2011-01-26 01:59:19 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# File: guest-gdb
# Purpose: Wraps a GNU Debugger instance around a program. Watches for
# invocations of a gdb() function to handle gdb commands from the program.
# Reports information about local variables when signals are detected.
# Usage: guest-gdb [executable]
# If [executable] is omitted, it will default to `prog`. Don't forget to
# compile with -g for debugging symbols.
# The DEBUG environment variable can be set to an integer value to enable
# internal debugging output. Set it to 1 for minimal debugging; to 2 to
# also dump the parsed GDB/MI data structures.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Pragmatic Software <pragma78@gmail.com>
2021-07-10 15:00:22 -07:00
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
2017-03-05 21:33:31 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
use 5.020;
2022-01-23 07:49:23 -08:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
use warnings;
2011-01-26 01:59:19 +00:00
use strict;
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
use feature qw(signatures);
no warnings qw(experimental::signatures);
2022-01-23 07:49:23 -08:00
2011-02-01 00:41:51 +00:00
use IPC::Open2;
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
use JSON::XS;
use Data::Dumper;
2022-04-04 21:41:27 -07:00
use Encode qw(decode encode);
2011-01-26 01:59:19 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# set debug flag from DEBUG env or here
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
my $debug = $ENV{DEBUG} // 0;
2012-01-29 23:50:33 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# output from gdb will be prefixed with GDB_PREFIX and suffixed with GDB_SUFFIX.
# e.g., to wrap gdb output with <>'s set GDB_PREFIX to "<" and GDB_SUFFIX to ">".
use constant {
GDB_PREFIX => "\n",
GDB_SUFFIX => "\n\n",
# files to read stdin and write stdout
use constant {
INPUT_FILENAME => '.input',
OUTPUT_FILENAME => '.output',
# GDB/MI message types
use constant {
STATUS => '+',
EXEC => '*',
NOTIFY => '=',
CONSOLE => '~',
TARGET => '@',
LOG => '&',
RESULT => '^',
# send a command to gdb
sub gdb_send($in, $command) {
print STDERR "-> $command\n" if $debug;
print $in "$command\n";
# read a line from gdb
sub gdb_read($out) {
my $line;
while ($line = <$out>) {
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
chomp $line;
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
print STDERR "<- [$line]\n" if $debug;
next if $line eq '(gdb) '; # ignore gdb prompt
2012-01-29 23:50:33 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
return undef if not defined $line;
return parse_gdbmi_output($line);
# send a command to gdb and return all ~console and ^result output
sub gdb_send_and_read_console($context, $command, $report_error = 1) {
gdb_send($context->{gdb_input}, $command);
2015-04-09 11:02:20 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
my $gdb = $context->{gdb_output};
my @console;
my $output;
while ($output = gdb_read_console($gdb)) {
push @console, $output;
last if $output->{_type} eq RESULT;
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2012-02-03 17:54:52 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
if ($report_error && $output->{_type} eq RESULT && $output->{_class} eq 'error') {
print_gdb_output($context, $output->{msg});
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2012-02-03 17:54:52 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
return \@console;
# send a command to gdb and return only the ^result output
sub gdb_send_and_read_result($context, $command, $report_error = 1) {
gdb_send($context->{gdb_input}, $command);
my $gdb = $context->{gdb_output};
my $output;
while ($output = gdb_read($gdb)) {
last if $output->{_type} eq RESULT;
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2012-02-03 17:54:52 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
if ($report_error && $output->{_class} eq 'error') {
print_gdb_output($context, $output->{msg});
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
return $output;
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# alias to send_and_read_result
*gdb_send_and_discard = \&gdb_send_and_read_result;
2012-01-29 23:50:33 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# read line from gdb, discarding types other than ~console or ^result
sub gdb_read_console($out) {
my $output;
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
while ($output = gdb_read($out)) {
last if $output->{_type} eq RESULT;
last if $output->{_type} eq CONSOLE;
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
return $output;
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# read and discard all output until ^result is reached
sub gdb_read_result($out) {
my $output;
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
while ($output = gdb_read($out)) {
last if $output->{_type} eq RESULT;
return $output;
