mirror of https://github.com/pragma-/pbot.git synced 2024-10-01 17:16:39 +02:00

Simplify pbot.pl and refactor PBot.pm.

Command-line arguments can override registry entries.
Remove config_dir. Use data_dir instead.
This commit is contained in:
Pragmatic Software 2019-12-21 19:04:39 -08:00
parent 755cb0d571
commit 0e0f64531b
2 changed files with 100 additions and 117 deletions

View File

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ sub initialize {
$self->{version} = PBot::VERSION->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{logger}->log($self->{version}->version . "\n");
$self->{logger}->log("Args: @ARGV\n") if @ARGV;
return if $conf{logger_only};
@ -78,14 +79,48 @@ sub initialize {
$self->{refresher} = PBot::Refresher->new(pbot => $self);
my $config_dir = $conf{config_dir} // "$ENV{HOME}/pbot/config";
my $data_dir = $conf{data_dir};
my $module_dir = $conf{module_dir};
my $plugin_dir = $conf{plugin_dir};
# registry created, but not yet loaded, to allow modules to create default values and triggers
$self->{registry} = PBot::Registry->new(pbot => $self, filename => $conf{registry_file} // "$config_dir/registry", %conf);
# check command-line arguments for directory overrides
foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
if ($arg =~ m/^(?:general\.)?((?:data|module|plugin)_dir)=(.*)$/) {
my $override = $1;
my $value = $2;
$self->{logger}->log("Overriding $override to $value\n");
$data_dir = $value if $override eq 'data_dir';
$module_dir = $value if $override eq 'module_dir';
$plugin_dir = $value if $override eq 'plugin_dir';
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'general', 'config_dir', $config_dir);
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'general', 'data_dir', $conf{data_dir} // "$ENV{HOME}/pbot/data");
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'general', 'module_dir', $conf{module_dir} // "$ENV{HOME}/pbot/modules");
# make sure the environment is sane
if (not -d $data_dir) {
$self->{logger}->log("Data directory ($data_dir) does not exist; aborting...\n");
if (not -d $module_dir) {
$self->{logger}->log("Modules directory ($module_dir) does not exist; aborting...\n");
if (not -d $plugin_dir) {
$self->{logger}->log("Plugins directory ($plugin_dir) does not exist; aborting...\n");
$self->{logger}->log("data_dir: $data_dir\n");
$self->{logger}->log("module_dir: $module_dir\n");
$self->{logger}->log("plugin_dir: $plugin_dir\n");
# create registry and set some defaults
$self->{registry} = PBot::Registry->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/registry", %conf);
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'general', 'data_dir', $data_dir);
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'general', 'module_dir', $module_dir);
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'general', 'plugin_dir', $plugin_dir);
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'general', 'trigger', $conf{trigger} // '!');
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'debug', $conf{irc_debug} // 0);
@ -96,33 +131,70 @@ sub initialize {
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'SSL', $conf{SSL} // 0);
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'SSL_ca_file', $conf{SSL_ca_file} // 'none');
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'SSL_ca_path', $conf{SSL_ca_path} // 'none');
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'botnick', $conf{botnick} // "pbot3");
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'botnick', $conf{botnick} // "");
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'username', $conf{username} // "pbot3");
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'ircname', $conf{ircname} // "http://code.google.com/p/pbot2-pl/");
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'identify_password', $conf{identify_password} // 'none');
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'ircname', $conf{ircname} // "https://github.com/pragma-/pbot");
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'identify_password', $conf{identify_password} // '');
$self->{registry}->add_default('text', 'irc', 'log_default_handler', 1);
$self->{registry}->set_default('irc', 'SSL_ca_file', 'private', 1);
$self->{registry}->set_default('irc', 'SSL_ca_path', 'private', 1);
$self->{registry}->set_default('irc', 'identify_password', 'private', 1);
# load existing registry entries from file (if exists) to overwrite defaults
if (-e $self->{registry}->{registry}->{filename}) {
# update important paths
$self->{registry}->set('general', 'data_dir', 'value', $data_dir, 0, 1);
