{% from "postfix/map.jinja" import postfix with context %} include: - postfix postfix-config-file-directory-config-path: file.directory: - name: {{ postfix.config_path }} - user: root - group: {{ postfix.root_grp }} - dir_mode: '0755' - file_mode: '0644' - makedirs: True postfix-config-file-managed-main.cf: file.managed: - name: {{ postfix.config_path }}/main.cf - source: salt://postfix/files/main.cf - user: root - group: {{ postfix.root_grp }} - mode: '0644' - require: - pkg: postfix-init-pkg-installed-postfix - watch_in: - service: postfix-init-service-running-postfix - template: jinja - context: postfix: {{ postfix|tojson }} {% if 'vmail' in pillar.get('postfix', '') %} postfix-config-file-managed-virtual-alias-maps.cf: file.managed: - name: {{ postfix.config_path }}/virtual_alias_maps.cf - source: salt://postfix/files/virtual_alias_maps.cf - user: root - group: postfix - mode: '0640' - require: - pkg: postfix-init-pkg-installed-postfix - watch_in: - service: postfix-init-service-running-postfix - template: jinja postfix-config-file-managed-virtual-mailbox-domains.cf: file.managed: - name: {{ postfix.config_path }}/virtual_mailbox_domains.cf - source: salt://postfix/files/virtual_mailbox_domains.cf - user: root - group: postfix - mode: '0640' - require: - pkg: postfix-init-pkg-installed-postfix - watch_in: - service: postfix-init-service-running-postfix - template: jinja postfix-config-file-managed-virtual-mailbox-maps.cf: file.managed: - name: {{ postfix.config_path }}/virtual_mailbox_maps.cf - source: salt://postfix/files/virtual_mailbox_maps.cf - user: root - group: postfix - mode: '0640' - require: - pkg: postfix-init-pkg-installed-postfix - watch_in: - service: postfix-init-service-running-postfix - template: jinja {% endif %} {% if salt['pillar.get']('postfix:manage_master_config', True) %} {% import_yaml "postfix/services.yaml" as postfix_master_services %} postfix-config-file-managed-master.cf: file.managed: - name: {{ postfix.config_path }}/master.cf - source: salt://postfix/files/master.cf - user: root - group: {{ postfix.root_grp }} - mode: '0644' - require: - pkg: postfix-init-pkg-installed-postfix - watch_in: - service: postfix-init-service-running-postfix - template: jinja - context: postfix: {{ postfix|tojson }} postfix_master_services: {{ postfix_master_services|tojson }} {% endif %} {%- for domain in salt['pillar.get']('postfix:certificates', {}).keys() %} postfix-config-file-managed-{{ domain }}-ssl-certificate: file.managed: - name: {{ postfix.config_path }}/ssl/{{ domain }}.crt - makedirs: True - contents_pillar: postfix:certificates:{{ domain }}:public_cert - watch_in: - service: postfix-init-service-running-postfix postfix-config-file-managed-{{ domain }}-ssl-key: file.managed: - name: {{ postfix.config_path }}/ssl/{{ domain }}.key - mode: '0600' - makedirs: True - contents_pillar: postfix:certificates:{{ domain }}:private_key - watch_in: - service: postfix-init-service-running-postfix {% endfor %} # manage various mappings {% for mapping, data in salt['pillar.get']('postfix:mapping', {}).items() %} {%- set need_postmap = False %} {%- set file_path = salt['pillar.get']('postfix:config:' ~ mapping) %} {%- if file_path.startswith('proxy:') %} {#- Discard the proxy:-prefix #} {%- set _, file_type, file_path = file_path.split(':') %} {%- elif ':' in file_path %} {%- set file_type, file_path = file_path.split(':') %} {%- else %} {%- set file_type = default_database_type %} {%- endif %} {%- if not file_path.startswith('/') %} {%- set file_path = postfix.config_path ~ '/' ~ file_path %} {%- endif %} {%- if file_type in ("btree", "cdb", "cidr", "dbm", "hash", "pcre", "regexp", "sdbm") %} {%- set need_postmap = True %} {%- endif %} postfix-config-file-managed-{{ mapping }}: file.managed: - name: {{ file_path }} - source: salt://postfix/files/mapping.j2 - user: root - group: {{ postfix.root_grp }} {%- if mapping.endswith('_sasl_password_maps') %} - mode: '0600' {%- else %} - mode: '0644' {%- endif %} - template: jinja - context: data: {{ data|json() }} - require: - pkg: postfix-init-pkg-installed-postfix - file: postfix-config-file-managed-main.cf {%- if need_postmap %} postfix-config-cmd-wait-{{ mapping }}: cmd.wait: - name: {{ postfix.xbin_prefix }}/sbin/postmap {{ file_path }} - cwd: / - watch: - file: postfix-config-file-managed-{{ mapping }} - watch_in: - service: postfix-init-service-running-postfix {%- endif %} {% endfor %}