2019-02-12 19:11:46 +01:00
sshd_enable: True
sshd_binary: /usr/sbin/sshd
sshd_config: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
2019-06-25 15:31:34 +11:00
sshd_config_src: sshd_config # Default TOFS source filename
2019-02-12 19:11:46 +01:00
sshd_config_user: root
sshd_config_group: root
sshd_config_mode: '644'
sshd_config_backup: True
ssh_config: /etc/ssh/ssh_config
2019-06-25 15:31:34 +11:00
ssh_config_src: ssh_config # Default TOFS source filename
2019-02-12 19:11:46 +01:00
ssh_config_user: root
ssh_config_group: root
ssh_config_mode: '644'
ssh_config_backup: True
banner: /etc/ssh/banner
2019-06-25 15:31:34 +11:00
banner_src: banner # Default TOFS source filename
2019-02-12 19:11:46 +01:00
ssh_known_hosts: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
2019-07-04 00:07:34 +01:00
ssh_known_hosts_src: ssh_known_hosts # Default TOFS source filename
2019-02-12 19:11:46 +01:00
dig_pkg: dnsutils
ssh_moduli: /etc/ssh/moduli
root_group: root
# Prevent merge of array; always override values
host_key_algos: ecdsa,ed25519,rsa
# To manage/remove DSA:
#host_key_algos: dsa,ecdsa,ed25519,rsa
2017-02-19 14:45:12 +01:00
2019-02-12 19:11:46 +01:00
sshd_config: {}
ssh_config: {}