Unreasonable values for 'expire' (after 9999-12-31 on Linux, before 1975-01-01 on *BSD) get divided by 86400 (number of seconds in a day) when too big or multiplied by 86400 when too small. Tested on CentOS 6 (Salt 2015.5.5) and FreeBSD 10.2 (Salt 2015.8.0) with following values: - 24854 (2038-01-18 in days since epoch) - 157766400 (1975-01-01 00:00:00 UTC in seconds since epoch) - 3313526400 (2075-01-01 00:00:00 UTC in seconds since epoch) - 16000 (2013-10-22 in days since epoch) - 18000 (2019-04-14 in days since epoch) (Sponsored by av.tu-berlin.de and fokus.fraunhofer.de)
Formula to configure users via pillar.
See the full Salt Formulas installation and usage instructions.
Available states
Configure a user's home directory, group, the user itself, secondary groups, and associated keys. Also configures sudo access, and absent users.
Ensures the sudo group exists, the sudo package is installed and the sudo file is configured.
Ensures the bashrc file exists in the users home directory. Set manage_bashrc: True in pillar per user. Defaults to False
Ensures the profile file exists in the users home directory. Set manage_profile: True in pillar per user. Defaults to False
Ensures the vimrc file exists in the users home directory. Set manage_vimrc: True in pillar per user. Defaults to False This depends on the vim-formula to be installed
Permits the abitrary management of files. See pillar.example for configuration details.