40 lines
1.3 KiB
Common Lisp
40 lines
1.3 KiB
Common Lisp
![]() |
(setq *print-case* :downcase)
(defvar *username* nil)
(defvar *password* nil)
(defvar *new-username* nil)
(defvar *new-password* nil)
(defparameter *accounts* nil)
(defvar inc 0)
(loop (setq cm (read))
(if (eq cm 'q)
(if (eq cm 'create)
(format t "New Username: ")
(setq *new-username* (read))
(format t "New password: ")
(setq *new-password* (read))
(push (list :username *new-username* :password *new-password*) *accounts*)
(if (eq cm 'login)
(format t "Username: ")
(setq *username* (read))
(format t "Password: ")
(setq *password* (read))
(dolist (acc *accounts*)
(defparameter check1 (getf (nth inc *accounts*) :username))
(defparameter check2 (getf (nth inc *accounts*) :password))
(if (and (equalp *username* check1) (equalp *password* check2))
(format t "Thank you for logging in, ~a~%" *username*)
(format t "~a is now ready to play!~%" *username*))
(format t "please type <create> to create an account. Otherwise, enter some valid information."))))))