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# File: PBot.pm
# Author: pragma_
# Purpose: IRC Bot (3rd generation)
License project under MPL2 This patch adds the file LICENSE which is the verbatim copy of the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 as retreived from https://www.mozilla.org/media/MPL/2.0/index.815ca599c9df.txt on 2017-03-05. This patch also places license headers for the MPL2 type A variant of the license header in the following files: PBot/AntiFlood.pm PBot/BanTracker.pm PBot/BlackList.pm PBot/BotAdminCommands.pm PBot/BotAdmins.pm PBot/ChanOpCommands.pm PBot/ChanOps.pm PBot/Channels.pm PBot/Commands.pm PBot/DualIndexHashObject.pm PBot/EventDispatcher.pm PBot/FactoidCommands.pm PBot/FactoidModuleLauncher.pm PBot/Factoids.pm PBot/HashObject.pm PBot/IRCHandlers.pm PBot/IgnoreList.pm PBot/IgnoreListCommands.pm PBot/Interpreter.pm PBot/LagChecker.pm PBot/Logger.pm PBot/MessageHistory.pm PBot/MessageHistory_SQLite.pm PBot/NickList.pm PBot/PBot.pm PBot/Plugins.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiAway.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiKickAutoRejoin.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiRepeat.pm PBot/Plugins/AntiTwitter.pm PBot/Plugins/AutoRejoin.pm PBot/Plugins/Counter.pm PBot/Plugins/Quotegrabs.pm PBot/Plugins/Quotegrabs/Quotegrabs_Hashtable.pm PBot/Plugins/Quotegrabs/Quotegrabs_SQLite.pm PBot/Plugins/UrlTitles.pm PBot/Plugins/_Example.pm PBot/Refresher.pm PBot/Registerable.pm PBot/Registry.pm PBot/RegistryCommands.pm PBot/SQLiteLogger.pm PBot/SQLiteLoggerLayer.pm PBot/SelectHandler.pm PBot/StdinReader.pm PBot/Timer.pm PBot/Utils/ParseDate.pm PBot/VERSION.pm build/update-version.pl modules/acronym.pl modules/ago.pl modules/c11std.pl modules/c2english.pl modules/c2english/CGrammar.pm modules/c2english/c2eng.pl modules/c99std.pl modules/cdecl.pl modules/cfaq.pl modules/cjeopardy/IRCColors.pm modules/cjeopardy/QStatskeeper.pm modules/cjeopardy/Scorekeeper.pm modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_answer.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_filter.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_hint.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_qstats.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_scores.pl modules/cjeopardy/cjeopardy_show.pl modules/codepad.pl modules/compiler_block.pl modules/compiler_client.pl modules/compiler_vm/Diff.pm modules/compiler_vm/cc modules/compiler_vm/compiler_client.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_server.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_server_vbox_win32.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_server_watchdog.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_vm_client.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_vm_server.pl modules/compiler_vm/compiler_watchdog.pl modules/compiler_vm/languages/_c_base.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/_default.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/bash.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/bc.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/bf.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/c11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/c89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/c99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clang99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clangpp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/clisp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/cpp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/freebasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/go.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/haskell.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/java.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/javascript.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/ksh.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/lua.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/perl.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/python.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/python3.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/qbasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/scheme.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/_c_base.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/_default.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/c11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/c89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/c99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang11.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang89.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/clang99.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/cpp.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/freebasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/haskell.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/java.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/qbasic.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/server/tendra.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/sh.pm modules/compiler_vm/languages/tendra.pm modules/compliment modules/cstd.pl modules/define.pl modules/dice_roll.pl modules/excuse.sh modules/expand_macros.pl modules/fnord.pl modules/funnyish_quote.pl modules/g.pl modules/gdefine.pl modules/gen_cfacts.pl modules/gencstd.pl modules/get_title.pl modules/getcfact.pl modules/google.pl modules/gspy.pl modules/gtop10.pl modules/gtop15.pl modules/headlines.pl modules/horoscope modules/horrorscope modules/ideone.pl modules/insult.pl modules/love_quote.pl modules/man.pl modules/map.pl modules/math.pl modules/prototype.pl modules/qalc.pl modules/random_quote.pl modules/seen.pl modules/urban modules/weather.pl modules/wikipedia.pl pbot.pl pbot.sh It is highly recommended that this list of files is reviewed to ensure that all files are the copyright of the sole maintainer of the repository. If any files with license headers contain the intellectual property of anyone else, it is recommended that a request is made to revise this patch or that the explicit permission of the co-author is gained to allow for the license of the work to be changed. I (Tomasz Kramkowski), the contributor, take no responsibility for any legal action taken against the maintainer of this repository for incorrectly claiming copyright to any work not owned by the maintainer of this repository.