2022-03-15 13:53:34 -07:00
# convert gdb/mi text to hashtable, converting to JSON first if necessary
sub gdbmi_to_hash($text, $makejson = 1) {
# convert to JSON first if necessary (gdb/mi is nearly JSON already!)
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
$text =~ s/([\w-]+)=/"$1":/g if $makejson;
2022-03-15 13:53:34 -07:00
# decode gdb octal escapes
# (sometimes \\123, othertimes \123 and I can't be arsed to investigate
# when and why the backslashes double up)
$text =~ s/\\+(\d{3})/$1 >= 0x20 ? chr oct $1 : "\\\\$1"/ge;
2022-04-04 21:54:39 -07:00
# escape malformed unicode
2022-04-04 22:10:50 -07:00
my $octets = decode('UTF-8', $text, sub { sprintf '\\\\x%X', shift });
2022-04-04 21:41:27 -07:00
$text = encode('UTF-8', $octets, Encode::FB_CROAK);
# escape invalid JSON characters
2022-04-04 21:54:39 -07:00
$text =~ s/([\x10-\x1f])/sprintf '\\\\x%X', ord $1/ge;
2022-04-04 21:41:27 -07:00
2022-03-15 13:53:34 -07:00
# return hashtable decoded from json
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
return decode_json("{$text}");
sub parse_gdbmi_output($line) {
my ($type, $text) = $line =~ /^\d*(.)(.*)/;
my $class = 'none';
my $makejson = 0;
if ($type =~ /[+*=]/) {
($class, $text) = split /,/, $text, 2;
$makejson = 1 if length $text;
} elsif ($type eq RESULT) {
($class, $text) = split /,/, $text, 2;
$text //= '';
$makejson = 1 if length $text;
} else {
$text = "\"_text\":$text";
2022-03-15 13:53:34 -07:00
my $output = gdbmi_to_hash($text, $makejson);
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
if (exists $output->{_text}) {
chomp $output->{_text};
$output->{_type} = $type;
$output->{_class} = $class;
print STDERR Dumper($output), "\n" if $debug >= 2;
return $output;
# get local variables at current frame
sub get_locals($context) {
# use `info locals` gdb command
my $console = gdb_send_and_read_console($context, "info locals");
my @locals;
foreach my $output (@$console) {
last if $output->{_type} eq RESULT;
if ($output->{_text} =~ /([^=]+)\s+=\s+(.*)/) {
push @locals, [$1, $2];
2014-02-25 05:40:44 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
return \@locals;
# compare two lists of locals and returns list containing just the
# newly modified locals
sub compare_locals($old, $new) {
# build hashtable of left-side locals for easier access
my %ht;
foreach my $local (@$old) {
my ($ident, $value) = @$local;
$ht{$ident} = $value;
# check for modified locals and add to modified list
my @modified;
foreach my $local (@$new) {
my ($ident, $value) = @$local;
2022-01-31 09:12:11 -08:00
if (!exists $ht{$ident} || $ht{$ident} ne $value) {
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
push @modified, [$ident, $value];
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
2014-02-25 05:40:44 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
return \@modified;
sub locals_to_string($locals) {
my @strings;
2012-01-29 23:50:33 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
foreach my $local (@$locals) {
my ($ident, $value) = @$local;
push @strings, "$ident = $value";
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2012-01-29 23:50:33 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
return join '; ', @strings;
sub args_to_string($args) {
my @strings;
2012-01-29 23:50:33 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
foreach my $arg (@$args) {
push @strings, "$arg->{name}=$arg->{value}";
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2012-01-29 23:50:33 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
return join ', ', @strings;
# determine on which line numbers the main() function begins and ends
sub get_main_start_end($context) {
gdb_send_and_discard($context, 'set listsize unlimited');
2012-01-29 23:50:33 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
my ($start, $end);
# use `info functions` to find where main starts
my $console = gdb_send_and_read_console($context, 'info functions -q ^main$');
foreach my $output (@$console) {
last if $output->{_type} eq RESULT;
($start) = $output->{_text} =~ /^(\d+)/;
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2012-01-29 23:50:33 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
$console = gdb_send_and_read_console($context, 'list main');
# gdb shows extra context surrounding main, so we have to parse the output
# and count the braces to find the true end of main()
my $braces = 0;
foreach my $output (@$console) {
last if $output->{_type} eq RESULT;
# we have already found end; don't parse output
last if $end;
my ($line, $code) = split /\t/, $output->{_text};