$self->{registry}->set('general', 'module_dir', 'value', $module_dir, 0, 1);
$self->{registry}->set('general', 'plugin_dir', 'value', $plugin_dir, 0, 1);
# override registry entries with command-line arguments, if any
foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
next if $arg =~ m/^(?:general\.)?(?:config|data|module|plugin)_dir=.*$/; # already processed
my ($item, $value) = split /=/, $arg, 2;
if (not defined $item or not defined $value) {
$self->{logger}->log("Fatal error: unknown argument `$arg`; arguments must be in the form of `section.key=value` (e.g.: irc.botnick=newnick)\n");
my ($section, $key) = split /\./, $item, 2;
if (not defined $section or not defined $key) {
$self->{logger}->log("Fatal error: bad argument `$arg`; registry entries must be in the form of section.key (e.g.: irc.botnick)\n");
$self->{logger}->log("Overriding $section.$key to $value\n");
$self->{registry}->set($section, $key, 'value', $value, 0, 1);
# registry triggers fire when value changes
$self->{registry}->add_trigger('irc', 'botnick', sub { $self->change_botnick_trigger(@_) });
$self->{registry}->add_trigger('irc', 'debug', sub { $self->irc_debug_trigger(@_) });
# ensure user has attempted to configure the bot
if (not length $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick')) {
$self->{logger}->log("Fatal error: IRC nickname not defined; please set registry key irc.botnick in $data_dir/registry to continue.\n");
$self->{event_dispatcher} = PBot::EventDispatcher->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{irchandlers} = PBot::IRCHandlers->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{select_handler} = PBot::SelectHandler->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{stdin_reader} = PBot::StdinReader->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{admins} = PBot::BotAdmins->new(pbot => $self, filename => $conf{admins_file}, %conf);
$self->{admins} = PBot::BotAdmins->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/admins", %conf);
$self->{bantracker} = PBot::BanTracker->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{lagchecker} = PBot::LagChecker->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{messagehistory} = PBot::MessageHistory->new(pbot => $self, filename => $conf{messagehistory_file}, %conf);
$self->{messagehistory} = PBot::MessageHistory->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/message_history.sqlite3", %conf);
$self->{antiflood} = PBot::AntiFlood->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{antispam} = PBot::AntiSpam->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{ignorelist} = PBot::IgnoreList->new(pbot => $self, filename => $conf{ignorelist_file}, %conf);
$self->{blacklist} = PBot::BlackList->new(pbot => $self, filename => $conf{blacklist_file}, %conf);
$self->{ignorelist} = PBot::IgnoreList->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/ignorelist", %conf);
$self->{blacklist} = PBot::BlackList->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/blacklist", %conf);
$self->{irc} = PBot::IRC->new();
$self->{channels} = PBot::Channels->new(pbot => $self, filename => $conf{channels_file}, %conf);
$self->{channels} = PBot::Channels->new(pbot => $self, filename => "$data_dir/channels", %conf);
$self->{chanops} = PBot::ChanOps->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{nicklist} = PBot::NickList->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
$self->{webpaste} = PBot::WebPaste->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
@ -134,7 +206,7 @@ sub initialize {
$self->{factoids} = PBot::Factoids->new(
pbot => $self,
filename => $conf{factoids_file},
filename => "$data_dir/factoids",
export_path => $conf{export_factoids_path},
export_site => $conf{export_factoids_site},
@ -142,14 +214,6 @@ sub initialize {
$self->{plugins} = PBot::Plugins->new(pbot => $self, %conf);
if (not -e $self->{registry}->{registry}->{filename}) {
# save new defaults to file if file doesn't exist
} else {
# load existing registry entries from file to overwrite defaults
# load available plugins
@ -182,7 +246,7 @@ sub connect {
$self->{logger}->log("Connecting to $server ...\n");
while (not $self->{conn} = $self->{irc}->newconn(
Nick => random_nick,
Nick => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'randomize_nick') ? random_nick : $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'botnick'),
Username => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'username'),
Ircname => $self->{registry}->get_value('irc', 'ircname'),
Server => $server,

