still needs to be set.


Removes an admin from PBot. You can use the name field or the hostmask field that was set via adminadd.

Usage: adminrem <channel> <name or hostmask>

Admin levels

This is a list of admin commands allowed by each admin level. Higher level admins have access to all lower level admin commands.

Level Commands
10 actiontrigger, antispam, whitelist, blacklist, chanlist, ban, unban, mute, unmute, op, deop, voice, devoice, invite, kick, ignore, unignore
40 chanset, chanunset, chanadd, chanrem, join, part, mode
60 adminadd, adminrem, adminset, adminunset, akalink, akaunlink, regset, regunset, regsetmeta, regunsetmeta, regchange, dumpbans
90 sl, plug, unplug, replug, load, unload, reload, export, rebuildaliases, refresh, die
99 eval


Sets metadata for an admin account. You can use the name field or the hostmask field that was set via adminadd. See also: admin metadata list.

If key is omitted, it will list all the keys and values that are set. If value is omitted, it will show the value for key.

Usage: adminset <channel> <name or hostmask> [<key> [value]]


Deletes a metadata key from an admin account. You can use the name field or the hostmask field that was set via adminadd.

Usage: adminunset <channel> <name or hostmask> <key>

Admin metadata list

This is a list of recognized metadata keys for admin accounts.

Name Description
name A unique name identifying this admin account.
level The privilege level of the admin. See admin levels.
password The password for this admin account.
loggedin Whether the admin is logged in or not.
stayloggedin Do not log the admin out when they part/quit.

Listing admins

To list admins, use the list admins command. This is not an admin command, but it is included here for completeness.

Usage: list admins

When used in a channel, it will list only the admins for that channel, plus all global admins. When used from private message, it will list all admins from all channels, including global admins.

Channel management commands


To temporarily join a channel, use the join command. The channels may be a comma- separated list.

Usage: join <channel(s)>


To temporarily leave a channel (that is, without removing it from PBots list of channels), use the part command. The channels may be a comma-separated list.

Usage part <channel(s)>


chanadd permanently adds a channel to PBots list of channels to auto-join and manage.

Usage: chanadd <channel>


chanrem removes a channel from PBots list of channels to auto-join and manage.

Usage: chanrem <channel>


chanset sets a channels metadata. See channel metadata list

Usage: chanset <channel> [key [value]]

If both key and value are omitted, chanset will show all the keys and values for that channel. If only value is omitted, chanset will show the value for that key.


chanunset deletes a channels metadata key.

Usage: chanunset <channel> <key>


chanlist lists all added channels and their metadata keys and values.

Channel metadata list

Name Description
enabled When set to a true value, PBot will auto-join this channel after identifying to NickServ (unless general.autojoin_wait_for_nickserv is 0, in which case auto-join happens immediately).
chanop When set to a true value, PBot will perform channel management (anti-flooding, ban-evasion, etc).
permop When set to a true value, PBot will automatically op itself when joining and remain opped instead of automatically opping and deopping as necessary.


Ignore a user. If you omit [channel] PBot will ignore the user in all channels, including private messages.

Usage: ignore <hostmask regex> [channel [timeout]]

Timeout can be specified as an relative time in English; for instance, 5 minutes, 1 month and 2 weeks, next thursday, friday after next, forever and such.


Unignores a user. If you omit [channel] PBot will unignore the user from all channels, including private messages.

Usage: unignore <hostmask regex> [channel]


Whitelists a hostmask regex to be exempt from ban evasions or anti-flood enforcement.


  • whitelist <show/list>
  • whitelist add <channel> <hostmask>
  • whitelist remove <channel> <hostmask>


Blacklists a hostmask regex from joining a channel.


  • blacklist <show/list>
  • blacklist add <hostmask regex> [channel]
  • blacklist remove <hostmask regex> [channel]





The op, deop, voice and devoice commands all perform their respective named action.

The targets parameter can be a list of multiple nicks, optionally containing wildcards. If targets is omitted, the action will be performed on the caller.


In channel:

  • op [targets]
  • deop [targets]
  • voice [targets]
  • devoice [targets]

From private message:

  • op <channel> [targets]
  • deop <channel> [targets]
  • voice <channel> [targets]
  • devoice <channel> [targets]


Sets or unsets channel or user modes.

Usage: mode [channel] <flags> [targets]

PBot extends the IRC MODE command in useful ways. For instance, the targets parameter may contain wildcards. To op everybody whose nick ends with |dev you can do !mode +o *|dev in a channel.


Bans or mutes a user. If the argument is a nick instead of a hostmask, it will determine an appropriate banmask for that nick. The argument can be a comma-separated list of multiple nicks or masks.

Usages: - ban <nick or hostmask> [channel [timeout]] - mute <nick or hostmask> [channel [timeout]]

If timeout is omitted, PBot will ban the user for 24 hours. Timeout can be specified as an relative time in English; for instance, 5 minutes, 1 month and 2 weeks, next thursday, friday after next, forever and such.


Unbans or unmutes a user. If the argument is a nick instead of a hostmask, it will find all bans that match any of that nicks hostmasks or NickServ accounts and unban them. The argument can be a comma-separated list of multiple nicks or masks.

Usages: - unban <nick or hostmask> [channel] - unmute <nick or hostmask> [channel]


Invites a user to a channel.

Usage: invite [channel] <nick>


Removes a user from the channel. <nick> can be a comma-separated list of multiple users, optionally containing wildcards. If [reason] is omitted, a random insult will be used.

Usage from channel: kick <nick> [reason] From private message: kick <channel> <nick> [reason]

Module management commands

Note that modules are “reloaded” each time they are executed. There is no need to refresh after editing a module.


This command loads a module in $data_dir/modules/ as a PBot command. It is equivalent to factadding a new keyword and then setting its type to module.

Usage: load <keyword> <module>

For example, to load $data_dir/modules/qalc.sh as the qalc command:

<pragma-> !load qalc qalc.sh


This command unloads a module. It is equivalent to deleting the factoid keyword the module was loaded as.

Usage: unload <keyword>

Plugin management commands


Loads a plugin into PBot.

Usage: plug <plugin>


Unloads a plugin from PBot.

Usage: unplug <plugin>


Reloads a plugin into PBot. The plugin is first unloaded and then it is loaded again.

Usage: replug <plugin>


Lists all currently loaded plugins. This isnt an admin command, but it is included here for completeness.

Usage: pluglist

<pragma-> !pluglist
   <PBot> Loaded plugins: ActionTrigger, AntiAway, AntiKickAutoRejoin, AntiNickSpam, AntiRepeat, AntiTwitter, AutoRejoin, GoogleSearch, Quotegrabs, RemindMe, UrlTitles

Miscellaneous commands

These are some of the miscellaneous admin commands that have not been covered above or in the rest of the PBot documentation.


Exports specified list to HTML file in $data_dir.

Usage: export <factoids|quotegrabs>


Refreshes/reloads PBot core modules and plugins (not the command-line modules since those are executed/loaded each time they are invoked).


Reloads a data or configuration file from $data_dir. This is useful if you manually edit a data or configuration file and you want PBot to know about the modifications.

Usage reload <admins|bantimeouts|blacklist|channels|factoids|funcs|ignores|mutetimeouts|registry|whitelist>


Sends a raw IRC line to the server. This is useful if you want to execute any IRC command on the IRC server, in its raw pure form. Use the sl command when PBot does not have a built-in command to do what you need.

Usage: sl <irc command>

<pragma-> sl PRIVMSG #channel :Test message
   <PBot> Test message


Tells PBot to disconnect and exit.