# this line isn't part of main() yet
next if $line < $start;
2022-01-31 09:12:11 -08:00
# blank out contents of string and char literals so we don't count
# any braces within
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
$code =~ s/(?:\"((?:\\\"|(?!\").)*)\")/'"' . ('-' x length $1) . '"'/ge;
$code =~ s/(?:\'((?:\\\'|(?!\').)*)\')/"'" . ('-' x length $1) . "'"/ge;
2022-01-31 09:12:11 -08:00
my @chars = split //, $code;
foreach my $char (@chars) {
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
if ($char eq '{') {
} elsif ($char eq '}') {
if ($braces == 0) {
2022-02-24 10:39:15 -08:00
$end = $line - 1;
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2012-01-29 23:50:33 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
return ($start, $end);
sub get_backtrace($context) {
my $console = gdb_send_and_read_console($context, "bt");
my @backtrace;
foreach my $output (@$console) {
last if $output->{_type} eq RESULT;
$output->{_text} =~ /in (\w+) (.*) at/;
push @backtrace, { func => $1, args => $2 };
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
return \@backtrace;
# returns the source line at a given line number
sub get_lineno($context, $lineno) {
2022-02-08 12:12:32 -08:00
my $console = gdb_send_and_read_console($context, "list $lineno,$lineno", 0);
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
my $line;
foreach my $output (@$console) {
last if $output->{_type} eq RESULT;
($line) = $output->{_text} =~ /\t\s+(.*)/;
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
return $line;
sub handle_breakpoint_hit($context, $data) {
if ($data->{frame}->{func} eq 'main') {
if ($data->{frame}->{line} == $context->{main_end}) {
$context->{locals_end} = get_locals($context);
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
elsif ($data->{frame}->{func} eq 'gdb') {
my $command = $data->{frame}->{args}->[0]->{value};;
# strip gdb junk from command
$command =~ s/^.*?"//;
$command =~ s/"$//;
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
dispatch_user_command($context, $command);
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
gdb_send_and_discard($context, "cont");
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# gdb commands invoked by end-users
sub dispatch_user_command($context, $command) {
state %commands = (
'ptype' => \&cmd_ptype,
'whatis' => \&cmd_whatis,
'print' => \&cmd_print,
'dump' => \&cmd_print,
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# special PBot command
2022-02-06 00:24:04 -08:00
'print_last_statement' => \&cmd_print_last_statement,
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
$command = unescape($command);
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# move out of gdb() function to caller
gdb_send_and_discard($context, "up");
my ($cmd, $args) = split /\s+/, $command, 2;
if (not exists $commands{$cmd}) {
cmd_gdb($context, $command);
} else {
$commands{$cmd}->($context, $args);
sub cmd_gdb($context, $command) {
my $console = gdb_send_and_read_console($context, "$command");
my $text = '';
2015-09-17 22:16:23 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
foreach my $output (@$console) {
last if $output->{_type} eq RESULT;
$text .= "$output->{_text}\n";
print_gdb_output($context, $text);
sub cmd_ptype($context, $args) {
my $console = gdb_send_and_read_console($context, "ptype $args");
my $text = '';
foreach my $output (@$console) {
last if $output->{_type} eq RESULT;
if ($output->{_text} =~ /type\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
$text .= "$args = $1"
} else {
$output->{_text} =~ s/^\s+//;
$text .= " $output->{_text}";
2012-01-29 23:50:33 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
print_gdb_output($context, $text);
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
sub cmd_whatis($context, $args) {
my $console = gdb_send_and_read_console($context, "whatis $args");
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
foreach my $output (@$console) {
last if $output->{_type} eq RESULT;
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
if ($output->{_text} =~ /type\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
print_gdb_output($context, "$args = $1");
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
sub cmd_print($context, $args) {
my $console = gdb_send_and_read_console($context, "print $args");
foreach my $output (@$console) {
last if $output->{_type} eq RESULT;
2015-09-17 22:16:23 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
if ($output->{_text} =~ /^\$\d+\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
