BREAKING CHANGE: The data dictionary is simplified and expanded. Retest your states and update pillar data accordingly. For developer convenience, clientlibs states were introduced. See pillar.example, defaults.yaml, and docs/README.
26 lines
668 B
26 lines
668 B
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: ft=sls
{%- set tplroot = tpldir.split('/')[0] %}
{%- from tplroot ~ "/map.jinja" import prometheus as p with context %}
{%- set sls_service_running = tplroot ~ '.service.running' %}
{%- set sls_repo_install = tplroot ~ '.package.repo.install' %}
- {{ sls_service_running }}
- {{ sls_repo_install }}
{%- for name in p.wanted.component %}
prometheus-package-install-{{ name }}-installed:
- name: {{ p.pkg.component[name].get('name', name) }}
- require:
- sls: {{ sls_repo_install }}
- require_in:
- sls: {{ sls_service_running }}
- reload_modules: true
{%- endfor %}