2017-03-05 22:33:31 +01:00
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package PBot::PBot;
use strict;
use warnings;
2019-07-11 03:40:53 +02:00
use feature 'unicode_strings';
# unbuffer stdout
use Carp ();
use PBot::Logger;
use PBot::VERSION;
use PBot::Registry;
use PBot::Capabilities;
use PBot::SelectHandler;
use PBot::StdinReader;
use PBot::IRC;
use PBot::EventDispatcher;
use PBot::IRCHandlers;
use PBot::Channels;
2011-02-13 06:07:02 +01:00
use PBot::BanTracker;
use PBot::NickList;
use PBot::LagChecker;
use PBot::MessageHistory;
use PBot::AntiFlood;
2018-08-06 07:41:08 +02:00
use PBot::AntiSpam;
use PBot::Interpreter;
use PBot::Commands;
use PBot::ChanOps;
2019-06-26 18:34:19 +02:00
use PBot::Factoids;
use PBot::Users;
use PBot::IgnoreList;
use PBot::BlackList;
use PBot::Timer;
use PBot::Refresher;
2015-09-07 07:52:39 +02:00
use PBot::Plugins;
use PBot::WebPaste;
use PBot::Utils::ParseDate;
use PBot::FuncCommand;
sub new {
Carp::croak("Options to PBot should be key/value pairs, not hash reference") if ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH';
my ($class, %conf) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
$self->{atexit} = PBot::Registerable->new(%conf);
return $self;
sub initialize {
my ($self, %conf) = @_;
2019-12-29 19:44:05 +01:00
$self->{startup_timestamp} = time;
my $data_dir = $conf{data_dir};
my $module_dir = $conf{module_dir};
my $plugin_dir = $conf{plugin_dir};
# check command-line arguments for directory overrides
foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
if ($arg =~ m/^-?(?:general\.)?((?:data|module|plugin)_dir)=(.*)$/) {
my $override = $1;
my $value = $2;
$data_dir = $value if $override eq 'data_dir';
$module_dir = $value if $override eq 'module_dir';
$plugin_dir = $value if $override eq 'plugin_dir';
2019-12-29 19:44:05 +01:00
# logger created first to allow other modules to log things
$self->{logger} = PBot::Logger->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/log/log", %conf);
2019-12-29 19:44:05 +01:00
# make sure the environment is sane
if (not -d $data_dir) {
$self->{logger}->log("Data directory ($data_dir) does not exist; aborting...\n");
if (not -d $module_dir) {
$self->{logger}->log("Modules directory ($module_dir) does not exist; aborting...\n");
if (not -d $plugin_dir) {
$self->{logger}->log("Plugins directory ($plugin_dir) does not exist; aborting...\n");
# then capabilities so commands can add new capabilities
$self->{capabilities} = PBot::Capabilities->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/capabilities", %conf);
2020-01-20 05:00:01 +01:00
# then commands so the modules can register new commands
$self->{commands} = PBot::Commands->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/commands", %conf);
# add some commands
$self->{commands}->register(sub { $self->listcmd(@_) }, "list");
$self->{commands}->register(sub { $self->ack_die(@_) }, "die", 1);
$self->{commands}->register(sub { $self->export(@_) }, "export", 1);
$self->{commands}->register(sub { $self->reload(@_) }, "reload", 1);
$self->{commands}->register(sub { $self->evalcmd(@_) }, "eval", 1);
$self->{commands}->register(sub { $self->sl(@_) }, "sl", 1);
# add 'cap' capability command
$self->{commands}->register(sub { $self->{capabilities}->capcmd(@_) }, "cap");
# prepare the version
2020-01-20 05:00:01 +01:00
$self->{version} = PBot::VERSION->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{logger}->log($self->{version}->version . "\n");
$self->{logger}->log("Args: @ARGV\n") if @ARGV;
# log the configured paths
$self->{logger}->log("data_dir: $data_dir\n");
$self->{logger}->log("module_dir: $module_dir\n");
$self->{logger}->log("plugin_dir: $plugin_dir\n");
2020-01-19 06:49:55 +01:00
$self->{timer} = PBot::Timer->new(timeout => 10, %conf);
$self->{func_cmd} = PBot::FuncCommand->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{refresher} = PBot::Refresher->new(pbot => $self);
# create registry and set some defaults
$self->{registry} = PBot::Registry->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/registry", %conf);