print_gdb_output($context, "$args = $1");
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
2022-02-06 00:24:04 -08:00
sub cmd_print_last_statement($context, $args) {
# invoke the last statement
my $console = gdb_send_and_read_console($context, "print $args");
# don't print last statement if there was program output
return if -s OUTPUT_FILENAME;
foreach my $output (@$console) {
last if $output->{_type} eq RESULT;
if ($output->{_text} =~ /^\$\d+\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
print_gdb_output($context, "no output: $args = $1");
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
sub handle_program_exit($context, $data) {
if (not -s OUTPUT_FILENAME) { # -s gets size of file
my $locals = locals_to_string($context->{locals_end});
if (length $locals) {
print_gdb_output($context, "no output: $locals");
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
2022-03-06 13:51:33 -08:00
if (exists $data->{'exit-code'} && $data->{'exit-code'} != 0) {
$context->{'exit-code'} = oct $data->{'exit-code'};
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
sub handle_program_signal($context, $data) {
my $locals = locals_to_string(get_locals($context));
my $args = args_to_string($data->{frame}->{args});
2022-01-31 09:12:11 -08:00
my $text = "Program received signal $data->{'signal-name'}, $data->{'signal-meaning'} ";
$text .= "in $data->{frame}->{func} ($args) ";
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
my $line;
if (exists $data->{frame}->{line}) {
2022-02-08 12:12:32 -08:00
if ($line = get_lineno($context, $data->{frame}->{line})) {
$text .= "at statement: $line ";
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
my $backtrace = get_backtrace($context);
shift @$backtrace; # remove current frame
foreach my $trace (@$backtrace) {
my $console = gdb_send_and_read_console($context, "up");
foreach my $output (@$console) {
last if $output->{_type} eq RESULT;
if ($output->{_text} =~ /^\d+\t\s+(.*)/) {
$line = $1;
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
2022-02-08 12:12:32 -08:00
$text .= "called by $trace->{func} $trace->{args} " if $trace->{func};
2022-01-31 09:12:11 -08:00
$text .= "at statement: $line " if $line;
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
if (length $locals) {
$text .= "<local variables: $locals>"
2022-01-31 09:12:11 -08:00
} else {
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
print_gdb_output($context, $text);
sub unescape($text) {
state %unescape = (
"\\n" => "\n",
"\\t" => "\t",
"\\\\" => "\\",
"\\\"" => '"',
$text =~ s/(\\n|\\t|\\\\|\\")/$unescape{$1}/g;
return $text;
# dispatch output from gdb commands to handlers
sub dispatch_gdbmi_output($context, $output) {
state %dispatch = (
STATUS , \&handle_status_async_output,
EXEC , \&handle_exec_async_output,
NOTIFY , \&handle_notify_async_output,
CONSOLE , \&handle_console_stream_output,
TARGET , \&handle_target_stream_output,
LOG , \&handle_log_stream_output,
RESULT , \&handle_result_output,
$dispatch{$output->{_type}}->($context, $output);
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# (+) status-async-output contains on-going status information about the progress
# of a slow operation. It can be discarded.
sub handle_status_async_output($context, $output) {
2012-01-28 07:39:13 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# (*) exec-async-output contains asynchronous state change on the target (stopped,
# started, disappeared).
sub handle_exec_async_output($context, $output) {
if ($output->{_class} eq 'stopped') {
my $reason = $output->{reason};
if ($reason eq 'breakpoint-hit') {
handle_breakpoint_hit($context, $output);
2022-03-06 13:51:33 -08:00
elsif ($reason eq 'exited-normally' || $reason eq 'exited') {
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
handle_program_exit($context, $output);
elsif ($reason eq 'signal-received') {
handle_program_signal($context, $output);
2011-12-30 23:20:29 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# (=) notify-async-output contains supplementary information that the client should
# handle (e.g., a new breakpoint information).
sub handle_notify_async_output($context, $output) {
# (~) console-stream-output is output that should be displayed as is in the console.
# It is the textual response to a CLI command.
sub handle_console_stream_output($context, $output) {
if ($output->{_text} =~ /^Reading symbols/) {
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# (@) target-stream-output is the output produced by the target program.
