* Initial commit for new branch * Quick change to base test files * Updated map.jinja, added `php` dependency for all subformulas * Fixing mongo module and map.jinja needed OpenSSL dev libraries * Should be final changes needed for Mongo module * Updating Suhosin package since many distros don't have package in their repos anymore * Generalizing suhosin module, and updating pillar.example for new PPA * Adding addtional logic for RedHat based families to Suhosin * Initial commit of NG refactored map.jinja file * Deleting FFMpeg state file since the module is quite old, and has been replaced by using a Composer library. See https://github.com/PHP-FFMpeg/PHP-FFMpeg for details * Updating NG formulas for new definitions * Removing 'twig' as a state since it can be installed via Composer * Changes to installed.jinja to set correct PHP path based on version * NG Composer and NG Suhosin changes * Version bump and deleting README for deleted states * Finished refactor of NG map.jinja file * Adding trailing commas (forgot them earler) * Adding changes list, and modifying map file for missing definitions when using Ubuntu 16.04 and NOT using a PPA * Changes needed after performing testing on RHEL 7 * Changes needed for Ubuntu Trusty without using PPA * Removing testing files; keep on local * Map changes needed after testing Debian Jessie * Changed needed for Debian Wheezy * Adding more pkgs for Arch Linux support * More ArchLinux support * Stupid tabs * Removing extra line breaks, and using the general "use_external_repo" in the future if DotDeb (Debian) or Webtactic (RedHat) * Accoutning for Precise `phpenmod` and others
90 lines
2.4 KiB
90 lines
2.4 KiB
{% from "php/ng/map.jinja" import php with context %}
- php.ng
- php.ng.dev
{% set phpng_version = salt['pillar.get']('php:ng:version', '7.0')|string %}
{% if salt['grains.get']('os') == "Ubuntu" %}
{% if phpng_version >= '7.0' %}
{% set suhosin_ext = php.lookup.pkgs.suhosin7_ext %}
{% set suhosin_name = 'suhosin7' %}
{% set suhosin_repo = php.lookup.pkgs.suhosin7_repo %}
{% set tmppath = '/tmp/suhosin7' %}
{% else %}
{% set suhosin_ext = php.lookup.pkgs.suhosin5_ext %}
{% set suhosin_name = 'suhosin' %}
{% set suhosin_repo = php.lookup.pkgs.suhosin5_repo %}
{% set tmppath = '/tmp/suhosin5' %}
{% endif %}
{% elif salt['grains.get']('os_family') == "RedHat" %}
{% if grains['osmajorrelease'] == "7" %}
{% set suhosin_ext = php.lookup.pkgs.suhosin5_ext %}
{% set suhosin_name = 'suhosin' %}
{% set suhosin_repo = php.lookup.pkgs.suhosin5_repo %}
{% set tmppath = '/tmp/suhosin5' %}
{% else %}
{# RHEL version 6 contains PHP 5.3, which is not supported by Suhosin #}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set suhosin_ext = php.lookup.pkgs.suhosin5_ext %}
{% set suhosin_name = 'suhosin' %}
{% set suhosin_repo = php.lookup.pkgs.suhosin5_repo %}
{% set tmppath = '/tmp/suhosin5' %}
{% endif %}
- pkgs: {{ php.lookup.pkgs.build_pkgs }}
pkg.installed: []
- name: {{ suhosin_repo }}
- target: {{ tmppath }}
- unless:
- test -d {{ tmppath }}
- require:
- pkg: git
- name: |
make install
- cwd: {{ tmppath }}
- shell: /bin/bash
- runas: root
- unless:
- test -e {{ php.lookup.pkgs.ext_conf_path }}/{{ suhosin_name }}.ini
- require:
- pkg: build-pkgs
- git: suhosin-source
- name: {{ php.lookup.pkgs.ext_conf_path }}/{{ suhosin_name }}.ini
- contents: |
extension={{ suhosin_ext }}
- require:
- pkg: php
- cmd: install-suhosin
- unless:
- test -e {{ php.lookup.pkgs.ext_conf_path }}/{{ suhosin_name }}.ini
{% if salt['grains.get']('os_family') == "Debian" %}
- name: {{ php.lookup.pkgs.phpenmod_command }} {{ suhosin_name }}
- require:
- file: php-suhosin-conf
{% endif %}