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Merge pull request #584 from oragono/l10n_master

New Crowdin translations
This commit is contained in:
Shivaram Lingamneni 2019-07-02 00:48:55 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 7761323f01
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 67 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.\n\nTo see in-depth help for a specific ChanServ command, try:\n $b/CS HELP <command>$b\n\nHere are the commands you can use:\n%s": "",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "",
"$bAMODE$b modifies persistent mode settings for channel members.": "$bAMODE$b modifiziert permanente Modi-Einstellungen für Channel Mitglieder.",
"$bOP$b makes the given user (or yourself) a channel admin.": "$bOP$b gibt dem angegeben Nick (oder Dir selbst) Admin Rechte für den Channel.",
"$bREGISTER$b lets you own a given channel.": "$bREGISTER$b macht Dich zum Besitzer des angebenen Channels.",
"$bUNREGISTER$b deletes a channel registration.": "$bUNREGISTER$b löscht eine Channel-Registrierung.",
"ChanServ lets you register and manage channels.\n\nTo see in-depth help for a specific ChanServ command, try:\n $b/CS HELP <command>$b\n\nHere are the commands you can use:\n%s": "Mit ChanServ kannst Du Channels registrieren und verwalten.\n\nFür ausführliche Hilfe zu den einzelnen ChanServ Befehlen, verwende:\n $b/CS HELP <befehl>$b\n\nFolgende Befehle kannst Du nutzen:\n%s",
"Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [mode change] [account]$b\n\nAMODE lists or modifies persistent mode settings that affect channel members.\nFor example, $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b grants the the holder of the \"dan\"\naccount the +o operator mode every time they join #channel. To list current\naccounts and modes, use $bAMODE #channel$b. Note that users are always\nreferenced by their registered account names, not their nicknames.": "Syntax: $bAMODE #channel [modus-änderung] [kontoname]$b\n\nAMODE zeigt an oder modifiziert permanente Modi-Einstellungen, die\nChannel-Mitglieder betreffen.\nBeispiel: $bAMODE #channel +o dan$b setzt für den Kontonamen \"dan\" auto-\nmatisch den +o Operator-Modus, wenn sie/er #channel wieder beitritt. Für eine\nListe aller konfigurierten Kontonamen und ihrer Modi, verwende $bAMODE #channel$b\n(ohne weitere Parameter). Beachte, dass für diese Einstellung die registrierten\nKontonamen, nicht die Nick-Namen verwendet werden.",
"Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP makes the given nickname, or yourself, a channel admin. You can only use\nthis command if you're the founder of the channel.": "Syntax: $bOP #channel [nickname]$b\n\nOP gibt dem angegeben Nick oder Dir selbst Admin Rechte für den Channel.\nDu kannst diesen Befehl nur ausführen, wenn Du Besitzer des Channels bist.",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER lets you own the given channel. If you rejoin this channel, you'll be\ngiven admin privs on it. Modes set on the channel and the topic will also be\nremembered.": "Syntax: $bREGISTER #channel$b\n\nREGISTER macht Dich zum Besitzer des angebenen Channels. Wenn Du dem\nChannel wieder beitritts, bekommst Du automatisch Admin Rechte. Modi und\nThema des Channels werden auch dauerhaft gespeichert.",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER deletes a channel registration, allowing someone else to claim it.\nTo prevent accidental unregistrations, a verification code is required;\ninvoking the command without a code will display the necessary code.": "Syntax: $bUNREGISTER #channel [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER löscht eine Channel-Registrierung und erlaubt es anderen den\nChannel zu registrieren.\nUm ein versehentliches UNREGISTER zu verhindern, ist ein Verifzierungs-Code nötig.\nSendest Du den Befehl ohne einen Code, wird der notwendige Code angezeigt."