sub handle_target_stream_output($context, $output) {
# (&) log-stream-output is output text coming from GDB’s internals, for instance
# messages that should be displayed as part of an error log.
sub handle_log_stream_output($context, $output) {
# (^) result-output "done" | "running" | "connected" | "error" | "exit"
sub handle_result_output($context, $output) {
sub start_timeout($context, $timeout) {
$SIG{ALRM} = sub {
print_prog_output($context, "[gdb time-out]\n");
alarm $timeout;
sub _exit($context) {
close $context->{prog_output};
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
open my $fh, '<', OUTPUT_FILENAME or die "could not open ".OUTPUT_FILENAME." for read: $!\n";
my $output = do { local $/; <$fh> };
close $fh;
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-03-06 13:51:33 -08:00
print STDOUT "$output";
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-03-06 13:51:33 -08:00
exit ($context->{'exit-code'} // 0);
2011-01-26 01:59:19 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# send text to OUTPUT_FILENAME file
sub print_prog_output($context, $text) {
print { $context->{prog_output} } $text;
2012-02-04 20:34:55 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# send gdb output to OUTPUT_FILENAME file, wrapped with prefix and suffix
sub print_gdb_output($context, $text) {
print { $context->{prog_output} } GDB_PREFIX . $text . GDB_SUFFIX;
2012-02-04 20:34:55 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
sub perform_preamble($context) {
2022-02-24 10:39:15 -08:00
gdb_send_and_discard($context, "set charset UTF-8");
gdb_send_and_discard($context, "set print sevenbit-strings on");
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# get start and end line numbers for main() function
my ($start, $end) = get_main_start_end($context);
$context->{main_start} = $start;
$context->{main_end} = $end;
# break on main start and end so we can get locals
gdb_send_and_discard($context, "break $start");
gdb_send_and_discard($context, "break $end");
2015-07-12 02:54:08 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# break on gdb() function so we can pass along user-submitted gdb commands
gdb_send_and_discard($context, "break gdb");
gdb_send_and_discard($context, "set print null-stop on");
2012-02-04 20:34:55 +00:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
sub shellquote_args_to_string(@args) {
my $string = '';
foreach my $arg (@args) {
$arg =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;
$string .= "'$arg' ";
return $string;
sub run_program($context) {
my $cmdline_args = shellquote_args_to_string(@ARGV);
gdb_send($context->{gdb_input}, "run $cmdline_args < ".INPUT_FILENAME." >> ".OUTPUT_FILENAME);
sub main {
# first command-line argument can override file to debug
2022-02-06 00:24:04 -08:00
my $prog = shift @ARGV // './prog';
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# start gdb and grab references to its input and output streams
2022-01-29 09:50:15 -08:00
open2(my $out, my $in, "LIBC_FATAL_STDERR=1 MALLOC_CHECK_=1 gdb -i mi3 -q -nx $prog");
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
my $context = {
gdb_output => $out, # gdb output stream
gdb_input => $in, # gdb input stream
# open OUTPUT_FILENAME file to send gdb output
2022-02-24 10:39:15 -08:00
open($context->{prog_output}, '>>:encoding(UTF-8)', OUTPUT_FILENAME) or die "Could not open ".OUTPUT_FILENAME." for append: $!";
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00
# time-out after a few seconds
start_timeout($context, 8);
# handle gdb output
while (my $output = gdb_read($out)) {
dispatch_gdbmi_output($context, $output);
2015-09-17 22:16:23 -07:00
2022-01-28 20:21:10 -08:00