docs(map): document the new map.jinja
with targeting like syntax
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,6 +31,12 @@ which contains the currently released version. This formula is versioned accordi
See `Formula Versioning Section <>`_ for more details.
See `Formula Versioning Section <>`_ for more details.
If you need (non-default) configuration, please refer to:
- `how to configure the formula with map.jinja <map.jinja.rst>`_
- the ``pillar.example`` file
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.. _map.jinja:
``map.jinja``: gather formula configuration values
The `documentation`_ explains the use of a ``map.jinja`` to gather parameters values for a formula.
As `pillars`_ are rendered on the Salt master for every minion, this increases the load on the master as the pillar values and the number of minions grows.
As a good practice, you should:
- store non-secret data in YAML files distributed by the `fileserver`_
- store secret data in:
- `pillars`_ (and look for the use of something like `pillar.vault`_)
- `SDB`_ (and look for the use of something like `sdb.vault`_)
Current best practice is to let ``map.jinja`` handle parameters from all sources, to minimise the use of pillars, grains or configuration from ``sls`` files and templates directly.
.. contents:: **Table of Contents**
For formula users
Quick start: configure per role and per DNS domain name values
We will see a quick setup to configure the ``TEMPLATE`` formula for different DNS domain name and several roles.
For this example, I'll define 2 kinds of `fileserver`_ sources:
1. formulas git repositories with hard-coded version reference to avoid breaking my setup randomly at upstream update. they are the last sources where files are looked up
2. parameters of the formulas in the file backend `roots`_
Configure the fileserver backends
I configure the `fileserver`_ backends to serve:
1. files from `roots`_ first
2. `gitfs`_ repositories last
Create the file ``/etc/salt/master.d/fileserver.conf`` and restart the ``master``:
.. code-block:: yaml
## file server
# parameters values and override
- roots
# formulas
- gitfs
# The files in this directory will take precedence over git repositories
- /srv/salt
# List of formulas I'm using
- base: v4.1.1
- base: v2.0.1
Create per DNS configuration for ``TEMPLATE`` formula
Now, we can provides the per DNS domain name configuration files for the ``TEMPLATE`` formulas under ``/srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/``.
We create the directory for ``dns:domain`` grain and we add a symlink for the ``domain`` grain which is extracted from the minion ``id``:
.. code-block:: console
mkdir -p /srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/dns:domain/
ln -s dns:domain /srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/domain
We create a configuration for the DNS domain ```` in ``/srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/dns:domain/``:
.. code-block:: yaml
config: /etc/template-formula-example-net.conf
We create another configuration for the DNS domain ```` in ``/srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/dns:domain/``:
.. code-block:: yaml
config: /etc/template-formula-{{ grains['os_family'] }}.conf
Create per role configuration for ``TEMPLATE`` formula
Now, we can provides the per role configuration files for the ``TEMPLATE`` formulas under ``/srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/``.
We create the directory for roles:
.. code-block:: console
mkdir -p /srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/roles
We will define 2 roles:
- ``TEMPLATE/server``
- ``TEMPLATE/client``
We create a configuration for the role ``TEMPLATE/server`` in ``/srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/roles/TEMPLATE/server.yaml``:
.. code-block:: yaml
config: /etc/template-formula-server.conf
We create another configuration for the role ``TEMPLATE/client`` in ``/srv/salt/TEMPLATE/parameters/roles/TEMPLATE/client.yaml``:
.. code-block:: yaml
config: /etc/template-formula-client.conf
Enable roles and the ``dns:domain`` and ``domain`` grains for ``map.jinja``
We need to redefine the sources for ``map.jinja`` to load values from our new configuration files, we provide a global configuration for all our minions.
We create the global parameters file ``/srv/salt/parameters/map_jinja.yaml``:
.. code-block:: yaml
# default values
- "Y:G@osarch"
- "Y:G@os_family"
- "Y:G@os"
- "Y:G@osfinger"
- "C@{{ tplroot ~ ':lookup' }}"
- "C@{{ tplroot }}"
# Roles activate/deactivate things
# then thing are configured depending on environment
# So roles comes before `dns:domain`, `domain` and `id`
- "Y:C@roles"
# DNS domain configured (DHCP or resolv.conf)
- "Y:G@dns:domain"
# Based on minion ID
- "Y:G@domain"
# default values
- "Y:G@id"
The syntax is explained later at `Sources of configuration values`_.
