110 lines
3.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-06-20 01:36:58 +01:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: ft=sls
{#- Get the `tplroot` from `tpldir` #}
{%- set tplroot = tpldir.split('/')[0] %}
{%- from tplroot ~ "/map.jinja" import prometheus with context %}
{%- from tplroot ~ "/map.jinja" import concat_args %}
{%- set sls_config_users = tplroot ~ '.config.users' %}
{%- set sls_archive_install = tplroot ~ '.archive' %}
{%- set sls_package_install = tplroot ~ '.package' %}
2019-06-20 01:36:58 +01:00
- {{ sls_archive_install if prometheus.use_upstream_archive else sls_package_install }}
- {{ sls_config_users }}
- name: {{ prometheus.dir.args }}
- user: prometheus
- group: prometheus
- mode: 755
- makedirs: True
- require:
- sls: '{{ sls_archive_install if prometheus.use_upstream_archive else sls_package_install }}.*'
2019-06-20 01:36:58 +01:00
{%- for name in prometheus.wanted %}
{%- if name in prometheus.config or name in prometheus.service %}
{%- set args = {} %}
{%- if 'args' in prometheus.service[name] %}
{%- set args = prometheus.service[name]['args'] or {} %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if args and 'storage.tsdb.path' in args.keys() %}
prometheus-config-args-{{ name }}-data-dir:
- name: {{ args['storage.tsdb.path'] }}
- owner: {{ name }}
- group: {{ name }}
- makedirs: True
- watch_in:
- service: prometheus-service-running-{{ name }}-service-running
- require:
- file: prometheus-config-file-args-file-directory
2019-06-20 01:36:58 +01:00
{%- endif %}
{%- if args and grains.os_family == 'FreeBSD' %}
{%- if 'web.listen-address' in args.keys() %}
- name: {{ name }}_listen_address
- value: {{ args.pop('web.listen-address') }}
- watch_in:
- service: prometheus-service-running-{{ name }}-service-running
- require:
- file: prometheus-config-file-args-file-directory
2019-06-20 01:36:58 +01:00
{%- endif %}
{%- if 'collector.textfile.directory' in args.keys() %}
prometheus-config-args-{{ name }}-collector-textfile-directory:
2019-06-20 01:36:58 +01:00
- name: {{ name }}_textfile_dir
- value: {{ args.pop('collector.textfile.directory') }}
- watch_in:
- service: prometheus-service-running-{{ name }}-service-running
- require:
- file: prometheus-config-file-args-file-directory
2019-06-20 01:36:58 +01:00
{%- endif %}
{%- if 'storage.tsdb.path' in args.keys() %}
prometheus-config-args-{{ name }}-{{ key }}:
- name: {{ name }}_data_dir
- value: {{ args.pop('storage.tsdb.path') }}
- watch_in:
- service: prometheus-service-running-{{ name }}-service-running
- require:
- file: prometheus-config-file-args-file-directory
2019-06-20 01:36:58 +01:00
{%- endif %}
prometheus-config-args-{{ name }}-all:
- name: {{ name }}_args
# service prometheus restart tended to hang on FreeBSD
# https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/44848#issuecomment-487016414
- value: "{{ concat_args(args) }} >/dev/null 2>&1"
- watch_in:
- service: prometheus-service-running-{{ name }}-service-running
- require:
- file: prometheus-config-file-args-file-directory
2019-06-20 01:36:58 +01:00
{%- elif grains.os_family != 'FreeBSD' %}
prometheus-config-args-{{ name }}-file-managed:
- name: {{ prometheus.dir.args }}/{{ name }}.sh
- contents: |
ARGS="{{ concat_args(args) }}"
- watch_in:
- service: prometheus-service-running-{{ name }}-service-running
- require:
- file: prometheus-config-file-args-file-directory
2019-06-20 01:36:58 +01:00
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}