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "",
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "= Hilfethemen =\n\nBefehle:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Token:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can talk in the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.": "",
@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
"CHANSERV <subcommand> [params]\n\nChanServ controls channel registrations.": "",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is an experimental history replay command. See these documents:\nhttps://github.com/MuffinMedic/ircv3-specifications/blob/chathistory/extensions/chathistory.md\nhttps://gist.github.com/DanielOaks/c104ad6e8759c01eb5c826d627caf80d": "",
"CS <subcommand> [params]\n\nChanServ controls channel registrations.": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nPrints debug information about the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes out the CPU profiler info.": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nPrints debug information about the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes out the CPU profiler info.": "DEBUG <option>\n\nZeigt Debug Informationen über den Server. <option> kann sein:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage Control Statistik.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Anzahl der benutzten Goroutinen.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Startet den CPU-Profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stoppt den CPU-Profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Gibt die CPU-Profiler Info aus.",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "HELPOP <thema>\n\nzeige eine Beschreibung für <thema> oder \"index\" für eine Liste alle Hilfethemen.",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). At most [limit]\nmessages will be replayed.": "",
"HOSTSERV <command> [params]\n\nHostServ lets you manage your vhost (a string displayed in place of your\nreal hostname).": "",
"HS <command> [params]\n\nHostServ lets you manage your vhost (a string displayed in place of your\nreal hostname).": "",
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "Zeigt die Message Of The Day für diesen oder den angegebenen Server",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NICKSERV <subcommand> [params]\n\nNickServ controls accounts and user registrations.": "",
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PONG <args>...\n\nReplies to a PING. Used to check link connectivity.": "",
"PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a PRIVMSG.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "",
"QUIT [reason]\n\nIndicates that you're leaving the server, and shows everyone the given reason.": "QUIT [grund]\n\nbeendet die Verbindung zum Server und zeigt anderen Nutzern den angegebenen Grund.",
"REHASH\n\nReloads the config file and updates TLS certificates on listeners": "",
"RENAME <channel> <newname> [<reason>]\n\nRenames the given channel with the given reason, if possible.\n\nFor example:\n\tRENAME #ircv2 #ircv3 :Protocol upgrades!": "",
"RESUME <oldnick> [timestamp]\n\nSent before registration has completed, this indicates that the client wants to\nresume their old connection <oldnick>.": "",
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "TIME [server]\n\nZeigt die Uhrzeit für diesen oder den angegebenen Server an.",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "TOPIC <channel> [thema]\n\nÄndert das Thema für einen Channel. Ohne den Parameter [thema]\nwird das aktuelle Thema für den Channel angezeigt.",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).\n\nTo see in-depth help for a specific HostServ command, try:\n $b/HS HELP <command>$b\n\nHere are the commands you can use:\n%s": "",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": ""
"HostServ lets you manage your vhost (i.e., the string displayed\nin place of your client's hostname/IP).\n\nTo see in-depth help for a specific HostServ command, try:\n $b/HS HELP <command>$b\n\nHere are the commands you can use:\n%s": "Mit HostServ Du Deine vHost Einstellungen ändern (der vHost wird\nanstelle des Hostnamens oder der IP Deines Client angezeigt).\n\nFür ausführliche Hilfe zu den einzelnen HostServ Befehlen, verwende:\n $b/HS HELP <befehl>$b\n\nFolgende Befehle kannst Du nutzen:\n%s",
"Syntax: $bAPPROVE <user>$b\n\nAPPROVE approves a user's vhost request.": "Syntax: $bAPPROVE <kontoname>$b\n\nAPPROVE bestätigt die vHost Anfrage für ein Konto.",
"Syntax: $bDEL <user>$b\n\nDEL deletes a user's vhost.": "Syntax: $bDEL <kontoname>$b\n\nDEL löscht den vHost eines Kontos.",
"Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF disables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "Syntax: $bOFF$b\n\nOFF deaktiviert Deinen vHost, wenn Du einen bestätigten hast.",
"Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON enables your vhost, if you have one approved.": "Syntax: $bON$b\n\nON aktiviert Deinen vHost, wenn Du einen bestätigten hast.",
"Syntax: $bREJECT <user> [<reason>]$b\n\nREJECT rejects a user's vhost request, optionally giving them a reason\nfor the rejection.": "Syntax: $bREJECT <kontoname> [<grund>]$b\n\nREJECT lehnt eine vHost Anfrage für ein Konto ab. Optional kann ein Grund\nfür die Ablehnung angegeben werden.",
"Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST requests that a new vhost by assigned to your account. The request must\nthen be approved by a server operator.": "Syntax: $bREQUEST <vhost>$b\n\nREQUEST fordert die Einrichtung eines neuen vHost für Dein Konto an. Deine Anfrage\nmuss dann von einem Server Operator bestätigt werden.",
"Syntax: $bSET <user> <vhost>$b\n\nSET sets a user's vhost, bypassing the request system.": "Syntax: $bSET <kontoname> <vhost>$b\n\nSET erstellt direkt einen vHost für ein Konto ohne das eine Anfrage und Bestätigung\nnotwendig ist.",
"Syntax: $bSTATUS [user]$b\n\nSTATUS displays your current vhost, if any, and the status of your most recent\nrequest for a new one. A server operator can view someone else's status.": "Syntax: $bSTATUS [kontoname]$b\n\nSTATUS zeigt Deinen aktuellen vHost an, sofern eingerichtet, und den Status\nDeiner letzten Anfrage nach einem neuen vHost. Ein Server Operator kann sich den\nStatus eines anderen anzeigen lassen.",
"Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING shows a list of pending vhost requests, which can then be approved\nor rejected.": "Syntax: $bWAITING$b\n\nWAITING zeigt eine Liste aller offenen vHost Anfragen, die bestätigt oder\nabgelehnt werden können."