View File

@ -22,57 +22,18 @@ BEGIN {
unshift @INC, $bothome;
# !! NOTICE !!
# The configuration values in this file are written to $bothome/config/registry
# after the first run!
# Subsequent edits to this file will not take effect! You must edit the
# $bothome/config/registry file instead or use the registry commands in
# the bot (regadd, regset, regchange, etc).
# !! NOTICE !!
my %config = (
# -----------------------------------------------------
# Be sure to set your IRC information to a registered NickServ account
# if you want channel auto-join to work.
# -----------------------------------------------------
# Path to data directory
data_dir => "$bothome/data",
# IRC server address to connect to
ircserver => 'irc.freenode.net',
# Path to directory containing command-line modules
module_dir => "$bothome/modules",
# IRC port
port => '6667',
# Path to directory containing loadable plugins
plugin_dir => "$bothome/Plugins",
# Use SSL? 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
# Note that you may need to use a specific port for SSL; e.g., freenode uses 6697 or 7000 for SSL
# Uncomment SSL_ca_path or SSL_ca_file below to enable SSL verification (will still work without
# verification, but will be susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks)
SSL => 0,
# SSL CA certificates path; e.g., linux: /etc/ssl/certs
# SSL_ca_path => '/etc/ssl/certs',
# SSL CA file, if SSL_ca_path will not do; e.g., OpenBSD: /etc/ssl/cert.pem
# SSL_ca_file => '/etc/ssl/cert.pem',
# IRC nick (what people see when you talk in channels)
# (must be a nick registered with a NickServ account for channel auto-join to work)
botnick => 'pbot3',
# IRC username (what appears in front of your hostname in /whois)
username => 'pbot3',
# IRC realname (extra /whois information)
ircname => 'http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Candide',
# Password to send to NickServ for identification
# (channels will not be auto-joined until identified)
identify_password => '*',
# The bot is triggered by using its name, or the following trigger
trigger => '[!]',
# Path to log file
log_file => "$bothome/log/log",
# -----------------------------------------------------
# The bot can export the latest factoids and quotegrabs to an HTML
@ -82,55 +43,13 @@ my %config = (
# ending with 'site' to the public-facing URL where the files
# may be viewed in a browser.
# -----------------------------------------------------
export_factoids_path => "$bothome/factoids.html", # change to a path in your webroot
export_factoids_site => 'http://your.website.com/factoids.html',
export_factoids_path => "$bothome/factoids.html", # change to a path in your webroot
export_factoids_site => 'http://your.website.com/factoids.html',
export_quotegrabs_path => "$bothome/quotegrabs.html", # change to a path in your webroot
export_quotegrabs_site => 'http://your.website.com/quotegrabs.html',
# -----------------------------------------------------
# You shouldn't need to change anything below this line.
# -----------------------------------------------------
# Path to data directory
data_dir => "$bothome/data",
# Path to config directory
config_dir => "$bothome/config",
# Path to directory containing external script-like modules
module_dir => "$bothome/modules",
# Location of file where bot log information will be output (in addition to stdout)
# (if you use pbot.sh and you change log_file, be sure to also change the log path in pbot.sh)
log_file => "$bothome/log/log",
export_quotegrabs_path => "$bothome/quotegrabs.html", # change to a path in your webroot
export_quotegrabs_site => 'http://your.website.com/quotegrabs.html',
# Location of file containing configuration registry
$config{registry_file} = "$config{config_dir}/registry";
# Location of file containing bot admin information
$config{admins_file} = "$config{config_dir}/admins";
# Location of file containing channel information
$config{channels_file} = "$config{config_dir}/channels";
# Location of file containing ignorelist entries
$config{ignorelist_file} = "$config{config_dir}/ignorelist";
# Location of file containing blacklist entries
$config{blacklist_file} = "$config{config_dir}/blacklist";
# Location of file containing factoids and modules
$config{factoids_file} = "$config{data_dir}/factoids";
# Location of file containing channel user quotes
$config{quotegrabs_file} = "$config{data_dir}/quotegrabs.sqlite3";
# Location of file containing message history
$config{message_history_file} = "$config{data_dir}/message_history.sqlite3";
# Create and initialize bot object
use PBot::PBot;
my $pbot = PBot::PBot->new(%config);