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'general', 'data_dir', $data_dir);
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'general', 'module_dir', $module_dir);
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'general', 'plugin_dir', $plugin_dir);
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'general', 'trigger', $conf{trigger} // '!');
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'debug', $conf{irc_debug} // 0);
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'show_motd', $conf{show_motd} // 1);
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'max_msg_len', $conf{max_msg_len} // 425);
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'server', $conf{server} // "irc.freenode.net");
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'port', $conf{port} // 6667);
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'SSL', $conf{SSL} // 0);
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'SSL_ca_file', $conf{SSL_ca_file} // 'none');
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'SSL_ca_path', $conf{SSL_ca_path} // 'none');
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'botnick', $conf{botnick} // "");
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'username', $conf{username} // "pbot3");
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'realname', $conf{realname} // "https://github.com/pragma-/pbot");
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'identify_password', $conf{identify_password} // '');
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'log_default_handler', 1);
2019-06-26 18:34:19 +02:00
$self->{registry}->set_default('irc', 'SSL_ca_file', 'private', 1);
$self->{registry}->set_default('irc', 'SSL_ca_path', 'private', 1);
$self->{registry}->set_default('irc', 'identify_password', 'private', 1);
# load existing registry entries from file (if exists) to overwrite defaults
if (-e $self->{registry}->{registry}->{filename}) {
# update important paths
$self->{registry}->set('general', 'data_dir', 'value', $data_dir, 0, 1);
$self->{registry}->set('general', 'module_dir', 'value', $module_dir, 0, 1);
$self->{registry}->set('general', 'plugin_dir', 'value', $plugin_dir, 0, 1);
# override registry entries with command-line arguments, if any
foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
next if $arg =~ m/^-?(?:general\.)?(?:config|data|module|plugin)_dir=.*$/; # already processed
my ($item, $value) = split /=/, $arg, 2;
if (not defined $item or not defined $value) {
$self->{logger}->log("Fatal error: unknown argument `$arg`; arguments must be in the form of `section.key=value` (e.g.: irc.botnick=newnick)\n");
my ($section, $key) = split /\./, $item, 2;
if (not defined $section or not defined $key) {
$self->{logger}->log("Fatal error: bad argument `$arg`; registry entries must be in the form of section.key (e.g.: irc.botnick)\n");
2020-01-26 04:55:08 +01:00
$section =~ s/^-//; # remove a leading - to allow arguments like -irc.botnick due to habitual use of -args
$self->{logger}->log("Overriding $section.$key to $value\n");
$self->{registry}->set($section, $key, 'value', $value, 0, 1);
# registry triggers fire when value changes
$self->{registry}->add_trigger('irc', 'botnick', sub { $self->change_botnick_trigger(@_) });
$self->{registry}->add_trigger('irc', 'debug', sub { $self->irc_debug_trigger(@_) });
2019-06-26 18:34:19 +02:00
# ensure user has attempted to configure the bot
if (not length $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick')) {
$self->{logger}->log("Fatal error: IRC nickname not defined; please set registry key irc.botnick in $data_dir/registry to continue.\n");
$self->{event_dispatcher} = PBot::EventDispatcher->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{irchandlers} = PBot::IRCHandlers->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{select_handler} = PBot::SelectHandler->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{users} = PBot::Users->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/users", %conf);