View File

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
"$bWarning: unregistering this account will remove its stored privileges.$b": "$bWarnung: das Löschen des Kontos entfernt alle gespeicherten Rechte.$b",
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "$bWarnung: das Austragen des Channels entfernt alle gespeicherten Channel Attribute.$b",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "%[1]d. Konto %[2]s stellt Anfrage für vhost: %[3]s",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "%[1]s [Konto: %[2]s] hat den Channel verlassen",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "%[1]s hat Nick in %[2]s geändert",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "%[1]s hat den Channel (%[2]s) verlassen",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "%[1]s quit (%[2]s)",
"%s joined the channel": "%s ist dem Channel beigetreten",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "",
"*** $bEnd of %s HELP$b ***": "*** $bEnde von %s HELP$b ***",
"*** Could not find your username": "Dein User-Namen wurde nicht gefunden",
"*** Found your username": "User-Name gefunden",
"*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "",
"*** Looking up your username": "",
"- %s Message of the day - ": "- %s Message of the day - ",
"... and other commands which have been disabled": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "",
"A request is pending for vhost: %s": "Eine Anfrage steht aus für vHost: %s",
"A request was previously made for vhost: %s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "",
"Account %[1]s has vhost: %[2]s": "Konto %[1]s hat vHost: %[2]s",
"Account %[1]s receives mode +%[2]s": "Konto %[1]s bekommt Modus +%[2]s",
"Account %s has no vhost": "Konto %s hat keinen vHost",
"Account already exists": "Konto existiert schon",
"Account created": "Konto erstellt",
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
"Bouncer functionality is currently enabled for your account": "Bouncer Funktion ist derzeit für Dein Konto aktiviert",
"Bouncer functionality is currently enabled for your account, but you can opt out": "Bouncer Funktion ist derzeit für Dein Konto aktiviert, aber Du kannst sie deaktiveren",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "CTCP Nachrichten über Tor sind deaktiviert",
"Can't change modes for other users": "",
"Can't view modes for other users": "",
"Can't change modes for other users": "Modi für andere Nutzer können nicht geändert werden",
"Can't view modes for other users": "Modi für andere Nutzer können nicht angezeigt werden",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "Kann dem Channel (+%s) nicht beitreten",
"Cannot rename channel": "Kann Channel nicht umbenennen",
"Cannot resume connection": "Kann Verbindung nicht fortsetzen",
@ -69,10 +69,10 @@
"Command restricted": "",
"Contributors and Former Developers:": "",
"Core Developers:": "Core Developers:",
"Could not find given client": "",
"Could not login with your TLS certificate or supplied username/password": "",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "",
"Could not register": "",
"Could not find given client": "Kann angegebenen Client nicht finden",
"Could not login with your TLS certificate or supplied username/password": "Kann Dich nicht mit Deinem TLS Zertifikat oder dem angegebenen\nKontonamen und Passwort anmelden",
"Could not parse IP address or CIDR network": "Kann IP-Adresse oder CIDR-Network nicht parsen",
"Could not register": "Registrierung nicht möglich",
"Could not remove ban [%s]": "",
"Could not set or change nickname: %s": "",
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "",
@ -94,10 +94,10 @@
"Error reserving nickname": "Fehler beim Registrieren des Nick-Namens",
"Error while unregistering account": "Fehler beim Löschen des Kontos",
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "",
"GHOSTed by %s": "",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "Der erste Parameter muss eine Maske oder Channel sein",
"GHOSTed by %s": "GHOSTed von %s",
"Given current server settings, your nickname is enforced with: %s": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "HELPOP <thema>\n\nzeige eine Beschreibung für <thema> oder \"index\" für eine Liste alle Hilfethemen.",
"Help not found": "Hilfe nicht gefunden",
"Hostname: %s": "Hostname: %s",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "",
@ -108,19 +108,19 @@
"Insufficient oper privs": "Unzureichende Operator Rechte",
"Insufficient privileges": "Unzureichende Rechte",
"Internal error": "Interner Fehler",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "",
"Invalid CAP subcommand": "Ungültiges CAP Subcommand",
"Invalid account name": "Ungültiger Konto-Name",
"Invalid mode change": "Ungültige Mode Änderung",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "",
"Invalid parameters. For usage, do /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s": "Ungültige Parameter. Für eine Beschreibung sende /msg %[1]s HELP %[2]s",
