Imran Iqbal f64197ada4
test(pkgs_spec): fix latest rubocop violations [skip ci]

test/integration/v3000-py2/controls/pkgs_spec.rb:10:5: C: [Correctable]
Style/WordArray: Use ['Salt Minion'] for an array of words.
    %w[Salt\ Minion]
test/integration/v3000-py3/controls/pkgs_spec.rb:10:5: C: [Correctable]
Style/WordArray: Use ['Salt Minion'] for an array of words.
    %w[Salt\ Minion]
test/integration/v3001-py3/controls/pkgs_spec.rb:10:5: C: [Correctable]
Style/WordArray: Use ['Salt Minion'] for an array of words.
    %w[Salt\ Minion]
test/integration/v3002-py3/controls/pkgs_spec.rb:10:5: C: [Correctable]
Style/WordArray: Use ['Salt Minion'] for an array of words.
    %w[Salt\ Minion]
test/integration/v3003-py3/controls/pkgs_spec.rb:10:5: C: [Correctable]
Style/WordArray: Use ['Salt Minion'] for an array of words.
    %w[Salt\ Minion]

19 files inspected, 5 offenses detected, 5 offenses auto-correctable
2021-09-04 21:27:31 +01:00

InSpec Profile: v3003-py3

This shows the implementation of the v3003-py3 InSpec profile.

Verify a profile

InSpec ships with built-in features to verify a profile structure.

$ inspec check v3003-py3
Location: v3003-py3
Profile: profile
Controls: 4
Timestamp: 2019-06-24T23:09:01+00:00
Valid: true



Execute a profile

To run all supported controls on a local machine use inspec exec /path/to/profile.

$ inspec exec v3003-py3

Finished in 0.0025 seconds (files took 0.12449 seconds to load)
8 examples, 0 failures

Execute a specific control from a profile

To run one control from the profile use inspec exec /path/to/profile --controls name.

$ inspec exec v3003-py3 --controls package

Finished in 0.0025 seconds (files took 0.12449 seconds to load)
1 examples, 0 failures

See an example control here.