$self->{stdin_reader} = PBot::StdinReader->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{bantracker} = PBot::BanTracker->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{lagchecker} = PBot::LagChecker->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{messagehistory} = PBot::MessageHistory->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/message_history.sqlite3", %conf);
$self->{antiflood} = PBot::AntiFlood->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
2018-08-06 07:41:08 +02:00
$self->{antispam} = PBot::AntiSpam->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{ignorelist} = PBot::IgnoreList->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/ignorelist", %conf);
$self->{blacklist} = PBot::BlackList->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/blacklist", %conf);
$self->{irc} = PBot::IRC->new();
$self->{channels} = PBot::Channels->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/channels", %conf);
$self->{chanops} = PBot::ChanOps->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{nicklist} = PBot::NickList->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{webpaste} = PBot::WebPaste->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{parsedate} = PBot::Utils::ParseDate->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{interpreter} = PBot::Interpreter->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
2020-02-06 10:07:44 +01:00
$self->{interpreter}->register(sub { $self->{commands}->interpreter(@_) });
$self->{interpreter}->register(sub { $self->{factoids}->interpreter(@_) });
2019-12-31 04:57:47 +01:00
$self->{factoids} = PBot::Factoids->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/factoids", %conf);
2015-09-07 07:52:39 +02:00
$self->{plugins} = PBot::Plugins->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
# load available plugins
# start timer
# give botowner all capabilities
sub random_nick {
my ($self, $length) = @_;
$length //= 9;
my @chars = ("A".."Z", "a".."z", "0".."9");
my $nick = $chars[rand @chars - 10]; # nicks cannot start with a digit
$nick .= $chars[rand @chars] for 1..$length;
return $nick;
# TODO: add disconnect subroutine
sub connect {
my ($self, $server) = @_;
if ($self->{connected}) {
# TODO: disconnect, clean-up, etc
$server = $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'server') if not defined $server;
$self->{logger}->log("Connecting to $server ...\n");
2019-06-26 18:34:19 +02:00
while (not $self->{conn} = $self->{irc}->newconn(
Nick => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'randomize_nick') ? $self->random_nick : $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick'),
Username => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'username'),
Ircname => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'realname'),
Server => $server,
Pacing => 1,
2019-07-01 00:08:18 +02:00
UTF8 => 1,
SSL => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'SSL'),
SSL_ca_file => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'SSL_ca_file'),
SSL_ca_path => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'SSL_ca_path'),
Port => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'port'))) {
2015-01-23 14:35:06 +01:00
$self->{logger}->log("$0: Can't connect to $server:" . $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'port') . ". Retrying in 15 seconds...\n");
sleep 15;
$self->{connected} = 1;
#set up handlers for the IRC engine
$self->{conn}->add_default_handler(sub { $self->{irchandlers}->default_handler(@_) }, 1);
$self->{conn}->add_handler([ 251,252,253,254,255,302 ], sub { $self->{irchandlers}->on_init(@_) });
# ignore these events
2019-06-26 18:34:19 +02:00
'endofbanlist'], sub {});
#main loop
sub do_one_loop {
my $self = shift;
sub start {
my $self = shift;
2019-06-26 18:34:19 +02:00
while (1) {
$self->connect() if not $self->{connected};
2019-06-26 18:34:19 +02:00
$self->do_one_loop() if $self->{connected};
sub register_signal_handlers {
my $self = shift;
$SIG{INT} = sub { $self->atexit; exit 0; };
sub atexit {
my $self = shift;
sub irc_debug_trigger {
my ($self, $section, $item, $newvalue) = @_;
$self->{conn}->debug($newvalue) if $self->{connected};