"Invalid vhost": "Ungültiger vHost",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "Es wurde abgelehnt mit dem Grund: %s",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "JOIN 0 ist nicht erlaubt",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "Sprache %s wird von diesem Server nicht unterstützt",
"Language preferences have been set": "Sprache wurde geändert",
"Last active: %s": "Kann Nick-Name: %s nicht setzen oder ändern",
"MOTD File is missing": "MOTD Datei nicht gefunden",
"Malformed username": "Ungültiger User-Name",
"Mask isn't valid": "",
"Mask isn't valid": "Maske ist ungültig",
"Must register with current nickname instead of separate account name": "Registriere Dich mit Deinem aktuellen Nick-Namen und nicht mit einem separaten Konto-Namen",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "Nick-Name %[1]s hat %[2]d aktive Session(s)",
@ -129,17 +129,17 @@
"No DLINEs have been set!": "",
"No changes were made": "Es wurden keine Änderungen gemacht",
"No command given": "Kein Befehl angegeben",
"No masks given": "",
"No masks given": "Keine Masken angegeben",
"No nickname given": "Kein Nick-Name angegeben",
"No such account": "Konto nicht gefunden",
"No such channel": "Channel nicht gefunden",
"No such module [%s]": "",
"No such nick": "Nick-Name nicht gefunden",
"No such setting": "",
"No such setting": "Diese Einstellung gibt es nicht",
"No topic is set": "",
"Not enough parameters": "Zu wenig Parameter",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "Nur Channel-Besitzer können registrierte Channels ändern",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "Nur Channel-Besitzer können dies tun",
"Oragono does not emulate the ZNC module %s": "",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "Oragono steht unter der MIT Lizenz.",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "",
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
"Successfully registered account %s": "Konto %s erfolgreich registriert",
"Successfully rejected vhost request for %s": "",
"Successfully set mode %s": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "",
"Successfully set vhost": "VHost erfolgreich gesetzt",
"Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account": "",
"Successfully unregistered account %s": "Konto %s erfolgreich gelöscht",
"Thanks to Jeremy Latt for founding Ergonomadic, the project this is based on": "",
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
"That nickname is not registered": "Dieser Nick-Name ist nicht registriert",
"There are %[1]d pending requests for vhosts (%[2]d displayed)": "",
"There are %[1]d users and %[2]d invisible on %[3]d server(s)": "",
"There was no such nickname": "",
"There was no such nickname": "Dieser Nick existiert nicht",
"They aren't on that channel": "",
"This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
"This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>": "",
@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
"This feature has been disabled by the server administrators": "Dieses Feature wurde von den Server-Admins deaktiviert",
"This server is in debug mode and is logging all user I/O. If you do not wish for everything you send to be readable by the server owner(s), please disconnect.": "Dieser Server ist im Debug-Modus und zeichnet sämtlichen Datenverkehr auf. Wenn Du nicht möchtest, dass alles was Du sendest von den Server-Betreibern gelesen werden kann, dann beende jetzt die Verbindung.",
"This server was created %s": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "",
"This vhost is currently disabled, but can be enabled with /HS ON": "Dieser vHost ist momentan deaktiviert und kann mit /HS ON aktiviert werden",
"Timestamp is not in 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z format, ignoring it": "Timestamp ist nicht im 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z Format, wird ignoriert",
"To change a password, use the PASSWD command. For details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD": "Um das Passwort zu ändern, verwende den PASSWD Befehl. Weitere Details, /msg NickServ HELP PASSWD",
"To confirm account unregistration, type: /NS UNREGISTER %[1]s %[2]s": "Um die Löschung des Kontos zu bestätigen, sende: /NS UNREGISTER %[1]s %[2]s",
"To confirm channel unregistration, type: /CS UNREGISTER %[1]s %[2]s": "",
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
"Translators:": "Übersetzer:",
"Unknown command": "Unbekannter Befehl",
"Unknown command. To see available commands, run: /%s HELP": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "",
"Unknown subcommand": "Unbekanntes Subcommand",
"User doesn't have roleplaying mode enabled": "",
"Verification code: %s": "Verifizierungs-Code: %s",
"Verify your account on %s": "",
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
"You are no longer marked as being away": "",
