* If a service.args value is define as null, only render the param (key) in the systemd unit file
166 lines
6.2 KiB
166 lines
6.2 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: ft=sls
{%- set tplroot = tpldir.split('/')[0] %}
{%- from tplroot ~ "/map.jinja" import prometheus as p with context %}
{%- from tplroot ~ "/files/macros.jinja" import format_kwargs with context %}
{%- from tplroot ~ "/libtofs.jinja" import files_switch with context %}
{%- set sls_config_users = tplroot ~ '.config.users' %}
- {{ sls_config_users }}
{%- if grains.os != 'Windows' %}
- names: {{ p.pkg.deps|json }}
{%- endif %}
- name: {{ p.dir.var }}
- makedirs: True
- require:
- sls: {{ sls_config_users }}
{%- if grains.os != 'Windows' %}
- mode: 755
- user: {{ p.identity.rootuser }}
- group: {{ p.identity.rootgroup }}
{%- endif %}
{%- for name in p.wanted.component %}
prometheus-archive-directory-{{ name }}:
- name: {{ p.pkg.component[name]['path'] }}
- makedirs: True
{%- if grains.os != 'Windows' %}
- user: {{ p.identity.rootuser }}
- group: {{ p.identity.rootgroup }}
- mode: '0755'
- recurse:
- user
- group
- mode
{%- endif %}
prometheus-archive-install-{{ name }}:
{%- if p.pkg.component.get(name).get('archive').get('tar', true) %}
{{- format_kwargs(p.pkg.component[name]['archive']) }}
- trim_output: true
- enforce_toplevel: false
- options: --strip-components=1
- force: {{ p.force }}
- retry: {{ p.retry_option|json }}
- require:
- file: prometheus-archive-directory-{{ name }}
{%- if grains.os != 'Windows' %}
- user: {{ p.identity.rootuser }}
- group: {{ p.identity.rootgroup }}
{%- endif %}
{% else %}
- name: {{ p.pkg.component[name]['path'] }}/{{ name }}
- source: {{ p.pkg.component[name]['archive']['source'] }}
- source_hash: {{ p.pkg.component[name]['archive']['source_hash'] }}
- mode: '0755'
- require:
- file: prometheus-archive-directory-{{ name }}
{%- if grains.os != 'Windows' %}
- user: {{ p.identity.rootuser }}
- group: {{ p.identity.rootgroup }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if (grains.kernel|lower == 'linux' and p.linux.altpriority|int <= 0) or grains.os_family|lower in ('macos', 'arch') %}
{%- if 'commands' in p.pkg.component[name] and p.pkg.component[name]['commands'] is iterable %}
{%- for cmd in p.pkg.component[name]['commands'] %}
prometheus-archive-install-{{ name }}-file-symlink-{{ cmd }}:
{%- if 'service' in p.pkg.component[name] %}
- name: {{ p.dir.symlink }}/sbin/{{ cmd }}
{%- else %}
- name: {{ p.dir.symlink }}/bin/{{ cmd }}
{% endif %}
- target: {{ p.pkg.component[name]['path'] }}/{{ cmd }}
- force: True
- require:
{%- if p.pkg.component.get(name).get('archive').get('tar', true) %}
- archive: prometheus-archive-install-{{ name }}
{% else %}
- file: prometheus-archive-install-{{ name }}
{% endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if 'service' in p.pkg.component[name] and p.pkg.component[name]['service'] is mapping %}
prometheus-archive-install-{{ name }}-file-directory:
- name: {{ p.dir.var }}{{ p.div }}{{ name }}
- makedirs: True
{%- if grains.os != 'Windows' %}
- user: {{ name }}
- group: {{ name }}
- mode: '0755'
- require:
- user: prometheus-config-users-install-{{ name }}-user-present
- group: prometheus-config-users-install-{{ name }}-group-present
{%- endif %}
{%- if grains.kernel|lower == 'linux' %}
prometheus-archive-install-{{ name }}-managed-service:
- name: {{ p.dir.service }}/{{ p.pkg.component[name]['service'].get('name', name) }}.service
- source: {{ files_switch(['systemd.ini.jinja'],
lookup='prometheus-archive-install-' ~ name ~ '-managed-service'
- mode: '0644'
- user: {{ p.identity.rootuser }}
- group: {{ p.identity.rootgroup }}
- makedirs: True
- template: jinja
- context:
desc: prometheus - {{ name }} service
name: {{ name }}
user: {{ name }}
group: {{ name }}
env: {{ p.pkg.component[name]['service'].get('env', [])|tojson }}
workdir: {{ p.dir.var }}/{{ name }}
stop: ''
{%- if name in ('node_exporter', 'consul_exporter') or 'config_file' not in p.pkg.component[name] %}
{%- set args = [] %}
{%- for param, value in p.pkg.component.get(name).get('service').get('args', {}).items() %}
{%- if value is not none %}
{% do args.append("--" ~ param ~ "=" ~ value ) %}
{%- else %}
{% do args.append("--" ~ param ) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
start: {{ p.pkg.component[name]['path'] }}/{{ name }} {{ args|join(' ') }}
{%- else %}
start: {{ p.pkg.component[name]['path'] }}/{{ name }} --config.file {{ p.pkg.component[name]['config_file'] }} # noqa 204
{%- endif %}
- require:
- file: prometheus-archive-install-{{ name }}-file-directory
{%- if p.pkg.component.get(name).get('archive').get('tar', true) %}
- archive: prometheus-archive-install-{{ name }}
{% else %}
- file: prometheus-archive-install-{{ name }}
{% endif %}
- user: prometheus-config-users-install-{{ name }}-user-present
- group: prometheus-config-users-install-{{ name }}-group-present
- name: systemctl daemon-reload
- require:
{%- if p.pkg.component.get(name).get('archive').get('tar', true) %}
- archive: prometheus-archive-install-{{ name }}
{% else %}
- file: prometheus-archive-install-{{ name }}
{% endif %}
{%- endif %}{# linux #}
{%- endif %}{# service #}
{%- endfor %}