http://www.postfix.org/DATABASE_README.html#types specifies the lookup table types postfix understands. Most are defined as type:/path/to/table which is currently supported by the postfix formula. This does break though as soon as the proxy table type is used which is a prefix to a normal table definition to indicate caching is requested. This PR changes the code to discard the proxy prefix to ensure that the usual logic applies again.
119 lines
3.5 KiB
119 lines
3.5 KiB
{% from "postfix/map.jinja" import postfix with context %}
- name: {{ postfix.package }}
{%- if grains['os_family']=="FreeBSD" %}
- force: True
- batch: True
{%- endif %}
- watch_in:
- service: postfix
- enable: {{ salt['pillar.get']('postfix:enable_service', True) }}
- reload: {{ salt['pillar.get']('postfix:reload_service', True) }}
- require:
- pkg: postfix
- watch:
- pkg: postfix
{# Used for newaliases, postalias and postconf #}
{%- set default_database_type = salt['pillar.get']('postfix:config:default_database_type', 'hash') %}
# manage /etc/aliases if data found in pillar
{% if 'aliases' in pillar.get('postfix', '') %}
{% if salt['pillar.get']('postfix:aliases:use_file', true) == true %}
{%- set need_newaliases = False %}
{%- set file_path = postfix.aliases_file %}
{%- if ':' in file_path %}
{%- set file_type, file_path = postfix.aliases_file.split(':') %}
{%- else %}
{%- set file_type = default_database_type %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if file_type in ("btree", "cdb", "dbm", "hash", "sdbm") %}
{%- set need_newaliases = True %}
{%- endif %}
- name: {{ file_path }}
{% if salt['pillar.get']('postfix:aliases:content', None) is string %}
- contents_pillar: postfix:aliases:content
{% else %}
- source: salt://postfix/files/mapping.j2
{% endif %}
- user: root
- group: {{ postfix.root_grp }}
- mode: 644
- template: jinja
- context:
data: {{ salt['pillar.get']('postfix:aliases:present') }}
colon: True
- require:
- pkg: postfix
{%- if need_newaliases %}
- name: newaliases
- cwd: /
- watch:
- file: {{ file_path }}
{%- endif %}
{% else %}
{%- for user, target in salt['pillar.get']('postfix:aliases:present', {}).items() %}
postfix_alias_present_{{ user }}:
- name: {{ user }}
- target: {{ target }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- for user in salt['pillar.get']('postfix:aliases:absent', {}) %}
postfix_alias_absent_{{ user }}:
- name: {{ user }}
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
# manage various mappings
{% for mapping, data in salt['pillar.get']('postfix:mapping', {}).items() %}
{%- set need_postmap = False %}
{%- set file_path = salt['pillar.get']('postfix:config:' ~ mapping) %}
{%- if file_path.startswith('proxy:') %}
{#- Discard the proxy:-prefix #}
{%- set _, file_type, file_path = file_path.split(':') %}
{%- elif ':' in file_path %}
{%- set file_type, file_path = file_path.split(':') %}
{%- else %}
{%- set file_type = default_database_type %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if not file_path.startswith('/') %}
{%- set file_path = postfix.config_path ~ '/' ~ file_path %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if file_type in ("btree", "cdb", "dbm", "hash", "sdbm") %}
{%- set need_postmap = True %}
{%- endif %}
postfix_{{ mapping }}:
- name: {{ file_path }}
- source: salt://postfix/files/mapping.j2
- user: root
- group: {{ postfix.root_grp }}
{%- if mapping.endswith('_sasl_password_maps') %}
- mode: 600
{%- else %}
- mode: 644
{%- endif %}
- template: jinja
- context:
data: {{ data|json() }}
- require:
- pkg: postfix
{%- if need_postmap %}
- name: {{ postfix.xbin_prefix }}/sbin/postmap {{ file_path }}
- cwd: /
- watch:
- file: {{ file_path }}
- watch_in:
- service: postfix
{%- endif %}
{% endfor %}