sub change_botnick_trigger {
my ($self, $section, $item, $newvalue) = @_;
$self->{conn}->nick($newvalue) if $self->{connected};
sub listcmd {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my $text;
my $usage = "Usage: list <modules|commands|users>";
if (not defined $arguments) {
return $usage;
if ($arguments =~ /^modules$/i) {
$text = "Loaded modules: ";
foreach my $channel (sort keys %{ $self->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash} }) {
foreach my $command (sort keys %{ $self->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel} }) {
next if $command eq '_name';
if ($self->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$command}->{type} eq 'module') {
$text .= "$self->{factoids}->{factoids}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$command}->{_name} ";
return $text;
if ($arguments =~ /^commands$/i) {
$text = "Registered commands: ";
foreach my $command (sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } @{ $self->{commands}->{handlers} }) {
if ($command->{requires_cap}) {
$text .= "+$command->{name} ";
} else {
$text .= "$command->{name} ";
return $text;
if ($arguments =~ /^users$/i) {
$text = "Users: ";
my $last_channel = "";
my $sep = "";
foreach my $channel (sort keys %{ $self->{users}->{users}->{hash} }) {
next if $from =~ m/^#/ and $channel ne $from and $channel ne '.*';
if ($last_channel ne $channel) {
$text .= $sep . ($channel eq ".*" ? "global" : $channel) . ": ";
$last_channel = $channel;
$sep = "";
foreach my $hostmask (sort { return 0 if $a eq '_name' or $b eq '_name'; $self->{users}->{users}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$a}->{name} cmp $self->{users}->{users}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$b}->{name} } keys %{ $self->{users}->{users}->{hash}->{$channel} }) {
next if $hostmask eq '_name';
$text .= $sep;
my $has_cap = 0;
foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{users}->{users}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$hostmask}}) {
next if $key eq '_name';
if ($self->{capabilities}->exists($key)) {
$has_cap = 1;
$text .= '+' if $has_cap;
$text .= $self->{users}->{users}->{hash}->{$channel}->{$hostmask}->{name};
$sep = " ";
$sep = "; ";
return $text;
return $usage;
sub sl {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
return "Usage: sl <ircd command>" if not length $arguments;
return "";
sub ack_die {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
$self->{logger}->log("$nick!$user\@$host made me exit.\n");
$self->{conn}->privmsg($from, "Good-bye.") if defined $from;
$self->{conn}->quit("Departure requested.");
exit 0;
sub export {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
2020-01-29 22:40:48 +01:00
return "Usage: export <factoids>" if not defined $arguments;
if ($arguments =~ /^factoids$/i) {
return $self->{factoids}->export_factoids;
sub evalcmd {
my ($self, $from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
$self->{logger}->log("[$from] $nick!$user\@$host Evaluating [$arguments]\n");
my $ret;
my $result = eval $arguments;
if ($@) {
if (length $result) {
$ret .= "[Error: $@] ";
} else {
$ret .= "Error: $@";
$ret =~ s/ at \(eval \d+\) line 1.//;
return "/say $ret $result";
sub reload {
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $nick, $user, $host, $arguments) = @_;
my %reloadables = (
'commands' => sub {
return "Commands metadata reloaded.";
'blacklist' => sub {
return "Blacklist reloaded.";
'whitelist' => sub {
return "Whitelist reloaded.";
'ignores' => sub {
return "Ignore list reloaded.";
'users' => sub {
return "Users reloaded.";
'channels' => sub {
return "Channels reloaded.";
'bantimeouts' => sub {
return "Ban timeouts reloaded.";
'mutetimeouts' => sub {
return "Mute timeouts reloaded.";
'registry' => sub {
return "Registry reloaded.";
'factoids' => sub {
return "Factoids reloaded.";
'funcs' => sub {
return "Funcs reloaded.";
if (not length $arguments or not exists $reloadables{$arguments}) {
my $usage = 'Usage: reload <';
$usage .= join '|', sort keys %reloadables;
$usage .= '>';
return $usage;
return $reloadables{$arguments}();