mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2025-02-12 19:40:52 +01:00

misc/git-md-toc: fix indentation; skip README.md unless explicitly specified

This commit is contained in:
Pragmatic Software 2020-01-12 15:08:05 -08:00
parent a6c532d67e
commit 2afb5dc3f7

misc/git-md-toc vendored
View File

@ -114,18 +114,18 @@ my $min_depth = 1;
my $use_filename = 0;
exit 1 unless GetOptions(
"h|help" => sub {
pod2usage({ -verbose => 2, -noperldoc => 1 });
"h|help" => sub {
pod2usage({ -verbose => 2, -noperldoc => 1 });
"t|title:s" => sub {
$toc_title = $_[1] || $toc_default_title;
"l|level=i" => sub {
( $toc_level = $_[1] ) =~ /^[1-6]$/
or die "Integer expected in range [1..6]\n";
"u|update" => \$update,
"t|title:s" => sub {
$toc_title = $_[1] || $toc_default_title;
"l|level=i" => sub {
( $toc_level = $_[1] ) =~ /^[1-6]$/
or die "Integer expected in range [1..6]\n";
"u|update" => \$update,
"x|maxdepth=i" => \$max_depth,
"m|mindepth=i" => \$min_depth,
"f|filename" => \$use_filename,
@ -143,82 +143,86 @@ my $md_toc_end = "<!-- md-toc-end -->";
my $filename;
foreach ( @ARGV ) {
my $orig_text;
local $/;
open F, $_ or die "Unable to open for reading: $_: $!\n";
$orig_text = <F>;
close F;
my $orig_text;
local $/;
open F, $_ or die "Unable to open for reading: $_: $!\n";
$orig_text = <F>;
close F;
$filename = $_;
my $clean_text = $orig_text;
# skip README.md unless it is the only file explicitly specified
next if @ARGV > 1 and $filename eq 'README.md';
# skip code fencing
$clean_text =~ s{
(?:\A|\n) [ \t]* ``` .*? \n [ \t]* ```
my $clean_text = $orig_text;
# skip non-empty TOC blocks
$clean_text =~ s{
<!-- [ \t]+ md-toc-begin [ \t]+ --> [ \t\r]* \n
[\s\S]*? \n
<!-- [ \t]+ md-toc-end [ \t]+ --> [ \t\r]*
# skip code fencing
$clean_text =~ s{
(?:\A|\n) [ \t]* ``` .*? \n [ \t]* ```
my %count = ();
# skip non-empty TOC blocks
$clean_text =~ s{
<!-- [ \t]+ md-toc-begin [ \t]+ --> [ \t\r]* \n
[\s\S]*? \n
<!-- [ \t]+ md-toc-end [ \t]+ --> [ \t\r]*
my @toc = ();
my %count = ();
push @toc, $md_toc_begin;
push @toc, "#" x $toc_level . " $toc_title" if $toc_title;
my @toc = ();
while ( $clean_text =~ m{
[ ]{0,3}
# atx-style headers H1-H6
( [#]{1,6} ) [ \t]+ ( .+? ) (?: [ \t]+ [#]* )?
# setext-style headers H1
( \S[^\r\n]*? ) [ \t\r]* \n [ \t]* ( [=] )+
# setext-style header H2
( (?![-]+)|[^\r\n]+? ) [ \t\r]* \n [ \t]* ( [-] )+
[ \t\r]*
}mgx ) {
my $depth;
my $indent;
my $title;
push @toc, $md_toc_begin;
push @toc, "#" x $toc_level . " $toc_title" if $toc_title;
if ( $1 && $2 ) {
$depth = length($1) - 1;
$title = $2;
} elsif ( $4 && $3 ) {
$depth = 0;
$indent = "";
$title = $3;
} elsif ( $6 && $5 ) {
$depth = 1;
$title = $5;
while ( $clean_text =~ m{
[ ]{0,3}
# atx-style headers H1-H6
( [#]{1,6} ) [ \t]+ ( .+? ) (?: [ \t]+ [#]* )?
# setext-style headers H1
( \S[^\r\n]*? ) [ \t\r]* \n [ \t]* ( [=] )+
# setext-style header H2
( (?![-]+)|[^\r\n]+? ) [ \t\r]* \n [ \t]* ( [-] )+
[ \t\r]*
}mgx ) {
next unless $title;
my $depth;
my $indent;
my $title;
$indent = " " x $depth;
if ( $1 && $2 ) {
$depth = length($1) - 1;
$title = $2;
} elsif ( $4 && $3 ) {
$depth = 0;
$indent = "";
$title = $3;
} elsif ( $6 && $5 ) {
$depth = 1;
$title = $5;
my $anchor = lc $title;
$anchor =~ s/\s/-/g;
$anchor =~ s/[^\w-]//g;
next unless $title;
$indent = " " x $depth;
$anchor .= ( 1 - $count{$anchor} or "" );
my $anchor = lc $title;
$anchor =~ s/\s/-/g;
$anchor =~ s/[^\w-]//g;
$anchor .= ( 1 - $count{$anchor} or "" );
if ($depth >= $min_depth - 1 and $depth <= $max_depth - 1) {
if ($use_filename) {
@ -227,36 +231,36 @@ foreach ( @ARGV ) {
push (@toc, "$indent* [$title](#$anchor)");
push @toc, $md_toc_end;
push @toc, $md_toc_end;
my $toc = join "\n", @toc;
my $toc = join "\n", @toc;
unless ( $update ) {
print "$toc\n";
unless ( $update ) {
print "$toc\n";
$orig_text =~ s{
(?: (\A) | [\r\n]+ )
<!-- [ \t]+ md-toc [ \t]+ --> [ \t\r]*
<!-- [ \t]+ md-toc-begin [ \t]+ --> [ \t\r]* \n
(?: [\s\S]*? \n )*?
<!-- [ \t]+ md-toc-end [ \t]+ --> [ \t\r]*
(?: (\Z) | [\r\n]+ )
( $1 // "\n\n" ) . $toc . "\n\n";
$orig_text =~ s{
(?: (\A) | [\r\n]+ )
<!-- [ \t]+ md-toc [ \t]+ --> [ \t\r]*
<!-- [ \t]+ md-toc-begin [ \t]+ --> [ \t\r]* \n
(?: [\s\S]*? \n )*?
<!-- [ \t]+ md-toc-end [ \t]+ --> [ \t\r]*
(?: (\Z) | [\r\n]+ )
( $1 // "\n\n" ) . $toc . "\n\n";
warn "Updating $_\n";
warn "Updating $_\n";
open F, ">$_" or die "Unable to open for writing: $_: $!\n";
print F $orig_text;
close F;
open F, ">$_" or die "Unable to open for writing: $_: $!\n";
print F $orig_text;
close F;
# =========================================================================