Bind roles to minions
We associate roles `grains`_ to minion using `grains.append`_.
For the servers:
.. code-block:: console
salt 'server-*' grains.append roles TEMPLATE/server
For the clients:
.. code-block:: console
salt 'client-*' grains.append roles TEMPLATE/client
.. note::
Since we used ``Y:C@roles``, ``map.jinja`` will do a ``salt['config.get']('roles')`` to retrieve the roles so you could use any other method to bind roles to minions (`pillars`_ or `SDB`_) but `grains`_ seems to be the prefered method.
Format of configuration YAML files
When you write a new YAML file, note that it must conform to the following layout:
- a mandatory ``values`` key to store the configuration values
- two optional keys to configure the use of `salt.slsutil.merge`_
- an optional ``strategy`` key to configure the merging strategy, for example ``strategy: 'recurse'``, the default is ``smart``
- an optional ``merge_lists`` key to configure if lists should be merged or overridden for the ``recurse`` and ``overwrite`` strategy, for example ``merge_lists: 'true'``
Here is a valid example:
.. code-block:: yaml
strategy: 'recurse'
merge_lists: 'false'
name: 'some-package'
config: '/path/to/a/configuration/file'
You can use `Jinja`_ as with any SLS files:
.. code-block:: yaml
strategy: 'overwrite'
merge_lists: 'true'
output_dir: /tmp/{{ grains['id'] }}
Sources of configuration values
Configuring ``map.jinja`` sources
The ``map.jinja`` file uses several sources where to lookup parameter values. The list of sources can be modified by two files:
1. a global ``salt://parameters/map_jinja.yaml``
2. a per formula ``salt://{{ tplroot }}/parameters/map_jinja.yaml``, it overrides the global configuration
Each source definition has the form ``<TYPE>:<OPTION>@<KEY>`` where ``<TYPE>`` can be one of:
- ``Y`` to load values from YAML files from the `fileserver`_, this is the default when no type is defined
- ``C`` to lookup values with `salt['config.get']`_
- ``G`` to lookup values with `salt['grains.get']`_
- ``I`` to lookup values with `salt['pillar.get']`_
The YAML type option can define the query method to lookup the key value to build the file name:
- ``C`` to query with `salt['config.get']`_, this is the default when no query method is defined
- ``G`` to query with `salt['grains.get']`_
- ``I`` to query with `salt['pillar.get']`_
The ``C``, ``G`` or ``I`` types can define the ``SUB`` option to store values in the sub key ``mapdata.<KEY>`` instead of directly in ``mapdata``.
Finally, the ``<KEY>`` describes what to lookup to either build the YAML filename or gather values using one of the query methods.
.. note::
For the YAML type, if the ``<KEY>`` can't be looked up, then it's used a literal string path to a YAML file, for example: ``any/path/can/be/used/here.yaml`` will result in the loading of ``salt://{{ tplroot }}/parameters/any/path/can/be/used/here.yaml`` if it exists.
The built-in ``map_jinja:sources`` is:
.. code-block:: yaml
- "Y:G@osarch"
- "Y:G@os_family"
- "Y:G@os"
- "Y:G@osfinger"
- "C@{{ tplroot ~ ':lookup' }}"
- "C@{{ tplroot }}"
- "Y:G@id"
This is strictly equivalent to the following ``map_jinja.yaml`` using `Jinja`_:
.. code-block:: sls
- "parameters/osarch/{{ salt['grains.get']('osarch') }}.yaml"
- "parameters/os_family/{{ salt['grains.get']('os_family') }}.yaml"
- "parameters/os/{{ salt['grains.get']('os') }}.yaml"
- "parameters/osfinger/{{ salt['grains.get']('osfinger') }}.yaml"
- "C@{{ tplroot ~ ':lookup' }}"
- "C@{{ tplroot }}"
- "parameters/id/{{ salt['grains.get']('id') }}.yaml"
Loading values from the configuration sources
For each configuration source defined in ``map_jinja:sources``, ``map.jinja`` will:
#. load values depending on the source type:
- for YAML file sources
- if the ``<KEY>`` can be looked up, load values from the YAML file named ``salt://{{ tplroot }}/paramaters/<KEY>/{{ salt['<QUERY_METHOD>']('<KEY>') }}.yaml`` if it exists
- otherwise, load the YAML file named ``salt://{{ tplroot }}/parameters/<KEY>.yaml`` if it exists
- for ``C``, ``G`` or ``I`` source type, lookup the value of ``salt['<QUERY_METHOD>']('<KEY>')``
#. merge the loaded values with the previous ones using `salt.slsutil.merge`_
There will be no error if a YAML file does not exists, they are all optional.
Configuration values from ``salt['config.get']``
For sources with of type ``C`` declared in ``map_jinja:sources``, you can configure the ``merge`` option of `salt['config.get']`_ by defining per formula ``strategy`` configuration key (retrieved with ``salt['config.get'](tplroot ~ ':strategy')`` with one of the following values:
- ``recurse`` merge recursively dictionaries. Non dictionary values replace already defined values
- ``overwrite`` new value completely replace old ones
By default, no merging is done, the first value found is returned.
Global view of the order of preferences
To summarize, here is a complete example of the load order of formula configuration values for an ``AMD64`` ``Ubuntu 18.04`` minion named ```` for the ``libvirt`` formula:
#. ``parameters/defaults.yaml``
#. ``parameters/osarch/amd64.yaml``
#. ``parameters/os_family/Debian.yaml``
#. ``parameters/os/Ubuntu.yaml``
#. ``parameters/osfinger/Ubuntu-18.04.yaml``
#. ``salt['config.get']('libvirt:lookup')``
#. ``salt['config.get']('libvirt')``
#. ``parameters/id/``
Remember that the order is important, for example, the value of ``key1:subkey1`` loaded from ``parameters/os_family/Debian.yaml`` is overridden by a value loaded from ``parameters/id/``.
For formula authors and contributors
``map.jinja`` requires:
- salt minion 2018.3.3 minimum to use the `traverse`_ jinja filter
- to be located at the root of the formula named directory (e.g. ``libvirt-formula/libvirt/map.jinja``)
- the ``libsaltcli.jinja`` library, stored in the same directory, to disable the ``merge`` option of `salt['config.get']`_ over `salt-ssh`_
Use formula configuration values in ``sls``
The ``map.jinja`` exports a unique ``mapdata`` variable which could be renamed during import.
Here is the best way to use it in an ``sls`` file:
.. code-block:: sls
{#- Get the `tplroot` from `tpldir` #}
{%- set tplroot = tpldir.split("/")[0] %}
{%- from tplroot ~ "/map.jinja" import mapdata as TEMPLATE with context %}
- name: {{ TEMPLATE | json }}
Use formula configuration values in templates
When you need to process salt templates, you should avoid calling `salt['config.get']`_ (or `salt['pillar.get']`_ and `salt['grains.get']`_) directly from the template. All the needed values should be available within the ``mapdata`` variable exported by ``map.jinja``.
Here is an example based on `template-formula/TEMPLATE/config/file.sls`_:
.. code-block:: sls
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: ft=sls
{#- Get the `tplroot` from `tpldir` #}
{%- set tplroot = tpldir.split('/')[0] %}
{%- set sls_package_install = tplroot ~ '.package.install' %}
{%- from tplroot ~ "/map.jinja" import mapdata as TEMPLATE with context %}
{%- from tplroot ~ "/libtofs.jinja" import files_switch with context %}
- {{ sls_package_install }}
- name: {{ TEMPLATE.config }}
- source: {{ files_switch(['example.tmpl'],
- mode: 644
- user: root
- group: {{ TEMPLATE.rootgroup }}
- makedirs: True
- template: jinja
- require:
- sls: {{ sls_package_install }}
- context:
This ``sls`` file expose a ``TEMPLATE`` context variable to the jinja template which could be used like this:
.. code-block:: jinja
# File managed by Salt at <{{ source }}>.
# Your changes will be overwritten.
This is another example file from SaltStack template-formula.
# This is here for testing purposes
{{ TEMPLATE | json }}
winner of the merge: {{ TEMPLATE['winner'] }}
.. _documentation:
.. _fileserver:
.. _salt['config.get']:
.. _salt['grains.get']:
.. _salt['pillar.get']:
.. _pillar.vault:
.. _pillars:
.. _grains:
.. _grains.append:
.. _SDB:
.. _sdb.vault:
.. _Jinja:
.. _roots:
.. _gitfs:
.. _salt.slsutil.merge:
.. _traverse:
.. _salt-ssh:
.. _template-formula/TEMPLATE/config/file.sls:
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