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2019-12-29 19:01:16 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env perl
=head1 NAME
git-md-toc - generate the table of content from the Markdown file(s)
git-md-toc [OPTIONS]
Read and input and generate the table of content (TOC) based on the
markup of the file which is assumed Markdown formatted. The outcome is
also formatted as Markdown.
If no file specified, the file C<README.md> is assumed.
The following HTML comments are recognized in a special way and handled
as the markers to insert new TOC or update existing one.
=over 4
=item C<< <!-- md-toc --> >>
is used to point the place in the document where to put a new TOC.
=item C<< <!-- md-toc-begin --> >>, C<< <!-- md-toc-end --> >>
are used to point the beginning and end of the existing TOC.
Be noticed that these markers themselves must be sticky to the left edge
of the lines where they are situated. This rule doesn't spread on the
content within.
The updated TOC is always ended with double new line to separate from
the further text below. On the same reason, if the TOC is preceded with
some text above, the double new line is prepended the TOC.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item B<-h>, B<--help>
Print this help and exit.
=item B<-t> I<TITLE>, B<--title>=I<TITLE>
Set the title for the table of content. If not specified, the default
value C<Table of Content> is assumed.
=item B<-l> I<LEVEL>, B<--level>=I<LEVEL>
Set the header level used for the TOC title. Available values are C<1>
to C<6>. The default value is C<1>.
=item B<-u>, B<--update>
Update the file with the new table of content. It works even when reading
from STDIN. In this case the outcome will be printed to STDOUT.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head2 Syntax specification
=head2 Perl implementations
=head2 Some other implementations
=head1 AUTHORS
Ildar Shaimordanov E<lt>F<ildar.shaimordanov@gmail.com>E<gt>
Copyright (c) 2019 Ildar Shaimordanov. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw( :config no_ignore_case bundling );
use Pod::Usage;
my $toc_default_title = "Table of Content";
my $toc_title;
my $toc_level = 1;
my $update;
my $max_depth = 6;
my $min_depth = 1;
my $use_filename = 0;
2019-12-29 19:01:16 +01:00
exit 1 unless GetOptions(
"h|help" => sub {
pod2usage({ -verbose => 2, -noperldoc => 1 });
"t|title:s" => sub {
$toc_title = $_[1] || $toc_default_title;
"l|level=i" => sub {
( $toc_level = $_[1] ) =~ /^[1-6]$/
or die "Integer expected in range [1..6]\n";
"u|update" => \$update,
"x|maxdepth=i" => \$max_depth,
"m|d|mindepth=i" => \$min_depth,
"f|filename" => \$use_filename,
2019-12-29 19:01:16 +01:00
# Hmm... No arguments. Let's take README.md or STDIN
@ARGV or @ARGV = -t 0 ? "README.md" : "-";
# =========================================================================
my $md_toc = "<!-- md-toc -->";
my $md_toc_begin = "<!-- md-toc-begin -->";
my $md_toc_end = "<!-- md-toc-end -->";
my $filename;
2019-12-29 19:01:16 +01:00
foreach ( @ARGV ) {
my $orig_text;
local $/;
open F, $_ or die "Unable to open for reading: $_: $!\n";
$orig_text = <F>;
close F;
2019-12-29 19:01:16 +01:00
$filename = $_;
# skip README.md unless it is the only file explicitly specified
next if @ARGV > 1 and $filename eq 'README.md';
my $clean_text = $orig_text;
# skip code fencing
$clean_text =~ s{
(?:\A|\n) [ \t]* ``` .*? \n [ \t]* ```
# skip non-empty TOC blocks
$clean_text =~ s{
<!-- [ \t]+ md-toc-begin [ \t]+ --> [ \t\r]* \n
[\s\S]*? \n
<!-- [ \t]+ md-toc-end [ \t]+ --> [ \t\r]*
my %count = ();
my @toc = ();
push @toc, $md_toc_begin;
push @toc, "#" x $toc_level . " $toc_title" if $toc_title;
while ( $clean_text =~ m{
[ ]{0,3}
# atx-style headers H1-H6
( [#]{1,6} ) [ \t]+ ( .+? ) (?: [ \t]+ [#]* )?
# setext-style headers H1
( \S[^\r\n]*? ) [ \t\r]* \n [ \t]* ( [=] )+
# setext-style header H2
( (?![-]+)|[^\r\n]+? ) [ \t\r]* \n [ \t]* ( [-] )+
[ \t\r]*
}mgx ) {
my $depth;
my $indent;
my $title;
if ( $1 && $2 ) {
$depth = length($1) - 1;
$title = $2;
} elsif ( $4 && $3 ) {
$depth = 0;
$indent = "";
$title = $3;
} elsif ( $6 && $5 ) {
$depth = 1;
$title = $5;
next unless $title;
$indent = " " x ($depth - ($min_depth - 1) < 0 ? 0 : $depth - ($min_depth - 1));
my $anchor_url;
# handle link titles
if ($title =~ m/\[([^]]+)\]\(([^)]+)\)/) {
$title = $1;
$anchor_url = $2;
my $anchor;
if (defined $anchor_url) {
$anchor = $anchor_url;
} else {
$anchor = lc $title;
$anchor =~ s/\s/-/g;
$anchor =~ s/[^\w-]//g;
$anchor = '#' . $anchor;
$anchor .= ( 1 - $count{$anchor} or "" );
2019-12-29 19:01:16 +01:00
if ($depth >= $min_depth - 1 and $depth <= $max_depth - 1) {
if ($use_filename) {
push (@toc, "$indent* [$title]($filename$anchor)");
} else {
push (@toc, "$indent* [$title]($anchor)");
push @toc, $md_toc_end;
my $toc = join "\n", @toc;
unless ( $update ) {
print "$toc\n";
$orig_text =~ s{
(?: (\A) | [\r\n]+ )
<!-- [ \t]+ md-toc [ \t]+ --> [ \t\r]*
<!-- [ \t]+ md-toc-begin [ \t]+ --> [ \t\r]* \n
(?: [\s\S]*? \n )*?
<!-- [ \t]+ md-toc-end [ \t]+ --> [ \t\r]*
(?: (\Z) | [\r\n]+ )
( $1 // "\n\n" ) . $toc . "\n\n";
warn "Updating $_\n";
open F, ">$_" or die "Unable to open for writing: $_: $!\n";
print F $orig_text;
close F;
2019-12-29 19:01:16 +01:00
# =========================================================================