Changelog ========= `0.59.3 `_ (2019-09-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuous Integration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **kitchen:** change ``log_level`` to ``debug`` instead of ``info`` (\ `073175d `_\ ) Tests ^^^^^ * **pkgs_spec:** update for ``2019.2.1`` release (\ `1bf9689 `_\ ) `0.59.2 `_ (2019-09-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * **symlinks:** replace symlinks with real files (\ `c4d0132 `_\ ) `0.59.1 `_ (2019-09-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * **pkgrepo:** fix settings for ``opensuse`` (\ `f00c9a7 `_\ ) * **pkgrepo:** provide settings for ``amazon`` (\ `cb726af `_\ ) Code Refactoring ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **kitchen+travis+inspec:** use pre-salted images (\ `fc1d0b1 `_\ ) `0.59.0 `_ (2019-09-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features ^^^^^^^^ * use ``semantic-release`` cross-formula standard structure (\ `ebfeba2 `_\ ) `0.58.4 `_ (2019-08-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * **minion:** fix version compare in minion.sls (\ `49bf81b `_\ ) `0.58.3 `_ (2019-08-02) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code Refactoring ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **linux:** align to template-formula (plus fixes) (\ `71b4d8a `_\ ) `0.58.2 `_ (2019-08-01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * **macos:** fix minion package handling for homebrew (\ `14276e2 `_\ ) * **minion:** fix jinja rendering error (\ `550f81b `_\ ) * **os:** pass state on unsupported os (\ `4557976 `_\ ) * **perms:** some os have custom user/root (\ `beb0e85 `_\ ) `0.58.1 `_ (2019-08-01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * **travis:** disable two failing platforms until they can be fixed (\ `5fcadcd `_\ ) `0.58.0 `_ (2019-06-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features ^^^^^^^^ * **\ ``tofs``\ :** allow TOFS for master configuration (\ `1b202af `_\ ) * **\ ``tofs``\ :** allow TOFS for minion configuration (\ `fbe814a `_\ ) `0.57.1 `_ (2019-05-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **semantic-release:** implement an automated changelog (\ `b73af20 `_\ )