"You are now an IRC operator": "Du bist jetzt ein IRC Operator",
"You are now logged in as %s": "Du bist jetzt als %s angemeldet",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "",
"You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)": "Du kannst Dich nicht selbst GHOSTen (versuche es mit /QUIT)",
"You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)": "",
"You don't have enough channel privileges": "Du hast keine ausreichenden Rechte für den Channel",
"You don't own that nick": "Dir gehört dieser Nick-Name nicht",
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
"You have been banned from this server (%s)": "",
"You have been marked as being away": "",
"You have joined too many channels": "Du bist schon in zu vielen Channels",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "",
"You have sent too many registration messages": "Du hast zu viele REGISTRATION Nachrichten gesendet",
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "Du hast schon zu viele Nicks registriert (Du kannst welche mit /NS DROP entfernen)",
"You may not reregister": "",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "",
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
"You must specify an account": "Du musst ein Konto angeben",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "",
"You need to register before you can use that command": "",
"You specified too many languages": "",
"You specified too many languages": "Du hast zu viele Sprachen angegeben",
"You will not see JOINs and PARTs in autoreplayed history lines": "",
"You will receive %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
"You will receive the server default of %d lines of autoreplayed history": "",
@ -252,14 +252,14 @@
"Your client does not support BRB": "Dein Client unterstützt BRB nicht",
"Your host is %[1]s, running version %[2]s": "",
"Your stored nickname enforcement setting is: %s": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "",
"Your vhost request was approved by an administrator": "Dein vHost request wurde von einem Administrator angenommen",
"Your vhost request was rejected by an administrator. The reason given was: %s": "Deine vHost Anfrage wurde von einemAdministrator abgelehnt. Der angegebene Grund lautet: %s",
"Your vhost request will be reviewed by an administrator": "Deine vHost Anfrage wird von einem Administrator bearbeitet werden",
"are supported by this server": "",
"channels formed": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "",
"has client certificate fingerprint %s": "hat den Client-Zertifikat Fingerprint %s",
"is a $bBot$b on %s": "ist ein $bBot$b in %s",
"is an unknown mode character to me": "ist ein unbekannter Modus-Buchstabe",
"is logged in as": "ist angemeldet als",
"is using a secure connection": "verwendet eine sichere Verbindung",
"seconds idle, signon time": ""

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
"NickServ lets you register and login to an account.\n\nTo see in-depth help for a specific NickServ command, try:\n $b/NS HELP <command>$b\n\nHere are the commands you can use:\n%s": "Mit NickServ kannst Du ein Konto registrieren und Dich mit diesem anmelden.\n\nFür ausführliche Hilfe zu den einzelnen NickServ Befehlen, verwende:\n $b/NS HELP <befehl>$b\n\nFolgende Befehle kannst Du nutzen:\n%s",
"Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.": "Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b\n\nDROP entfernt den angegebenen (oder Deinen aktuellen) Nick-Namen von Deinem\nKonto.",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'timeout' [anyone using the nick must authenticate before a deadline,\n or else they will be renamed]\n3. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]\nWith no arguments, queries your current enforcement status.": "",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "",
"Syntax: $bENFORCE [method]$b\n\nENFORCE lets you specify a custom enforcement mechanism for your registered\nnicknames. Your options are:\n1. 'none' [no enforcement, overriding the server default]\n2. 'timeout' [anyone using the nick must authenticate before a deadline,\n or else they will be renamed]\n3. 'strict' [you must already be authenticated to use the nick]\n4. 'default' [use the server default]\nWith no arguments, queries your current enforcement status.": "Syntax: $bENFORCE [methode]$b\n\nmit ENFORCE kannst Du einstellen mit welchen Einschränkungen die von\nDir registrierten Nick-Namen verwendet werden dürfen. Die Optionen sind:\n1. 'none' [keine Einschränkungen, Standard-Einstellung des Server wird ignoriert]\n2. 'timeout' [jede, die den Nick benutzt, muss sich innerhalb einer kurzen\n Zeitspanne anmelden oder es wird ein neuer Nick zugewiesen]\n3. 'strict' [Du musst angemeldet sein, um den Nick zu verwenden]\n4. 'default' [benutze die Standard-Einstellung des Servers]\nDer Befehl ohne Parameter zeigt die aktuelle Konfiguration an.",
"Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the\nsame user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.": "Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b\n\nGHOST beendet eine andere User-Verbindung wenn diese den angegebenen\nNick benutzt und mit dem gleichen Konto angemeldet ist. Dies ermöglicht es\nDir, den Nick mit Deiner aktuellen Verbindung zu benutzen.",
"Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, so other people\nwill not be able to use it.": "Syntax: $bGROUP$b\n\nGROUP verknüpft/registriert Deinen aktuellen Nick-Namen mit Deinem angemeldeten\nKonto, damit andere User diesen Nick nicht nutzen können.",
"Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b\n\nIDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or\ncertfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.": "Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <kontoname> [passwort]$b\n\nmit IDENTIFY kannst Du Dich mit Deinem Konto anmelden. Entweder mit\nDeinem Passwort oder über CertFP (TLS Client-Zertifikat), falls kein Passwort\nangegeben wird.",
"Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b\n\nINFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.": "Syntax: $bINFO [kontoname]$b\n\nINFO zeigt Informationen über das angegebene (oder Dein eigenes) Konto an.",
"Syntax: $bPASSWD <current> <new> <new_again>$b\nOr: $bPASSWD <username> <new>$b\n\nPASSWD lets you change your account password. You must supply your current\npassword and confirm the new one by typing it twice. If you're an IRC operator\nwith the correct permissions, you can use PASSWD to reset someone else's\npassword by supplying their username and then the desired password.": "Syntax: $bPASSWD <aktuell> <neu> <neu_wiederholung>$b\nOder: $bPASSWD <kontoname> <neu>$b\n\nmit PASSWD kannst Du das Passwört Deines Kontos ändern. Du musst Dein\naktuelles und zweimal das neue Passwort zur Bestätigung eingeben.\nIRC Operatoren mit den erforderlichen Rechten können PASSWD benutzen,\num das Konto-Passwort anderer User zurückzusetzen, indem Kontonamen\nund das neue Passwort als Parameter angeben wird.",
"Syntax: $bREGISTER <username> <email> [password]$b\n\nREGISTER lets you register a user account. If the server allows anonymous\nregistration, you can send an asterisk (*) as the email address.\n\nIf the password is left out, your account will be registered to your TLS client\ncertificate (and you will need to use that certificate to login in future).": "Syntax: $bREGISTER <kontoname> <email> [passwort]$b\n\nmit REGISTER kannst Du ein Konto erstellen. Wenn der Server anonyme\nRegistrierungen zulässt, kannst Du auch eine Sternchen (*) anstelle einer\nE-Mail Adresse angeben.\nFalls das Passwort ausgelassen wird, wird Dein Konto mit Deinem TLS\nClient-Zertifikat verknüpft (und Du brauchst dieses Zertifikat für zukünftige\nLogins).",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "",
"Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP forcibly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.": "Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b\n\nSADROP entfernt den Nick von dem Konto auf das er registriert wurde.\n(Befehl für Admins)",
"Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <username> <password>$b\n\nSAREGISTER registers an account on someone else's behalf.\nThis is for use in configurations that require SASL for all connections;\nan administrator can set use this command to set up user accounts.": "Syntax: $bSAREGISTER <kontoname> <passwort>$b\n\nSAREGISTER erstellt ein Konto für andere.\nDies ist für Konfigurationen gedacht, die SASL beim Verbindungsaufbau verlangen;\nAdministratoren können diesen Befehl nutzen, um Konten für User einzurichten.",
"Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS lists information about the sessions currently attached, via\nthe server's bouncer functionality, to your nickname. An administrator\ncan use this command to list another user's sessions.": "Syntax: $bSESSIONS [nickname]$b\n\nSESSIONS zeigt Informationen zu allen aktiven Sessions (über die Bouncer-\nFunktionalität des Servers) für Deinen Nick-Namen. Ein Administrator kann sich\nmit diesem Befehl auch die Sessions eines anderen Users anzeigen lassen.",
"Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <username> [code]$b\n\nUNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or someone else's, if you're an\nIRC operator with the correct permissions). To prevent accidental\nunregistrations, a verification code is required; invoking the command without\na code will display the necessary code.": "Syntax: $bUNREGISTER <kontoname> [code]$b\n\nmit UNREGISTER kannst Du Dein Konto löschen (oder ein Konto eines anderen\nUsers, falls Du die nötigen Rechte als IRC Operator hast).\nUm versehentliches Löschen zu verhindern, ist ein Verifizierungscode nötig.\nSendest Du den Befehl ohne einen Code, wird der benötigte Code angezeigt.",