Centos and oraclelinux repositories for prometheus include bespoke headers
in the environment files (e.g. Debian: ARGS=, Centos: PROMETHEUS_OPTS=
ALERTMANAGER_OPTS=). This has been added as a default pillar with osmap
Additionally archlinux repo install was failing so added basic support -
an issue still remains for the prometheus app itself due to the service
file included in the arch repo hardcoding some config options - resulting
in the possibility to duplicate arguments resulting in a service error.
The prometheus service currently does not start due to permissions not being
applied to a data folder. The added config.storage begins to solve this and
ensures alignment on all platforms but would result in a duplicate config
entry as above. Prometheus on arch therefore needs more work but the exporter
installs now work.
Resolves: #59
Developed environ.sh.jinja and added test pillar data to default
Corrected prometheus.config.environ ref #59
Switched default test pillar to use none archive - due to deployment of custom service
Disabled a number of exporters following switch from archive due to failing - to be reviewed
Corrected prometheus environ_file location
Resolves: #59
BREAKING CHANGE: The data dictionary is simplified and expanded.
Retest your states and update pillar data accordingly.
For developer convenience, clientlibs states were introduced.
See pillar.example, defaults.yaml, and docs/README.