{% from "postfix/map.jinja" import postfix with context %} {%- if grains.os_family == "Suse" %} # The existence of this file prevents the system to # overwrite files from salt when installing. postfix-init-file-managed-postfix.configured: file.managed: - name: /var/adm/postfix.configured - contents: '' - mode: '0644' - user: 'root' - group: 'root' - require_in: - pkg: postfix-init-pkg-installed-postfix {%- endif %} postfix-init-pkg-installed-postfix: pkg.installed: - name: {{ postfix.package }} {%- if grains.os_family == "FreeBSD" %} - force: True - batch: True {%- endif %} - watch_in: - service: postfix-init-service-running-postfix postfix-init-service-running-postfix: service.running: - name: postfix - enable: {{ salt['pillar.get']('postfix:enable_service', True) }} - reload: {{ salt['pillar.get']('postfix:reload_service', True) }} - require: - pkg: postfix-init-pkg-installed-postfix - watch: - pkg: postfix-init-pkg-installed-postfix {%- if salt['pillar.get']('postfix:reload_service', True) %} # Restart postfix if the package was changed. # This also provides an ID to be used in a watch_in statement. postfix-init-service-running-postfix-restart: service.running: - name: postfix - watch: - pkg: postfix-init-pkg-installed-postfix {%- endif %} # manage /etc/aliases if data found in pillar {% if 'aliases' in pillar.get('postfix', '') %} {% if salt['pillar.get']('postfix:aliases:use_file', true) == true %} {%- set need_newaliases = False %} {%- set file_path = postfix.aliases_file %} {%- if ':' in file_path %} {%- set file_type, file_path = postfix.aliases_file.split(':') %} {%- else %} {%- set file_type = postfix.default_database_type %} {%- endif %} {%- if file_type in ("btree", "cdb", "dbm", "hash", "sdbm") %} {%- set need_newaliases = True %} {%- endif %} postfix-init-file-managed-alias-database: file.managed: - name: {{ file_path }} {% if salt['pillar.get']('postfix:aliases:content', None) is string %} - contents_pillar: postfix:aliases:content {% else %} - source: salt://postfix/files/mapping.j2 {% endif %} - user: root - group: {{ postfix.root_grp }} - mode: '0644' - template: jinja - context: data: {{ salt['pillar.get']('postfix:aliases:present') }} colon: True - require: - pkg: postfix-init-pkg-installed-postfix {%- if need_newaliases %} postfix-init-cmd-wait-new-aliases: cmd.wait: - name: newaliases - cwd: / - watch: - file: {{ file_path }} {%- endif %} {% else %} {%- for user, target in salt['pillar.get']('postfix:aliases:present', {}).items() %} postfix-init-alias-present-{{ user }}: alias.present: - name: {{ user }} - target: {{ target }} {%- endfor %} {%- for user in salt['pillar.get']('postfix:aliases:absent', {}) %} postfix-init-alias-absent-{{ user }}: alias.absent: - name: {{ user }} {%- endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %}